Dota 2
708 ratings
The mystery of LaMian(Hand-Pulled Noodle) Master
The mystery of LaMian(Hand-Pulled Noodle) Master

Undoubtedly, the favorite foods of the Oyos’ are Beers and Noodles.
Every time when there is a festival, the Oyos will prepare a giant bowl of hot noodle and a huge mug full of mellow wine for celebration.
The Lamian Noodle, the Chopsticks, and the bowl of china are gifts of the ancestors of Oyo who traveled to a mysterious country far to the east.
For centuries, these gifts of the ancestors are passing only to the most honored one of each generation—the Brewmaster.


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Items (8)
Lamian Master (loadingscreen)
Created by Yestar™
The mystery of LaMian(Hand-Pulled Noodle) Master 【神秘的醉面仙人】 Undoubtedly, the favorite foods of the Oyos’ are Beers and Noodles. Every time when there is a festival, the Oyos will prepare a giant bowl of hot noodle and a huge mug full of mellow wine for cele...
Howling Hot of the Lamian Master(offhand_weapon)
Created by Yestar™
Howling Hot of the Lamian Master 【醉面仙人的滚烫鲜味】 Having this bowl of hot hot Lamian Noodle will make you howl of its deliciousness! A way of keeping food delicious is to have it during it’s hot. That’s why Mangix always keep his bowl boiling hot. 尝一口这碗滚烫的拉面,会让...
Swiftly Swift of the Lamian Master(arms)
Created by Yestar™
Swiftly Swift of the Lamian Master 【醉面仙人的迅猛神速】 A good cook never slower his hands cooking his delicacy. Mangix always carries a magical-powered china-made-knife with him, which was gifted by his ancestor travelling back from the east. And there is no one w...
Spicy Spice of the Lamian Master(back)
Created by Yestar™
Spicy Spice of the Lamian Master 【醉面仙人的猛烈味觉】 A special way to provoke someone’s appetite is to use Spicy Spices like Chilies, Garlics and Scallions, which can burn your soul upon the heaven of taste! 激发起食欲的秘诀,就在于巧妙地运用一些强烈味觉的食材,如红辣椒、蒜头和大葱。猛烈的味觉能使你整个人都着了魔一般,...
Whiffled Wise of the Lamian Master(shoulders)
Created by Yestar™
Whiffled Wise of the Lamian Master 【醉面仙人的醉意之睿】 “Get drunk with my taste!” Mangix saids. A delicious taste cannot be born in the hands of someone with a simple mind. The taste Mangix presents with his wisdom and knowledge and heart, will surely make you dro...
Strongly Straw of the Lamian Master(weapon)
Created by Yestar™
Strongly Straw of the Lamian Master 【醉面仙人的坚韧神力】 How to make good noodles? That’s a good question. You could never make tasty straw-colored noodle without good strength. That’s why Mangix carries his giant and heavy pair of chopsticks. 如何做出好的面条呢?这是一个问题。 你要是...
Lamian Master Skill icons
Created by Yestar™
Skill icons for Lamian Master. The mystery of LaMian(Hand-Pulled Noodle) Master 【神秘的醉面仙人】 Undoubtedly, the favorite foods of the Oyos’ are Beers and Noodles. Every time when there is a festival, the Oyos will prepare a giant bowl of hot noodle and a huge m...
Lamian steam(Particle effects) for offhand_weapon
Created by Yestar™
Steam particle effects and attachment point for Lamian Master's offhand_weapon. The mystery of LaMian(Hand-Pulled Noodle) Master 【神秘的醉面仙人】 Undoubtedly, the favorite foods of the Oyos’ are Beers and Noodles. Every time when there is a festival, the Oyos wil...
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