Kekkospoika   Finland
"tää maailma tarvii tommoisia supporteja enemmän" @Mikkosusi #KF2 (29.4.2015)

Twitch []
GBDClub's steam group
My Deviantart []
Imgur album of my older neppy's pose pictures []
Vanha tube account

I play as Medic or Demo in 4vs4. In highlander i have played Heavy, Medic and Engineer.

Animes what i have watched so far:

Attack on Titan
Bleach (62 episodes)
Dragonball Z
(Tengen Toppa) Gurren Lagann
HOTD / High school of the dead
Hyperdimension Neptunia Animation
Kill la kill
Naruto / Naruto shippuuden (focused on manga)
One Piece (some episodes)
One Punch Man
Panty & Stocking with Gartebelt
Soul eater
Currently Offline
:summersun: Hi everyone! :summersun:

I am Spatio. Most of people might recognize me as Finnish YouTuber who makes mostly TF2 videos. I have played competive matches in Highlander and 4vs4 and I don't have specific main class because I am flexible player.

I make also SFM posters, mostly Neptunia and TF2 themed. I am working on with Hat Fortress 2 -project and Duodimension (Fictional, fanmade Neptunia dimension) story. Maybe I am just amateur poster maker but I do posters with the passion.

:Light: No trading, please.:Light: I have already every stuff what I really need. If I need something (mostly new strange weapon in TF2), I would get that very soon. And usually I don't have useless items. Otherwise I sold them already in Steam Market.

I am very sceptic to add people who I don't know. They have to reach my requirements for my steam friend what are:
- Steam level 20 (Absolutely minimum at this point)
- Common steam groups
- Name what doesn't include number combinations, something about skin gamble, skin/item trading or steam group/website ads.
- I don't add people who are focus only for trading.
- She/he hasn't used achievements unlocker (for example Steam Achievement Manager).

But if you want take easier step to meet me, you can join to following discord server(s):
- Videopankki ja GBDClub, :sentry: YouTube community: (Limited charges!)
- Awakened World (new!), :PurpleHeartRebirth3: SFM community: (Limited charges!)
Featured Artwork Showcase
Muscle warframe, Hildryn (SFM)
52 4 2
Featured Artwork Showcase
Lezero (2024)
Artwork Showcase
"You want a piece of me?!"
11 1 1
Screenshot Showcase
3 1
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Favorite Game
Favorite Group
Gamer's Best Day Club - Public Group
In Chat
Recent Activity
12,561 hrs on record
last played on 20 Jul, 2024
821 hrs on record
last played on 20 Jul, 2024
813 hrs on record
last played on 19 Jul, 2024
Weyl' 17 Mar @ 1:00pm 
♥❤Janus Nanakusa❤♥ 21 Feb @ 3:16am 
godspeed man:(
eBuddy 7 Jan @ 1:16am 
I really can't believe this, I may not have seen him in real life, but he is my oldest and best friend on this platform, how did I not notice that he was not around all this time, oh my god, he left a big of sadness in my heart, R.I.P. my friend.
telmoazevedo282 12 Dec, 2024 @ 6:52am 
Roxcuttle 18 Nov, 2024 @ 9:29am 
Godspeed! :(
Genv02 9 Nov, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
Rest in peace, Spatio. I think it was right to say this here to be immortalized. I'm sorry i didn't get to know you better, I wish we had more time.