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PC balance change 1.02
Balance Mods: BalanceMod
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1.375 KB
28 Nov, 2014 @ 12:22pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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PC balance change 1.02

[NOTE: When i updated this file, it made a new entry. Thus i have deleted the old one and this is now the running one. Every time this happens i will update the file number]

A balance change for my personal use, uploaded to w/s incase of loss during wipes.

Still, should anyone be interested, ive reduced the build time for all abodes. Nothing will take more the 2min to build.

Also sped up belief generation by 10x (removed the first zero after the decimal, so 0.03 is now 0.3).

File may change periodically, but bear in mind the primary purpose of this file is for my own use.

(Update 1)
Not sure if it updated to steam workshop or not, but i halved the edited belief generation rate. It was to fast.

(Update 2)
Sped up wheat growth.

(Update 3)
Lowered wheat growth. Feels more valuable like this, but not to long either. Bigger fields spawn faster.

(Update 4)
Changed birth rate values to try to overcome 48hour birth waits. Crops timers re-set to default. Re-edited, though lower than before this time.

(Update 5)
Ive reached mines. Given them the same generation as wheat, HOWERVER, I felt wheat was a little to fast still, so i lowered it.
Gamer of Indeterminate Gender 29 Mar, 2023 @ 4:57am 
@chaotea I do appreciate the quick reply on what's essentially a nigh-perma dormant mod. I'll give this a test run at some point soon, once I get a good understanding of the vanilla game first, and I'll see how well this performs, both alone and potentially alongside others that may have changed in compatibility. :se:
chaotea  [author] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 4:54am 
Though the last update to the game was in 2016 so probably.
chaotea  [author] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 4:51am 
@Gamer, I have no idea, ive not played the game for some time.
Gamer of Indeterminate Gender 28 Mar, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
Hey, new player here, is this still compatible with the more recent update, A5hf3? Many thanks!
gwood2980 28 May, 2019 @ 9:46am 
thank u so much
chaotea  [author] 12 Jan, 2015 @ 3:02pm 
cant remember off the top of my head. Think so, but not 100%
lord.shadowy 8 Jan, 2015 @ 8:09pm 
How do you change the generation for Wheat? Is it just the belief modifier? Thanks
76561198134723388 6 Dec, 2014 @ 9:20am 
Yea, took me a while to figure that out
chaotea  [author] 5 Dec, 2014 @ 8:53am 
@ CTifer: Yea, took me a while to figure that out.
CTifer 5 Dec, 2014 @ 6:45am 
nvm on my question. I see now that you need to scroll over to the right to see more options.