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Aeternum Birch World Origin
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Aeternum Birch World Origin

Aeternite Birch World Origin
An Origin to play as (almost) the Aeternum from Gigastructural Engineering in the Hexagon Cluster, and the ability to forge their warships from Shroud Energy via a relic or the Aeternite Psykofabricators on Shrouded Worlds.

  • An Origin replicates the conditions of Aiondia and a Prescripted Country mimics the Aeternum that start in Hexagon Cluster of the Galactic Core. It also features an inaccurate replica of the Aeternum’s original home system covered in a Space Storm and guarded by several Celestial Warships hiding in the system.

  • At the start you have the option to choose the starting components of Aeternite Warships – Default and Blokkat. In the second month, appropriate traits, warships, populations, megastructures and modifiers will be assigned.

  • Each choice comes with their variation of Stellar Systemcrafts, available only via assembling from the Systemcraft Assembler of Gigas Stellar Manipulation (they are 50% more costly based on the cost normal Systemcrafts from older version of Gigas Stellar Manipulation than the 3.12 patch).

  • Two Planetary Computers in the vicinity ready to be colonized (without the outdated Orbital Arcologies).

  • An Edict to manually connect the Galactic Core to the wider galaxy, or you can wait until the next 100 years to automatically connect to the wider galaxy.

  • A unique colony designation for the Birch World, unique armies based on the original Aeternum, a megastructure can be built to spawn multiple defense platforms, and Aeternite Psykofabricators can be built on on Shrouded Worlds to spawn fleets, which then deletes the megastructure and reduces the size of a Shrouded World.

  • Aeternite Planetcrafts can be built from Behemoth Assembly Plant, with predetermined design and higher cost than normal Planetcrafts (albeit with a stronger modifier).

  • Infinite Carrying Capacity deposit from Carrying Capacity will appear on Void Birch, Stellar Birch and Soul Birch (rewrote an event that causes gamecrash should you use Carrying Capacity).

  • The Hexagon Cluster's outer systems are Black Holes and several barren planets can be terraformed to build Maginot Worlds guarded by Magical Planetcrafts. These systems can also be used to build a Matter Decompressor, HRAE-MC, a EHOF or a Penrose Ringworld (Matter Decompressor cannot be built in systems with habitable planets).

Inspiration and Credit
  • The Ex-Aeternum Birch World Origin for the initial code to generate the Hexagon Cluster.
51 commentaires
Zeypheron Il y a 2 heures 
Is there any solution to the fact that Aeternite Capital Building is well... not considered a capital building meaning that any building that requires an upgraded capital building to build cant be built?
Theion  [créateur] 20 aout à 16h16 
@Old Ways: *Sigh* I tried to look into solution and tested things during these few days, and not a surprise that I couldn't get anything done because of my meager skills and being a casual. Sorry for not able to do anything about your suggestion, neither I do believe there is much for me to offer to this mod anymore since I ran out of ideas, I will just leave it as it is.

If anyone in the future wishes to use this mod as a base for creating an Aeternum-RP mod, feel free to do so long you credit this mod.
Old Ways 16 aout à 10h48 
Theion Thanks for response, i understand what you are saying. I can only hope that you wont lost motivation to this mod and find out the way to improve it even more. I really like it and i think it has big potencial. I like new origins, espc if they are interesting like this one. Thanks again and i wish you all the best!
Theion  [créateur] 16 aout à 7h35 
That is for the excuse, I do take note of your suggestion though. That amount of ships is not gonna do any good at the end of the day. Less ships = less lag so I will looking into it somewhere in the near future.
Theion  [créateur] 16 aout à 7h02 
I guess you were using the relic to spawn fleets, which was intentional because the relic is supposed to act as an emergency button (you could spawn fleets across your territory via events, but I would prefer to avoid that).

The Aeternum relies on Psykofabricators to build ships, so it goes the same way here where you have to build Psykofabricators to get more ships.

I do get the issue about the ships, Aeternum was supposed to be a Crisis so their individual ship is only so-so and is scaled by modifiers and other mechanics as Crisis AI.

I would have love to add more to this mod, but the sad reality is I am a meager modder. The most I could do is to provide a barebone framework that someone would improve on in the future, hopefully.
Old Ways 16 aout à 5h34 
Hello, are you planning in future to do something about fleet spawning ? I mean the fleets are all over the system, not just inside circle in the system but out of it. Maybe get more heavy ships or make them stronger so there is no need to have them that much? Just an idea, otherwise mod looks great.
TurgidJuiceTree 7 aout à 3h54 
Yeah, rechecking and clearing cache again. thanks for the heads up
Theion  [créateur] 7 aout à 1h34 
A question before I decide to check it by myself, do you happen to have Expanded Ringworld on your modlist by any chance? If yes, then time to remove that mod from the list because some weird interactions will cause you to crash in any system has a Ringworld, habitable or not.
Theion  [créateur] 5 aout à 14h24 
Well, each star has a megastructure and is flagged as having megastructure so you can't build much inside those star systems. I copied and pasted the code from Giga so it is just how things were intended, and Dyson Sphere being invisible after repairing is new to me.

This mod did not touch any megastructure and shipset should not affect a megastructure's model (since they would just dial back to default mammalian model), you might need to check Giga or any mod that touched megastructures on your side.
Theion  [créateur] 5 aout à 6h48 
I had the same issue with you in a few sessions with Giga where Faust or even Chosen's cluster somehow connected to the galactic core. It might be due to two clusters being isolated from the galaxy so generation code went wonky for that to happen.

Were your galactic core cluster connect to the galaxy beforehand? If not, reload an earlier save and use the edict to connect to the galaxy, that might be able to alleviate the issue.