No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

52 ratings
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Large catalog of interceptors in white and black. All starships from the catalog are located within the Euclid galaxy. This catalog will mostly contain my findings, but sometimes I will add other players (found on other resources, if possible, or sent to this guide).

Add the guide to your favorites if you are interested in interceptors. The catalog will be updated regularly. I would be very grateful for a [👍🏻] like, [🥇] award or share.

Catalog in other languages / Каталог іншими мовами
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Welcome to the convenient catalog of interceptors in white color.

📢 This guide is translated into English using Google Translate. Please do not scold the mistakes, thank you. Also, thank you to everyone who supports Ukraine! #StandWithUkraine

To move to the system of the starship you like, we will need any portal in the Euclid galaxy. If you don't have a portal, I recommend watching the video tutorial from HeRo2u
Some recommendations
⚠ For easy search of coordinates when flying on a starship, I recommend switching the ship view via the quick menu "X".

⚠ If the starship is not in place (but there is an autophag) / it flies away / is not clickable - I recommend flying away a short distance or reloading the restore point. This should solve the problem!

⚠ If there is a base near the starship, you can try to move to it, for example, from a space station. In the information about the interceptor, I indicate the name of the base, if there is one.

Last updated

In the catalog
25 interceptors
Black Interceptors
For a comfortable search, I sorted and moved the black interceptors to a separate catalog. Go ahead, like and choose 😍
Multicolored Interceptors
For a comfortable search, I sorted and moved interceptors of other colors to a separate catalog. Go ahead, like and choose 😍
Recovered-n / S / White
An incredible interceptor, as many call it - BatWing, in white with 2 vertical and 2 horizontal, forced cells. Quite high basic parameters. Near the starship there is a communication station (on this planet 4 interceptors of class S were found and near each I placed a communication station. I recommend flying immediately to the coordinates).

System: Eniwak
Planet: Iadu V
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -49.03, +177.58
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Blessing-LL1/NQ3-5 / S / White
A starship, in a rare white paint job. Just a white one. Small in size, round like a plate. The starship also has 2 vertical, forced cells. Near the starship is the player's base SSlarg with the name: Clean White Disc 2*****.

System: Yuwoolet
Planet: Roeze Sigma
Label: player base
Base name: Clean White Disc 2*****
Opening: SSlarg

S class coordinates: +13.26, -119.59
Colors: white
Selling price: 51 000 000 u.
b-Glass Soul / S / White & Lavender
Another starship in white paint with lavender elements. It has 2+1 horizontal, forced cells. Next to the starship is a red save beacon and a communication station.

System: Religos
Planet: Eforra XVI
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -28.30, +26.31
Color: white, lavender
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
0-Blessing / S / White
White, compact bird. Has 2 horizontal, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red conservation beacon.

System: Sivils
Planet: Niho 43/T5
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +12.09, -53.94
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Salvaged-O36-IM8-RA4 / S / White
Excellent interceptor in white with spread wings and spider legs (probably). Has 2+1 horizontal, forced cells and good characteristics. Near the starship is a communication station.

System: Aiwatagaw XIII
Planet: Akharr XII
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +53.34, -50.59
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Crimson-s / S / White
A snow-white spider with spread wings in white coloring with black elements. Does not have nearby, forced cells. But with an incredible appearance! Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Mizomers
Planet: Xeborougl
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +14.89, -46.29
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
k-Hunter / S / White
Another starship in an interesting configuration, with spread wings in white. It has 1+1 forced cells diagonally. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Himenqji
Planet: Puseidiusas Kinoo
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -3.38, -136.98
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Blessed-vb / S / White
Excellent interceptor in white with 2 vertical, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Peimta
Planet: Mipan
Label: red beacon of conservation, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -48.12, -118.36
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Reborn-y / S / White
A good starship in an interesting configuration in white. It has 1+1 forced cells diagonally. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Onomachib
Planet: Neusiu XVII
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -46.25, -98.47
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Reforged-97R/W / S / White
Excellent starship in white with many elements. Has 2 vertical, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Tutoriok
Planet: Gunmouthg XI
Label: red beacon of conservation, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -41.14, +173.89
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Atlas-Fire-to / S / White
An attractive white interceptor with spread wings and complex equipment. It has 1+1 forced cells diagonally. There is a communication station near the starship.

System: Hipian-Ucian
Planet: Ukobas
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -5.60, +42.13
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Remnant-y / S / White
A snow starship with good damage and other parameters, in a snow-white coloring and with black elements. This starship also has 2 horizontal and 2 vertical, forced cells. Next to the starship is a red beacon of preservation and a communication station.

System: Itbyairi
Planet: Drian VIII
Label: red beacon of conservation, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -4.09, -128.22
Colors: white
Selling price: 51 000 000 u.
Reborn-p / S / White
A nice interceptor in white with black and red elements on the body. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red conservation beacon.

System: Yosluge-Osai
Planet: Astapleb Omega
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +24.32, +22.89
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Recovered-ns / S / White
A nice white starship with 1+1 diagonally forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red save beacon.

