Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

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The Tower Raid - Open Beta has ended at 08/01/2024
Bởi kaishark
As I think that the Tower Raid will return, I'll keep this guide online
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The Start

First you have to do the sidequest "The Lost Armory". To activate it you must have access to the central loop and finished at least the main quest "Orders". After you did it, it can take some time till Jai talks to you via radio and ask you for help. So join him near the "Fish Eye".

Note: By starting a new NG+ (after you did already some of Jai's missions) you'll keep your Progress and Tokens, but you've to play the sidequest "The Lost Armory" again, before you've access to the missions and Jai's store. That means also that you'll get the gun a second time. Same happens by playing this mission in coop. As you can't get rid of the guns at this time they will stay in your inventory.
Activate the Survivor Missions
After you've finished the quest you've unlocked Jai's office to have access to 9 Surviver missions, as well as the 3 daily and 5 weekly bounties. As the weekly bounties are always the same till now, the dailys are a little bit changing. You can play the regular missions in normal or elite difficulty. The Mission-Boards are scattered around the whole map - marked by an orange sign. You can play the missions as a singleplayer or in coop.

By doing the bounties you'll earn RPs to level up and get access to the better guns, weapons and gear
The Tower Raid

You can switch now on the mission-boards between regular missions and the Tower Raid. All you have to do in this mission is fighting through 3 different floors (on normal) or 4 different floors (on elite) up to the roof. There you'll find there an Airdrop with some good loot. You can also play the Tower Raid as a singleplayer or in coop.

But be aware: As it was an Open Beta the Tower Raid was only playable till 08/01/2024.
Be prepared
Take enough Medkits, UV-Flares and (repaired) Weapons with you, as you have to fight against hordes of enemies. Only at the beginning you can avoid some fights. Just run and slide through the roll-up door between the gates, turn to the lelt and activate the elevator to arrive the next floor.

After leaving the elevator, all you have to do now is to reach the next one - just follow the marker. But on the way to the next elevator you have to pass different floor combinations with random different obstacles and goals.

Sometimes you have to move a cupboard...
sometimes you have to destroy barricades or find a keycard on a desk or by looting a special infected which you have to kill first.

Additional you’ll have also different modifiers for each run. They will affect the Player, the enemies or both - somtimes positively and sometimes negatively.
Reaching the Roof
After finding the airdrop on the roof the hardest part of the Tower Raid will start. Now you have to defend it for 5 minutes against Biters, Virals and other Special Infected as they try to destroy the airdrop. If they are successful you'll fail the mission and have to start from the beginning. After you've looted the box, run to the next elevator and activate it to leave the Tower. The Mission is done.

Note: If things are getting to hard for you you can always change the difficulty in the Menue.
Activate some Bounties
Killing virals and special infected can also count for some bounties, even for the Outpost-Bounties. So activating Jai's weekly quest "Decapitate 40 Enemys" can easily be done in one run of the Tower Raid.

Note: While some bounties are working, others seems not - maybe it's because of the Open Beta
When you reach Jai's Level 15
Currently Level 15 is the highest ranking you can get. After passing the level (22,500 RPs) the counter is stopping at 23,499 RPs. As you can't level up at this point, you can just play for fun and some tokens.
Jai's other Missions
If you want to know more about Jai's regular missions, just look at my other guide:
Thank you for watching my Guide
And don't forget to like and fav this Guide please if it was helpful for you

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Sanctuary 29 Thg06, 2024 @ 2:20pm 