36 ratings
Enable Units by MCT
Tags: mod
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431.192 KB
12 Feb @ 12:06am
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Enable Units by MCT

Modder tool.
This pack will give you a base-script to modify to enable/disable your units with mct.
The script is build for 3 units, but you can easily duplicate the blocks to add units.

Doesn't work for RoR nor Lords/Heroes.
Deli Paşa 16 Feb @ 3:25am 
Yeah, i understand that much. I made a formation submod for 700+ units with 40 different mod. Mostly mods i used. I planning to do exact samething with your base.
Allan Eddem  [author] 16 Feb @ 2:21am 
Deli Paşa : You'll still need to create the submod. What you'll have here is just a base.
Deli Paşa 15 Feb @ 8:34am 
The mod i needed the most is here. Finally i will be able to use any unit i want from different mods. Most of the time there is two or more similar units filling my unit list because of that.
I planning to make a submod for most of the mods i used for my formation submod.
Thank you very much
Allan Eddem  [author] 15 Feb @ 12:13am 
This is only a modders tools.
It is to give premade scripts to modders who would like to add a mct-suport for their units.
sigmars_disciple 14 Feb @ 5:20am 
To turn off specific units from popular unit mods, folks (NOT what this mod does!)

1.) Use each mod's MCT settings when available - from main game menu, enter Mod Configuration Tool's settings using its icon in the top left -> find mod by name there if it offers MCT support -> deactivate certain units by removing the checkmarks -> save

2.) In all other cases, use the free WH3 Mod Manager by Prop Joe and others, free from Github

Almost ANY mod that contains new units can be customized to exclude certain units on WH3MM level: Select one mod so its entire row is highlighted. When hovering over the right part of the screen there's a settings icon-> click and exclude units by reoming the checkmarks

Both ways will save any settings you made locally. Hope that helps <3
TwelveStep 12 Feb @ 8:04am 
It says Modder tool, so I assume this is just an asset pack to more easily allow modders to offer the option to have their units toggle on or off via MCT.

Not a means for players to turn off units from vanilla or otherwise.
BrennoPereira 12 Feb @ 4:20am 
does this works with mod units?