Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Lezero (2024)
"I ended up to do one side portrait while I am working on with bigger poster project. The reason is why the render is called "Lezero 2024"? The answer is: the is ment to be a comparison between the first Lezero post back in 2017 and now. And yes, this is still for Hat Fortress 2 and this time it is coming. I just need to make the poster and then move to the video project.

If you haven't seen 2017 render yet, it can be found from here:

So yeah, the bigger poster is coming up and then I won't be able to post any posters meanwhile. But when the pilot is done, I will return back to the posters. Hopefully you are excited from this project and I am more motivated to make Hat Fortress 2 than before!"