Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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13 Feb @ 6:32pm
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In 2 collections by Endelka
Endel ”Core” Series
8 items
Endel ”Jewel” Series
39 items
CodeName: Obsidian
Version: 2.4 -Contact-
PCU: 7974
Area: AllAreas
Type: Combat
- 6 Gun-Gatling
- 6 Gun-Rocket
- 2 Gun-Assault-Cannon
- Turret-Gatling
- 2 Turret-Assault-Cannon
- Cargo-M
- the "Obsidian"Model is a Assault-Fighter
- the radar-script-range settings
- correspond to different monitors
- depending on whether they are operated
- from the cockpit or remote control
- an Ace-Class-Factor known by the Alias"Kage"
- was on a mission aboard the "Endel-Citrine"
- when he lost his signal and was never heard from again
- afterwards, "Kage" returned after inflicting heavy damage on the Rival-Faction
- "Endel-Citrine" he returned showed signs of extensive damage
- and it was confirmed that it had been repaired and modified
- to the point that it could be considered a different model
- this Obsidian-Model was developed based on the data of the model modified by "Kage"
- "Kage" later exposed spies within the ”Eld-Factor”Faction and explained
- that the signal loss at the time was intentional
- 強襲攻撃用の戦闘機です
- レーダースクリプトの範囲設定は
- コクピットの操作ではコクピットモニタが変更され
- リモートの操作ではカメラLCDが変更されます
Endelka  [author] 13 Feb @ 6:32pm 
- fix -2.4
- projector
Endelka  [author] 6 Feb @ 6:42am 
-update- ver2.4
- simplified toolbar by grouping some functions
- implemented Sensor-Theft based on comment idea
Endelka  [author] 2 Feb @ 6:08am 
i'm in the middle of updating "Rutile", "Rose" and "Hourglass"
but I'm not sure when
but I'll try adding anti-thief-sensor soon
thx for the great idea
Endelka  [author] 2 Feb @ 5:44am 
That's a good idea:steamthumbsup:
unless I'm incompetent and I explode:mcatwingl::clang::mcatwingr:
cool, i thought as much but wanted to know to make sure it was for those reason
funny thing is you could set up the scanner the size of the cockpit so if anyone else try to take your plane it goes boom ... ultimate anti-thief device :P
Endelka  [author] 1 Feb @ 11:18pm 
i have Warhead on my other fighters
its designed to make sure parts fly off
it is also intended to make it impossible to repair self-repairing models like "Endel-Eruption" by having parts fly off
Endelka  [author] 1 Feb @ 11:11pm 
if you don't arm yourself
you won't take any damage
this is a Warhead for a kamikaze attack as a last resort
I must why the warhead on the ship?