Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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[Blue Archive] After-School Sweets Club

Similar to the Gourmet Research Society, the After-School Sweets Club serve as a food related club focused around sweets.

Yoshimi leads the group, while Natsu is often the one, who provides extensive knowledge of sweets and personal philosophy. Airi and Kazusa endures her antics to look for the most delicious candy in all of Kivotos.
Items (10)
【碧蓝档案】乐队喜美替换弗朗西斯【Blue archive】Yoshimi Replace Francis (Band ver)
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属、放课后甜点部成员,以及匆忙组建的乐队「Sugar Rush」的吉他手。 虽然是被氛围牵着鼻子走而参加乐队,但她有着“既然要做就要做到最好”的决心。乐队的图标、象征、服装等视觉元素都由她来负责。 —— #猛特训中 Yoshimi from the After School Sweets Club! It seems that she has been appointed as the guitarist of the hastily formed band "Sugar Rush"! Yo...
【碧蓝档案】乐队小夏替换比尔【Blue archive】Natsu Replace Bill (Band ver)
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属、放课后甜点部成员,以及乐队「Sugar Rush」的默默无闻的鼓手....... 小夏: “你们应该不会这样抛弃朋友吧” Features: VGUI Custom Viewmodel 2D Facial Expressions|2D面部表情 Jigglebones Tiny Survivors|高度上与V♂NILLA的和纱小人相同 Won't sink into the ground|不会陷入地面 Particle effect|气泡效果 Credits: Nexon - Assets...
【碧蓝档案】乐队爱莉替换路易斯【Blue archive】Airi Replace Louis (Band ver)
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属、放课后甜点部成员,以及匆忙组建的乐队「Sugar Rush」的领队。 抱着"想要改变平凡的自己"的想法,带领大家组建了乐队。虽然只有本人没有这样的自觉,但其实她是引领着整个社团的核心人物。 —— もう大丈夫! After-School Sweets Club...no! Airi is the leader of the girl band "Sugar Rush"! It seems that she wants to change herself and lead everyone ...
[Blue Archive] Kyouyama Kazusa (Band ver.) as Zoey|和纱 (乐队) 替换 Zoey
Created by ch0058
Kazusa from the After School Sweets Club! This time, she seems to have become the main vocalist and bassist of the hastily formed band "Sugar Rush"! Although the band suddenly started, "escape" is not in Kazusa's dictionary! BV1Xb421a7kF Features: VGUI|三个基...
【碧蓝档案】伊原木好美替换弗朗西斯【Blue archive】Yoshimi Replace Francis [Reamke]
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属,放学后甜点部的成员。 对娇小的身高与体型感到自卑,是个如同凶暴小动物一般的少女。 虽然一直想变得成熟,然而她心里想的都表现在脸上,所以一直受周围人们的喜爱。 兴趣是巡回咖啡厅,在品尝限定版甜点时会露出比任何人都明亮的笑容。 —— #成长中 A member of the After-School Sweets Club at Trinity General School. She has a complex about her height and physique, and alway...
【碧蓝档案】玲纱Jockey【Blue archive】Reisa Replace Jockey
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学院所属,自警团的成员,在圣三一的各地出没,进行着维持治安的活动。 虽然因为总是说些令人摸不着头脑的话,有时也会被认为是恶作剧报告,但是其实比谁都认真地在进行着自警团的活动。 自报家门的开场白,每次都会稍微变化的样子。 Members of the Self-Police Corps, which belong to Trinity College, roam the various parts of Trinity and carry out law and order activities. ...
【碧蓝档案】杏山和纱替换佐伊【Blue archive】Kazusa Replace Zoey [Remake]
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属,个性温和安静的「放学后甜点部」成员。 不常表现自己,大多时间都只会默默跟在其他成员后面。 虽然总是被周遭的怪异行为牵累,但同时也认为这些时光很珍贵。 “啊,老师。 竟然在这种地方见到真巧呢。” —— 放学后甜品部的成员 A quiet and easy-going member of the After-School Sweets Club. Kazusa is always getting dragged into whatever strange antics the other c...
【碧蓝档案】柚鸟夏替换比尔【Blue archive】Natsu Replace Bill [Remake]
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属,放学后的甜点部的首席麻烦制造者,自称是浪漫主义者。 会突然说些富有哲学性的奇怪发言,爱用甜点作比喻的女孩。 总会说出离奇的话,将大家卷入其中,但本意只是「想和大家一起分享浪漫」这种纯粹的心情。 不过,因为「浪漫」的定义总是在改变,所以也无法否定「被她牵着鼻子走」的印象。 “……老师有认真思考过,关于海绵蛋糕的事吗?” —— 人生=巧克力椒盐卷饼 Belonging to Trinity Comprehensive School Park.,The chief troublemaker o...
【碧蓝档案】栗村爱莉替换路易斯【Blue archive】Airi Replace Louis [Remake]
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学园所属,放学后的甜点部的开朗成员。 个性悠然自得,最重视和朋友一边享用甜点一边聊天的时光。 喜欢的东西是冰淇淋,最近迷上了薄荷巧克力的滋味。 —— 薄荷巧克力最棒了! A cheerful schoolgirl from Trinity General School and a member of After-School Sweets Club. She has an easygoing personality and loves to spend time chatting with her...
【碧蓝档案】宇泽玲纱替换弗朗西斯【Blue archive】Reisa Replace Francis
Created by Humour
圣三一综合学院所属,自警团的成员,在圣三一的各地出没,进行着维持治安的活动。 虽然因为总是说些令人摸不着头脑的话,有时也会被认为是恶作剧报告,但是其实比谁都认真地在进行着自警团的活动。 自报家门的开场白,每次都会稍微变化的样子。 “为了寻求正义之人……我便在此……没错,我就是超级巨星。 宇泽玲纱,登场!” —— "The ♠ of Vigilante" A hotheaded and headstrong girl belonging to Trinity's Vigilante Crew, who wor...