Tactical Breach Wizards

Tactical Breach Wizards

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Kellen & Banks: The first adventure
Tags: v24.07.24
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14 Dec, 2024 @ 12:04pm
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Kellen & Banks: The first adventure

[Spoilers for the ending!]

After finally forming their PI agency, Jen and Dessa quickly received their first contract. It seemed simple enough: Find a young man, Clyve Underwood, and bring him home safely. Apparently he planned to rob the Druid Mafia as they have some of the last stashes of mana dust. The prices have been skyrocketing ever since Medil destroyed the mines.

Fortunately they found him quickly. Unfortunately the Druid Mafia did the same. They plan on giving him an appropriate punishment: Inject tons of mana dust and give him stage 4 cancer, while keeping him locked up in a safe room. Jen and Dessa cannot waste time waiting for the local magical girls to come rescue him. They have to breach. And they have to breach hard!
Padelboot  [author] 16 Dec, 2024 @ 11:13am 
@longerlasting: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
longerlasting 16 Dec, 2024 @ 8:27am 
Very enjoyable set of levels. The layouts allow for different approaches, so learning the level is fun but so is mastering it. The difficulty scales nicely as well, not being too easy or hard at the start or end respectively.