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Buy high sell low - Harder economy
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12 Dec, 2024 @ 11:02am
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Buy high sell low - Harder economy

In 1 collection by PlayerEmers
memers mods
10 items
(Screenshots have some outdated item prices, but the buy high/sell low idea is the same.)

Made this mod for personnel use. It makes the economy "harder", inspired by the mod "Enhanced Survival Challenged" made by DreadLordNaf.
Makes early/mid game more challenging, so will take a bit longer for you to get things going with hiring more people and buying better gear.

The TL;DR changes are:

-Increase buying prices while your selling prices are for the most time lower (most items in the game are not tagged as "trade item" anymore). This means you will pay a high price for everything and sell pretty much everything for less (this includes loot from bodies and crafted gear).

-Increase prices of purchasable buildings on all towns and waystations.

-Increased bed prices on bars/waystations. Free beds are still free.

-Increased paid hire prices. Both generic and unique hires are a little bit more expensive.

-Some changes to trade cultures. The only way to have a small profit with hash runs now are behind late game/cheesed empire world states.

-Decrease random global markups to -10/+10%.

-Wells and rain collectors efficiency reduced by 50% (since farms are infinite money makers).

-Research artifacts prices remain the same, but most research costs were doubled. Research that uses AI Cores got costs increased by 1 (if a vanilla research costs 1 ancient book and 1 ai core, mod will cost 2 ancient book and 2 ai core).

-Not related to making economy harder, but the "Fabric Fix" mod made by Haethei was implemented on my mod. This makes cotton and hemp cost the same and makes fabric made by cotton more profitable (but hemp is still slighty better). Wont matter that much since you sell everything for less.


The overall price increases/decreases are more or less multiplied by factors of 8, with a some exceptions (like hash/tradable drinks, paid recruits...). Since FCS have some quirks (and im not that good messing around with it), there is not much else I can do. Purchasable animals for example have the same price because I could not find a way to increaase their value.

You should place this mod at the end of your load order. I also recommend to disable both mods I mentioned ("Enhanced Survival Challenged" and "Fabrics fix") if you have them installed.

If you find any bugs or weird inconsistencies, send a comment.