Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

432 ratings
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
32.660 MB
15 Nov, 2014 @ 5:25am
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The Accuracy International PM (Precision Marksman) rifle was entered into a British competition in the early 1980s as a replacement for the Lee-Enfield derived sniper rifles then in use by the British Army (e.g. L42A1). The Accuracy International rifle was selected over the Parker Hale M85. The British Army adopted the Accuracy International PM in 1982 into service as the L96A1 and outfitted the rifle with Schmidt & Bender 6x42 telescopic sights. In this configuration the rifle is capable of first shot hits with a cold, warm or fouled barrel. Tests with 10.89 g (168 gr) ammunition provided sub 0.5 MOA ten-shot groups at 91 m (100 yd) and the rifle was supplied with a telescopic sight, bipod, five magazines, sling, cleaning kit and tool roll, encased in a fitted transport case.

Wiki link:

Sniper rifle L96A1 made ​​specifically for the game Garry's Mod 13 me (Kirinola).
I made it specially for my collection of weapons for Garry's Mod, which is called (Kirinola) Swep's.
Kirinola(this is me) - scripting
Ilopn - Animation
ImBrokeRU - Model, bake
MiLLenia - Textures, shaders
Zira and STARELOR - Sound
[S] - Compile, world models, buy pics, render
ƵombieBagel™ #BagelNation 14 Nov, 2015 @ 6:39pm 
Is it possible to add a weapon texture when you kill somebody and it shows up in the kill feed?
Water Chicken 14 Mar, 2015 @ 9:27am 
it doesn't allow me to go back to scoped view unless I have a full mag
GrandLugmos 8 Mar, 2015 @ 4:25pm 
It's a good weapon for me, that is, when it works. I've only been able to use this gun once. All the other timea a beginning error occurs, followed by a chain of errors when i try to use the scope, and i can't noscope either because it won't fire
Mass murderer 25 Nov, 2014 @ 10:50am 
Вот это скачаю)
ragethezorua 20 Nov, 2014 @ 1:34pm 
It`s pretty much the same model. He did good. Just he picked the wrong weapon to work on. we have too many l96a1s
Jack Bandit | Space Cowboy 18 Nov, 2014 @ 12:27pm 
looks like Mr.Pyrous Tactical SWEP Expansion's L96
Celliers 18 Nov, 2014 @ 6:02am 
gr8 m8 i r8 8/8, lol but srsly doe, nice gun
ALTURA 17 Nov, 2014 @ 10:22pm 
Please make some more sniper rifles :D
✔AL's∇MoonL.ℕight☾ 16 Nov, 2014 @ 9:57am 
О классная винтовка!( Продолжай в том же духе :D! )
darktooth03 15 Nov, 2014 @ 11:19pm 
like mk9 but more realstic ill try it