System: Desmuli-Usa
Planet: New Cowestri
Label: red beacon of conservation, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -53.86, -25.04
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Recovered-3/76G-9 / S / White
A snow-white starship with good parameters. It has 2 vertical, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red conservation beacon.

System: Aainen-Renn XIV
Planet: Imal A19
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +37.03, -94.98
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Glass Soul-w / S / White
The starship is white as snow, with black elements. It has 2 vertical, forced cells and another 1+1 diagonally. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Osensky-Mast
Planet: Hutrapoll XVIII
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -12.12, +174.14
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
k-Flameborn / S / White
A good interceptor in white with good parameters.
There is a communication station near the starship.

System: Iyskiy-Nugw
Planet: Bifriste XVII
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -24.30, -146.96
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Flameborn-nv / S / White
A good interceptor in white with 2 horizontal, forced cells.
Near the starship is a communication station.

System: Arripug-Aox XV
Planet: Vigda Delta
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +44.95, -86.44
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Crimson-8K/ZB7 / S / White
A good starship with good parameters, in white paint with black elements. Unfortunately, without the nearby boosted cells. Next to the starship is a red beacon of preservation and a communication station.

System: Zudushi
Planet: Nevil VI
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +18.75, -123.40
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Blessing-ts / S / White
A good interceptor in white with 2 vertical, forced cells.
Near the starship is a communication station.

System: money trail 6
Planet: Dadulv Gamma
Label: communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: -9.56, +20.25
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Reborn-a / S / White
Large as an aircraft carrier interceptor, with many elements on the hull, in white. Has 2 horizontal, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Attilacc III
Planet: Gawar 44/T4
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +70.34, +121.08
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Glass Soul-n / S / White
Very beautiful, white, compact tank-interceptor. Has 2 vertical, forced cells. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Lamleig-Gou
Planet: Geydianu Buze
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: Gwintergreen

S class coordinates: +33.74, +163.07
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
Fragment-kv / S / White
An interesting find, a compact interceptor in white. There are 1+1 forced cells diagonally. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Ryushkalo
Planet: New Lugra
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +52.27, -30.48
Colors: white
Selling price: 27 300 000 u.
v-Aeron / S / White
White, compact, tank in snow-white color with black elements. Without forced cells located together, but with excellent parameters. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Ejongg-Zilyu
Planet: Kisa 60/L8
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: AnomalyNMS (nephren-ka_)

S class coordinates: +52.09, -138.80
Colors: white
Selling price: 51 000 000 u.
k-Aeron / S / White & Red
A starship with an interesting configuration, in white with red and black wings. Not bad parameters, but there are no forced cells standing together. Near the starship there is a communication station and a red beacon of preservation.

System: Wabiggl
Planet: Oxvil XVI
Label: red save beacon, communication station
Opening: REDD`I

S class coordinates: +20.87, +6.37
Colors: white, red, black
Selling price: 51 000 000 u.
There is a blue save point on the planet with a communications station, which houses A class starship with 4SC slots.
If you have difficulties or questions about finding an interceptor, moving to the system or any other points - add me as a friend and write in private messages. I will gladly help in solving the problem!

Please support Ukrainian content - like and add this guide to your favorites 💙💛 I would be very grateful for a [👍🏻] like, [🥇] award or share.

REDD`I  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
🛸 Added 6 interceptors

Recovered-n / S / White
k-Flameborn / S / White
Salvaged-O36-IM8-RA4 / S / White
Flameborn-nv / S / White
Blessing-ts / S / White
Atlas-Fire-to / S / White

👋 Click on the name of the interceptor to go to this page.
REDD`I  [author] 2 Oct, 2024 @ 10:20am 
Added 4 S class

☛ Fragment-kv / S / White
☛ k-Hunter / S / White
☛ Reborn-y / S / White
☛ Reborn-a / S / White
REDD`I  [author] 29 Sep, 2024 @ 3:09am 
Added 3 S class

☛ Blessed-vb / S / White
☛ Recovered-ns / S / White
☛ Reforged-97R/W / S / White
HIDEO KOJIMA 27 Sep, 2024 @ 7:26am 
thanks king
dangasa 22 Sep, 2024 @ 2:12am 
It's kind of interesting that I can sell some of the B class interceptors for 30m + units but some of these S class sell for less.
dangasa 22 Sep, 2024 @ 2:10am 
I've only been to four dissonance planets so far but only one of them had A class ship. Do you find these ships the usual way by using the locator item or are these special spawns? Do these ships appear on planets with B and C-class ships or something else? Are these ships equally distributed within the galaxy? I'm just asking because not looking for a progression skip and can only hold so many ships in the hangar anyway...
HeRo 21 Sep, 2024 @ 10:32am 
thank you so much.
REDD`I  [author] 20 Sep, 2024 @ 3:07am 
_Teklowka9_, glad to help :)
_Teklowka9_ 20 Sep, 2024 @ 2:19am 
Thank you very much friend very nice guide for begginers!:steamthumbsup: