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Артикули (47)
Създадена от Lucille
Luminance is a library mod that provides a range of useful features to mods. For more information, check the github . Developed By Lucille Karma, Imogen...
Infernum Mode Music
Създадена от Imogen
Special music for the Infernum Mode. Works without Infernum enabled. Do note that PinpinNeon, the musician and owner of these tracks, intends and wishes for this music mod to be used during infernum mode fights! While you're free to use this music mod outs...
Infernum Multiplayer Patch
Създадена от squid
As of 12/24/23, almost all of this mod's fixes have been included into the main Infernum mod. This mod now only contains two fixes: -Moon Lord becoming invisible when killing an eye -Moon Lord not properly telegraphing attacks -Argus spawning infinitely wh...
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
Създадена от Imogen
An extension mod for Calamity that adds an extra difficulty - Infernum This difficulty is harder than Death mode and can be activated with the difficulty selection UI in Calamity. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs. Some bosses...
Calamity Mod
Създадена от Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over two thousand new items, new NPCs, a...
Calamity Mod Extra Music
Създадена от Tabletop Simulator
A port of the 1.3 mod "Calamity Mod Extra Music", with permission from ENNWAY (aka Turquoise, composer of all the music). Now on 1.4.4! This mod aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes. This mod is client-side, so you ...
Calamity Mod Music
Създадена от Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally o...
Calamity Post-ML Boots 灾厄月后鞋子
Създадена от plantare
This mod adds 3 post-Moon Lord boots matching Calamity tracers! As we all know, Calamity post-ML wings make us choose in tracers or simply wings And wings are better than tracers in flight, while tracers are way better in horizonal speed That's because you...
Calamity Rarities
Създадена от The Golden Knight
Calamity has added ModRarity support to their items as of Calamity v2.0.1.2. This mod now only gives Calamity items with unique rarities ModRarity compatibility. Config Options Use Unique Rarities: Enable this to give calamity items with unique colored tex...
Calamity's Vanities
Създадена от GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
Colored Calamity Relics
Създадена от Altixal
Adds color to every relic from the Calamity Mod. If relics were placed without the mod loaded prior, break and re-place the relic to add the colors. Note that the mod places variants of relic tiles, and unloading the mod will also unload any existing relic...
Unofficial Calamity Whips
Създадена от Poroboros
Do you like whips? Do you like Calamity? So do we! Unofficial Calamity Whips is a mod that aims to add several whips to the Calamity mod, in order to fill in progression gaps for summoner whip builds. DISCLAIMER: Unofficial Calamity Whips is in no way affi...
absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)
Създадена от absoluteAquarian
The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods. The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at: Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:...
AlchemistNPC Lite
Създадена от Gregg
This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff. New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer. The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jewele...
Auto Trash
Създадена от javidpack Overview Adds an Auto-Trash Slot: Place items in the Auto-Trash slot to immediately trash them as they are picked up later. Useful for all those items that clutter your inventory. Ctrl+Shift click inventory items to quickly ...
Създадена от Cyrilly Discord This mod can help you fish automatically. Which means auto pull and cast bobbers while holding a fishing pole. Auto Casting mode will automatically turn on when you are fishing and turn off when you stop fishing. You c...
Begone, Evil! (Disable Evil Biome Spread)
Създадена от javidpack This mod allows biome spread to be toggled in all worlds similar to the Infection Spread toggle available in Journey mode. By default, biome spread will be disabled just by enabling this mod. Crimson, Corruption, and Hallow ...
Better Blending
Създадена от Orion
Better Blending simply modifies which tiles blend together, primarily blending environmental tiles to make the world look less disconnected, such as ores blending with stone, ice, or other ores. Sandstone, granite, and marble also blend with stone, dirt, a...
Boss Checklist
Създадена от javidpack
Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues. Boss Checklist Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat ...
Boss Cursor
Създадена от kgoyo
Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss. This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim. The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how fa...
Census - Town NPC Checklist
Създадена от javidpack Overview Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople. A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled...
Compare Item Stats
Създадена от Vlidmir Putan
Compare Item Stats is a clientside mod that allows you to view differences between the currently selected item and the one you are hovering over in the tooltip. If you hover over armors or wings, and the selected item is not the same archetype, it will com...
Dialogue Panel Rework
Създадена от Cyrilly Discord This mod completely reworks NPC dialogue panel and sign editing panel. Inspired by the mobile version. Text scrolling is added. You can hold left to make it scroll faster. Mods that also modified NPC dialogue panel m...
Създадена от javidpack DPS Extreme! Ever wondered who dealt the most damage to a boss? Ever felt the need to track your Damage Per Second in relation to your friends? Have you ever wanted sweet, sweet looking meters to show off how much your chara...
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
Създадена от Cyrilly
This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips. (This mod has no text at all so every language is "localized") Github:
Hairstyles Unlock
Създадена от Cyrilly
In vanilla Terraria, some of the hairstyles can only be bought from the Stylist, and can't be chosen while creating your player. ( See: ) This mod makes all hairstyles available while creating your player....
