104 평점
Cult of Azathoth
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Mod Features: New Content
Mod Side: Both
tModLoader Version: 1.4.4
Language: English
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370.187 KB
2024년 12월 16일 오후 3시 30분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

다운로드 위해 구독하기
Cult of Azathoth

The Cult of Azathoth mod expands upon the remnants of the cultists after the defeat of The Lunatic Cultist and the Moon Lord. A new figure has come to power, and it is up to you to stop him! This mod includes new NPCs, armour, weapons, and enemies.

Players will be able to venture into a new dungeon to confront the Azathoth Cultist before he awakens Azathoth. Gather Teleporter shards from the Cultist Devotees, clad in purple, to craft the key to stopping his plans for complete annihilation! You will be greatly rewarded for your efforts.

Built for Terraria 1.4.4

Disclaimer: This mod is under development, and is still an unfinished product!


Supernova Armor Set
Blackhole Armor Set
Comet Armor Set
Quasar Armor Set


Gamma Ray
HaleBopp Bow

*These items are all upgraded versions of the base game pillar sets.
**The Gamma Ray, Singularity, and Pulsar do not have unique sprites yet


Teleporter Shard
Teleporter Orb
Negative Shard
Azathoth Boss Summon
Azathoth Loot Bag


Azathoth Cult Devotee
The Azathoth Cultist

Town NPCs

Cult Defector

- tmodloader
- Subworld Library

- New enemies and bosses
- Upgrades to armor and weapons
- New dungeon area

- Friendly cultist NPC will run away from enemies that approach him.
- Spritesheets for Cultist Devotee and The Azathoth Cultist are not cutting correctly, thus not showing animations
- The Azathoth Cultist currently does not have custom attacks or ai and is a model swap of the Lunatic Cultist at the moment.

- Custom art assets and Friendly Cultist NPC by Victoria Schinstine, Vexelious (Steam/Nexus/Discord)
- Boss and Enemy implementation by Scott Jackson, chiaki__nanami (Discord)
- Boss Dialogue by imafigment8 (Steam)
- Weapon and Armor implementation by Sean Hogan
- Subworld Library implementation by Maddy Hinz

This mod was created as a team project for a game modding class within The School of Interactive Games and Media (IGM)at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester NY. IGM provides an educational environment that supports and encourages creative and collaborative academic inquiry by both faculty and students. IGM’s programs, coursework, research, and development efforts provide students with the knowledge and skills to pursue meaningful and rewarding careers in media-centric, interactive software development, while simultaneously advancing the field and helping to provide a well-rounded educational experience.

tModLoader CultofAzathoth님이 먼저 게시:
Developed By Omegegi
댓글 38
NanoBread3 2025년 2월 21일 오후 1시 10분 
you should put a few images of items and bosses
Napoleon JoJoparte 2025년 1월 20일 오후 6시 38분 
This guy went to S.I.G.MA
for S.I.G.MA.R
Ashes 2025년 1월 1일 오전 1시 53분 
that thumbnail reminds me of the old final boss concept for terraria

John Snail 2024년 12월 31일 오전 11시 39분 
The user below reported this error to SubLib, what are you doing to cause a crash like this?
"System.NotSupportedException: Memory stream is not expandable."
fix3d 2024년 12월 31일 오전 6시 36분 
It was in multiplayer, I should add.
fix3d 2024년 12월 31일 오전 6시 36분 
My game crashed when using the teleporter item that can be crafted and optained pre hardmode. I play the mod together with terraria origins and for some reason after the crash terraria origins got disabled instead of this mod. Any idea what the issue could be?
TheScoutFromTF2 2024년 12월 29일 오후 12시 33분 
it's a good mod
SneakyTim 2024년 12월 28일 오전 8시 04분 
sg289096 2024년 12월 24일 오전 11시 46분 
Sumenora 2024년 12월 24일 오전 8시 35분 
let me guess...does not work in multplayer?