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London Underground 1967 Stock
TRAINS: Trains, Carriages
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3 Nov, 2024 @ 2:03pm
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London Underground 1967 Stock

In 1 collection by Spicypeppersauce
SpicyPepperSauces London Underground Mods
8 items
London Underground 1972 Stock
The 1972 stock operated on the Victoria line, and was replaced in 2010 by the 2009 Stock
In the game all cars are represented, including Driving motor(Red Front), Driving motor (white front), and Trailer
These form to create a 8 car train made up of two units, formed of a DM(R), T, T, DM(W),DM(W), T, T, DM(R)
To Make it more realistic I made the middle white driving cab not have the cab front represented like the end driving cabs, to make the train more consistant.
The trains are Visually identical from the 1972 stock however they have differing technical stats. The 1967 stock was also one of the first lines in the world to feature ATO (Automatic Train Operation), however unfortunatly this isnt implemented into NIMBY yet.
Spicypeppersauce  [author] 3 Nov, 2024 @ 4:35pm 
Lol yeah I'm planning to do all London underground units I can find enough info on to do. As I write this I am heading to acton town to get some pictures for the 73 mod.
MaverickHunterDaniel 3 Nov, 2024 @ 2:58pm 
Gotta love the ungrateful shopping list of a request below me. Either way, nice work on these units.
MonkeyHarris 3 Nov, 2024 @ 2:53pm 
can you do the 1938 1959 1962 1973 1995 1996 2009 d78 and c69 and c77 stocks please