The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

90 ratings
Using MODs Online
By Slayer_of_2012
Hello there guys, so with a little of search i discovered how to use mods in online, i will show you step by step in this guide.
Installing the modded .exe to allow mods online
First of all i would like to give a huuuuuge thanks and a hug to the creator of this patch, without it nothing of it would be possible, if anyone knows his Steam please comment below so i can give him the credits but anyways, his github is xADDBx

First of all you guys need to download this thing here from his github:

After you have download it, you need to open it and patch your isaac-ng.exe file, the default folder should be (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\isaac-ng.exe)

With the game's .exe patched it will allow you to load mods normally in the menu and getting online without asking you to turn mods off and restarting the game to be able to acess the online option.

You need to reapply the patch everytime the games gets updated (currently the game is at

Note: Your windows or antivirus will probably gives you a heads up for the file being "a trojan", don't worry about that is a false positive, i will post xADDBx it's own words about it below:

xADDBx commented 2 weeks ago •
The tool patches the game's binary to change how it behaves.
Some trojans/malware do bad stuff in a similar way, so AVs flag the file because it's suspicious.

You can look at the code; The release file is just the compiled project.
The Project does 3 things, GUI, finding the exe and patching. The patching can be seen here:

This is the release file on VirusTotal. Notably flagged from 25/72 Vendors.
This is the same compiled project, just with a black icon, on VirusTotal. I only added an icon to the file, and now only 13/72 Vendors flag the file. As this hopefully clarifies, AVs like to flag things based on being somewhat similar to other software, which, especially for small tools like this one, can often result in false positives. (
It's important to say that allowing some mods will cause desync, but the author on github said that if all players have the same mods installed and enabled that won't happen (meaning this is awesome to play along with friends)

But some mods don't cause desync at all, even if you are the only person with that mod installed (for example: EID External Item Descriptions) this one in fact is the one that made me search the entire internet to find a method of how to use mods in online, cause i can't really play without it.

Note: I didn't tested my other mods cause i still didn't catch up with the few friends i have to test a run with everyone with the same mods installed.

Note 2: I didn't tested and didn't heard a word about class mods to work, but i highly doubt this would work even if everyone has for example (Class mod Mei installed) but i could be wrong, if you guys have the time and the team to test it and works, let me know in the comments.
External Item Descriptions
In order for EID works correctly you need to change two values from false to true in the main.lua of the mod by default it should be located at
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\mods\external item descriptions_836319872)

You can manually change the following values in the main.lua of the mod to true:

EID.isMultiplayer = false -- Used to color P1's highlight/outline indicators (single player just uses white)
EID.isOnlineMultiplayer = false -- Set to true to disable code functions that might cause desyncs
EID.isMultiplayer = true -- Used to color P1's highlight/outline indicators (single player just uses white)
EID.isOnlineMultiplayer = true -- Set to true to disable code functions that might cause desyncs
If you want, feel free to add me so we can beat all the evil into the unknown depths below (or get powned together)
Slayer_of_2012  [author] 3 Mar @ 2:29pm 

try reinstalling the game since the game reinstall in like 5 minutes, do a clean install uninstall and delete the folder of the game and install it again, this maybe is happening due to the patch of EID from the mod
Mclovin 27 Feb @ 11:06am 
Hey bro, I installed this mod but didn’t want it anymore, so I uninstalled it. However, now there’s a weird issue whenever my friend and I play co-op and reset the run using "R" to get better items, we desync. This never happened before I installed your mod. Any idea how to fix this?
JoGurtTV 14 Feb @ 12:47am 
Hello, can you possibly help me privately?

I seem to be more than just stupid when it comes to installing the patch...

I would be happy if you could help me via private message...

best regards
Slayer_of_2012  [author] 11 Feb @ 5:56pm 
@Dr. Cactus

I was having that problem too, every time that was dropping a pill or a card i was getting desync, the solution for me was to delete, and reapplying the patch.
Dr. Cactus 9 Feb @ 12:29am 
Friend and I are playing with only EID and resprite mods, and we are still randomly desyncing.
We both followed the EID main.lua steps
Qua_xor 2 Feb @ 1:52am 
Obviously no. Well i tried.
Qua_xor 2 Feb @ 1:42am 
works on steamdeck? ill find out myself and hopefully works
САМОСВАЙ 28 Jan @ 9:26am 
P.S. Game Folder named as TBOI Rebirth
САМОСВАЙ 28 Jan @ 9:24am 
Hello. I got a problem with patching. After i picked Isaac-ng i press "Patch Game" and it says "An error Occured: Pattern not found in the executable. Maybe this tool is outdated?" What i need to do to patch my game? I tried to patch cracked TBOI(Repentance+ BETA with Multiplayer in it)
Slayer_of_2012  [author] 17 Jan @ 8:31am 

Sry, what u mean? You saying you're not finding the isaac-ng.exe? This .exe is located in the folder isaac rebirth is installed. (Steam/steamapps/common/The Binding of Isaac Rebirth)