Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

238 ratings
Lock-in Target
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
File Size
15.773 KB
15 Nov, 2024 @ 9:42am
20 Nov, 2024 @ 2:42pm
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Lock-in Target

an auto-aim script that automatically locks in to npcs.
intended similiar to the likes of old games that had fixed camera angles

which is why this addon is best used with PS1 Camera style

using it in firstperson is fine though

was kind of looking for this type of addon, but i find none in workshop.
also, this was made with the help of ChatGPT.
i'm no expert in lua, so all i probably did is some minor readjustments, and giving chatgpt directions on how the addon supposed to function, which surprisingly functional ingame. (it can be a bit rough around the edges of course)


there are 3 important commands that you need to bind manually:


for example:
"bind v +autoaim"

while holding aiming, you can also switch to other targets while holding autoaim key.
you can also switch to right or left using:

bind mwheelup autoaim_switch_right
bind mwheeldown autoaim_switch_left

autoaim_switch command are now optional, it switches between left and right directions each time it's used.


You can also toggle autoaim by binding this command:



on a sidenote, npcs also highlights when you're locked into them.
you could turn this off by using this command:



you can also change highlight colors too using this command:

autoaim_highlight_color R G B


smoothness level are also adjustable:

autoaim_smoothness 0.1 (by default)

(lower = smoother, higher = faster)


Use this toggle whether you can aiming at friendly npcs or not:



There is now also a blacklist feature in which you can aim at an npc, and add them to blacklist if you consider them as friendly


(to disable this on specific npcs, just toggle autoaim_friendly_toggle and press it at the aimed npc again)

best to bind 2 keys to these 2 commands so it can be easier to adjust it. for example:

bind i autoaim_blacklist
bind o autoaim_friendly_toggle


The auto-aim only works for NPCS btw.

Feel free to adjust and tweak this addon to be better
BabyInAnMRI 21 Feb @ 8:03pm 
Freya 27 Jan @ 11:40pm 
Flare 27 Jan @ 5:22pm 
Whats the playermodel used in the thumbnail?
Tyrosaur 23 Jan @ 7:02am 
the command to toggle the highlight doesn't seem to exist, but a workaround is to use the command autoaim_highlight_color and set all 3 digits to 0. hope this helps
catmoochie 14 Jan @ 4:19pm 
thank you so much
pko 10 Jan @ 1:23pm 
autoaim_highlight_toggle It's an unknown command.
Spacey 2 Jan @ 9:38am 
autoaim_highlight_toggle ????
this command doesn't seem to exist
[MTRA Leader] KT 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:03pm 
Does this work on players to
Freya 15 Dec, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
By disabling this addon on your addon list