Stick Fight: The Game

Stick Fight: The Game

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Stick Fight: The Game [Коллекция] [Сборка] | [Collection] [Assembling]
Коллекция / Сборка карт / модов для игры Стикмен файт

Collection / Assembly of maps / mods for the game Stickman fight
Items (71)
2D awp_india
Created by Lord Saturn
An adapted version of awp_india from Counter Strike to 2D!...
Airship Battle
Created by Lord Saturn
pew pew...
Created by ILLHYHL
yeeeeeeee haa !! i love this map ! thx for subscribe 2018/02/10 DESERT EAGLE : 2018/02/13 Ak47 : 2018/02/21 REVOLVER : http://...
"No, thanks"
Created by Lord Saturn
Whose Ice Gun is stronger?...
Age of Disorder 1
Created by Lord Saturn
Four people fight to control a base and get their hands on its laser cannon....
Building Duel
Created by Arcalis
A duel, but on buildings....
Brawl on the Castle
Created by Snakularity
Woop woop...
Cactus Crisis
Created by Arcalis
Climb the cacti....
Bouncer Warfield
Created by Lord Saturn
You better lie on the floor in this map....
Closed Shooting 1.2
Created by Lord Saturn
Now with even more space to move! Other Closed Shooting maps: Closed Shooting 2: Closed Shooting 3: Closed Shooting 4: http://...
Closed Shooting 2
Created by Lord Saturn
A shooting inside a building. Make good use of your limited ammo! Other Closed Shooting maps: Closed Shooting 1: Closed Shooting 3:
Closed Shooting 4.1
Created by Lord Saturn
This time with a secret weapon! You may have to use the recoil glitch to get it. I highly recommend you to play with 200% or 300% HP. Update: I managed to get around the bug that was preventing me from updating the map, so now it is a bit more balanced. Bl...
Closed Shooting 3
Created by Lord Saturn
Third map of the Closed Shooting series. Fight your rivals with a Desert Eagle! Other Closed Shooting maps: Closed Shooting 1: Closed Shooting 2:
Closed Shooting 6
Created by Lord Saturn
Closed Shooting is back with some of the new objects!...
Closed Shooting 5
Created by Lord Saturn
Extra weapons are more tricky to get this time! I highly recommend you to play with 200% or 300% HP. Other Closed Shooting maps: Closed Shooting 1: Closed Shooting 2:
Death Valley
Created by Lord Saturn
Woop woop...
Death Valley 2.1
Created by Lord Saturn
Updated to make it a bit less deadly and more playable....
Created by Lord Saturn
Hopefully the Barrel Spawner will be added one day so the bombardment can go on forever. NOTE: Barrels might be stable and work as they should only in Local Mode, otherwise they may start detonating when the match begins....
Doom Temple 1.1
Created by Lord Saturn
Pull the crates, get the Black Hole Gun and shoot at the top of the temple. You should be protected at the bottom....
Duel on the Hill
Created by Arcalis
Its a duel, on a hill, as stated....
Created by Lord Saturn
Better not touch the walls....
Don't Shoot There
Created by Lord Saturn
PLEASE NOTE: Barrels might be stable and work as they should only in Local Mode, otherwise they may start detonating when the match begins....
Ice Caves
Created by Arcalis
They're ice caves, caves with ice....
Inactive Volcano
Created by Arcalis
A volcano, but inactive....
Frail Shell
Created by Lord Saturn
...Luckily the lasers deactivate every few seconds....
Hinge Step
Created by Lord Saturn
It's literally a map made only with Hinge Steps....
Created by Lord Saturn
Prepare to launch! NOTE: Barrels might be stable and work as they should only in Local Mode, otherwise they may start detonating when the match begins....
Modern Times
Created by Kled mit Skaarl
Good Luck have fun :) How to download:Click Subscribe,go to the game ,Stick Fight The Game in press:ESC>Options>Maps,Edit>Customonline>Modern Times>Activate> Feedback?? Fun or not Fun and have some feedback? Come back and like or dislike,describe why do yo...
No Master, No Slave
Created by Lord Saturn
Of course I am talking about The Mighty Avengers....
Omega Valley
Created by Lord Saturn
Take care with the spikes! ...
Created by ILikePandas233
Woop woop...
Plane ride (with snakes)
Created by Cyn
Woop woop...
Parking Lot 1
Created by John BLZ
Okay so you guys in the comments kept sending me tanks. I had to store them somewhere, right? So there we go, don't ask how they got on the second floor, just assume it's space-time magic or something. Enjoy !...
Sky Grotto
Created by Lord Saturn
Woop woop...
Slaughterhouse 1
Created by Lord Saturn
Treadmills pushing you into deadly lasers the whole time. Fists/Swords only, 300HP recommended....
Slaughterhouse 2
Created by Lord Saturn
Same story, now with weapons... and crates....
Snake Pilars
Created by thePetHen
Woop woop...
Snakes on a Plane!
Created by dragon_shoot
An airplane and a bunch of snakes Hope you like the map! :)...
Snake's Den
Created by Lord Saturn
You should totally shelter in the underground....
Star Wars - Battle of Hoth v.1
Created by dragon_shoot
Based on the Battle of Hoth from the Star Wars universe. Map features Echo Base, an AT-AT, a T-47 airspeeder, a DF.9 turret and two trenches. Hope you like the map! :)...
Symbol 1
Created by Lord Saturn
A strange symbol attracts combat to its surroundings....
Symbol 2
Created by Lord Saturn
The strange figure demands blood once again....
Symbol 3
Created by Lord Saturn
It's watching you....
The Colossus
Created by Arcalis
Not much to say....
Temple of Unicity
Created by Lord Saturn
The hinge steps will not allow you to go back once you've passed by them!...
The Crawl House
Created by Ascro
My first map i put effort into. You get the point of the name. NOTES/TRICKS: The map has been playtested more than a few dozen times and the jumps were simplified after the layout was finished. I even measured the time it takes to complete each person's ro...
The Death Run Race
Created by Cataclysm
Slightly unbalanced, also drop a sub
The Floor Is Lava
Created by Sterben
Grab a Minigun and be the last one alive! I know the floor is not actually lava but then the map would be called the floor is bad and that in of itself would be bad....
The Icy Labyrinth
Created by Arcalis
The icy labyrinth, like a normal labyrinth, but icy. Before it gets asked in the comments, yes, all spaces are possible to go through....
The Pyramid
Created by Arcalis
Well its a pyramid. With snakes. Plenty of snakes....
The Pit
Created by SlomeSlang™
My first map and maybe one of the first maps on the workshop! Hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you like it :)...
The X
Created by Lord Saturn
Woop woop...
This Level is a Mistake
Created by Lord Saturn
A total mistake. I updated the shape. Twice. However, the Level Editor is far from being a mistake, and you can help improving it. Contribute with your own suggestions here:
Tight Squeeze
Created by SuperYak
Woop Woop! A Maze like map made by Super Jack! For the full collection of Maps made by SuperJack:
Unpleasant Trip
Created by Lord Saturn
The crates might be of some use... as long as you have the right timing....
Ultimate Cave Fight I
Created by FremyFry
Woop woop...
Winter Fortress
Created by Lord Saturn
You may break the ice layers, but the fortress will remain....
Winter God Bless
Created by Arce
Woop woop...
Winter mountains
Created by Wunder