Helpful Hotkeys
Създадена от javidpack Adds helpful hotkeys. Change hotkey assignments in Settings/Mod Controls. Cycle Ammo: Defaults to the Period key. Cycles the ammo in the ammo slots. Quickly switch ammo to adapt to situations. Hold for 1 second to enable/dis...
Improved Item Info
Създадена от ::<>
Improved Item Info (III) is mod that displays more comprehensive stats about weapons. It essentially shows how the weapon is affected by modifiers and accessories, as well as adding extra tooltips (such as projectile velocity). It is a spiritual successor ...
Infinite Station Buffs
Създадена от 【)〢
Infinite Station Buffs removes the time limit for Sharpening Station, Ammo Box, Crystal Ball, and Bewitching Table....
Interchangeable Emblems
Създадена от ImDarkTom
Interchangeable Emblems makes it so you can freely change your WoF emblem to a different one if you get an emblem from a class you are not playing. All you have to do is swap the emblem at an anvil to change it. This mod is also compatible with modded embl...
Loot Beams
Създадена от ChemAtDark
A special thank-you to everyone who has supported this small mod that I threw together in a few minutes, I never would have imagined something like this becoming as popular as it is, and for that I am very grateful. Latest Update: As there has been only on...
Max Stack Plus Extra
Създадена от 2bluntz@once
Makes the stacking of items configurable and easily changable. Originally by NuovaPrime, 1.4 port by RighteousRyan Changelog: V1.4.0.3 - Updated to V1.4.0.2 - Fixed Mod.Properties issue V1.4.0.1 - Added dedication to NuovaPrime V1.4 - Updated to th...
Multiplayer Boss Spectator
Създадена от Seedonator
by Seedonator This is a mod that allows you to spectate bossfights in multiplayer when you die and switch between bosses and players. Features: -Spectate bosses or players when you die during a boss fight -Hides most UI elements when spectating (including ...
No More Items Stuck in Blocks
Създадена от Cyrilly
Items stuck in blocks will now move up automatically now. You can join my discord if you have any questions:
Nucc's Copious Cosmetic Collection
Създадена от Carmen Winstead
Update v1.4 Update v1.4 has been released! Check out the changelogs to see what's changed and what's been added. Couldn't fit the entire table in the description, steam wouldn't let me :/ Mod Info Welcome to Nucc's Copious Cosmetic Collection! This is a sm...
Particle Library
Създадена от ✿snowy✿nibblz✿
With the release of API 3.0, any and all bug reports are very much appreciated! I can usually respond faster in my Discord server: Note that this mod DOES NOT CHANGE GAMEPLAY unless explicitly used by other mods!! Particle Lib...
Project tRU
Създадена от Yum
The mod doesn't add new content! Обо всех изменениях в русификаторе вы можете узнать на нашем Дискорд сервере ...
Rarity Borders
Създадена от hamsgbschbep
Rarity Borders shows the color of the item rarity around the item as a border. Works with any slot like in as Boss Checklist or Magic Storage! Now with custom border support! (Read guide) Borders: Border 0 ->
Recipe Browser
Създадена от javidpack Recipe Browser! Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to p...
Shared World Map
Създадена от Jake
Shared World Map is a mod that allows players to share what they've explored on any world. Features: Share map data in real time as you explore. Share previously explored sections of your map by selecting the desired region on your fullscreen map. Share al...
Shop Expander
Създадена от Exterminator
Shop expander aims to solve a problem encountered by many players using multiple large mods. Town NPCs have a limited amount of free shop inventory space. When multiple different mods add items to a single vanilla NPC's shop, it can overflow, causing any a...
Shorter Respawn Time
Създадена от javidpack This mod allow customizing respawn time after death. The respawn times can be configured in-game. Tweak "Expert Mode Penalty Scale" and "Boss Penalty Scale" if you'd like expert and boss deaths to be less penalized. Tweak "G...
Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
Създадена от Vachina
When you look at a modded item, block or NPC, WMITF will show you the name of the mod which it came from. This can be useful if you're playing with lots of mods at once, or if you're a YouTuber and you want your viewers to see which mods you're using. (Ins...
Wing Slot Extra
Създадена от Aitherix
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot near the armor and accessories page of the inventory. Updated with permission from original author abluescarab. Usage • Right-click on wings from inventory to move it to wing slot. • Right-click vanity wings to swap with...
Smarter Cursor
Създадена от Quandratic
Smarter Cursor is a fairly simple mod that tweaks the way smart cursor works with platforms, allowing it to better reflect your intentions when building. No more constantly making stairs when you just want to make a flat bridge, as this mod fixes that issu...
CeleryMan's More Pets
Създадена от CeleryMan
Celeryman's Pets aims to add a lot of pets from various different franchises. The mod currently has: 55 Pets: - 50 Normal Pets - 5 light pets Pet House: - Crafted at a sawmill, Place a pet summon inside and the home will summon the pet. - Works for most mo...
The Shop Market
Създадена от Jake
The Shop Market is a mod that introduces a single item that allows you to access any npc's shop that is in your town and not homeless. The shop market can be bought from the travelling merchant. It has a 33% chance to be available. The portable version can...