Not enough ratings

1.7.2 bug fix一定要放MOD管理器最下面



Player Store氪金商店(2022新春钜惠)

RMK Add-on: Guys version 1.4.2 - Fixed some detail


More Unique Units 更多特殊兵种

派系仇怨grudge/Force Confederation & Vassal 击败合邦、附庸

Cao Cao AI Scheme Disable

Yuan Shu getting his buiding art back

Unlock prime minister

Items (55)
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
Created by Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
The Gathering : Heroes 1.5.41
Created by Inter-object 1.5.4 - TUP 1.7.1v update 1.5.3 - Prevent famous heroes from suffering "Unfortunate Events" when they are in the recruitment pool for long turns. 1.5.1 - Fixes CA issue where 'Zhuge Liang' and 'Sama Yi' are not spawning to A...
더 결집 : UI 1.3.22
Created by Inter-object
Character Browser, Biographies, Reset skills, Trait add/remove, Governor slots 장수 검색, 열전 보기, 부상 치료, 스킬 리셋, 트레잇 추가/제거, 태수 슬롯 등 패널 조정 人物搜索,传记,治愈伤口,重置技能,“添加/替换”特性UI,“府署/太守”面板 Update Notes 1.3.2 - The WuXing 300 table is removed. Now only diplays WuXing 200~30...
The Gathering : Sandbox 2.3.55
Created by Inter-object 2.3.55 - Update for TUP update. New UI Why is my <The Gathering> mod series being attacked with 'negative ratings'? 2.3.50 - Log Viewer : Click 'Log' button after a command 2.3.40 - Help panel : help for 103 commands 2.3.31 ...
TheGathering : BattleBox 2.3.2
Created by Inter-object
Update Notes 2.3.0 UI change and totally redevelopment to pit UI XML style opened in TW:TK 1.7.0 2.2.3 2.2.3 - Now uses "View camera bookmark 10" shortcut key to open/close panel The UI creation method has changed in TW:TK 1.7.0. Problems are occurring for...
Puzzle3D (v1.7.1)
Created by artmongky
KOREAN 퍼즐 전용 모델링 342개가 추가됩니다. 전용모델링을 아직 못만든 일러스트의 경우 일러와 모델링이 일치 하지 않습니다.(약100개) 해당모드는 MTU와 Puzzle, WDG2를 필수로 필요로 합니다. *WDG2 mtu addon은 필요 없습니다. 함께 제작에 힘써주신 '화성까마귀, 서량기병마등, k.han, 딴또딴또'님께도 응원 부탁드립니다. 그리고 제작에 도움주신 '김펀치, MTU제작팀, 술취한판다'님께도 감사드립니다. ENGLISH 342...
Puzzle illustration (1.7.0)
Created by guel
모드소개 사용캠페인: 182/190/194/200 이 모드는 역사적인물로 등장하는 클론 장수들에게 일러스트를 입혀 각 장수에게 개성을 부여하는 모드입니다. 유명 역사적인물을 포함하여 380+명의 일러스트를 부여합니다. 퍼즐팩은 MTU 모드를 코어로 하여 작동됩니다 MTU 모드를 필수로 구독하신 후 이용해주시길 바랍니다. 0. Other mods ---------------------------------------- 1. Puzzle illustratio...
[WDG2] MTU(TROM) Add-on
Created by artmongky
*WDG2와 MTU의 호환성 모드 *Compatibility mod for WDG2 and MTU (TROM) 오직 MTU와 WDG2만 쓸때 사용하세요. Only used with mtu and wdg2. Order MTU Add-on MTU or TROM WDG2
[WDG2] Season2 update!!!
Created by artmongky
모드 호환성 / mod compatibility / mod互換性 : With MTU? ,With Puzzle?, With WU? : << Add_on Required With Generic Generals Overhaul? NO! With DIY Face? No / With Cloak Fix(망토 추가 모드)? No / ***WDG를 다른 모드들보다 위로 해주세요. ***Put WDG above other mod. Use case MTU + PUZZLE ...
MTU简体中文补丁完全汉化版2024(Make Them Unique 3.3 )
Created by 雷歪
2024年1月6日新增修正了 ”da“,”xiao“=大 小 WANG= 王 ------------------------------------------------- 感谢procrastinator对MTU长期以来翻译及更新 此补丁修正了对 “武安国” 的姓名,称号,武器,护甲,专属技能等词条进行中文翻译 若procrastinator更新将关闭此MOD ------------------------------------------------- **请将此MOD置于MTU本体之上,本MO...
Make Them Unique 3.3 (Wu Anguo)
Created by Illustrator.noob *This is graphic oriented mod but at the same time it also overhaul mod. *There are no mod privileges due to sponsorship. Sponso...
Created by Toshin
说明 2021年6月18日更新:大政奉还后采用刘宏的汉旗,国号为“大汉”。 本MOD原有的旗帜部分,已发布新的MOD作为补充,若需要请点击《体现国号的旗帜》。 若希望将刘备、曹操、孙氏的旗帜、衣甲、战役地图配色恢复到原版,请点击《恢复刘、曹、孙三家原版配色》。 此为简体中文版,若需要繁体中文版请点击《遊戲文本優化:國號、爵位與外交》。 This MOD fixes some errors in the Chinese localisation pack. English speaking players w...
Created by Toshin
说明 2021年6月28日更新:更改袁绍麾下部分人物称号及其描述。 一些同音字的错误,不是本MOD造成的,是CA在database中引用错误的代码,如:杨洪、卢志、陆绩等,如有发现此类问题,烦请去跟CA反馈,单靠本MOD修改文本解决不了根本问题。 2021年3月15日更新:修改三公九卿描述,更正“张机”为“张济”。 此为简体中文版,若需要繁体中文版请点击《遊戲文本優化:人名、稱號與官職》。 This MOD fixes some errors in the Chinese localisation pack...
RMK: Remake Original Characters - A Girl Worth Fighting For - 1.7.0 support
Created by NQ
Before you use This mod change the vanilla girl art, so if you like the vanilla one, don't use this The art style is base on 'REAL PERSION' in realife so sometime i'll be update until we feel it perfect
RMK Add-on: Guys version 1.4.2 - Fixed some detail
Created by NQ
WHAT IS THIS ?? * This is a remake characters mod - which change 2D art and 3D model in the game * You can consider this is a sub-mod, add-on for 2 other mods: RMK: Remake Original Characters - A Girl Is Worth Fighting For RMK: Generals Character Change v1...
荀彧、郭嘉投奔曹操派系(仅玩家) | Xun Yu & Guo Jia Join Cao Cao (Only Player)
Created by 原味牛战士
历史上,荀彧是曹操的重要谋士。早在初平二年(191年),荀彧就离开袁绍转投到了曹操麾下。然而,在曹操集团中如此重要的一位人物,CA却没有给他设置投奔曹操的事件,我认为这是一个严重的错误。 并且,尽管官方制作了荀彧举荐郭嘉的事件,不过我从来没有触发过这个事件,所以我自己做了一个荀彧向曹操举荐郭嘉的事件。 In the history, Xun Yu is one of the most important chiefs of staff. As early as in 191 AD, Xun Yu left ...
New Court: Multilingual Version (Need to subscribe to the translation MOD)
New Court: Multilingual Version ================Mod Introduction================ Court interface: Beheaded、Consolation、Abdicate Family tree interface: MarryWife、MarryConcubine、DeposedEmpress、Adopt、SwornBrothers The MOD can be turned on and off at any time ...
更史实的派系储君 | Historical AI Heir
Created by 原味牛战士
“母亲大人,孩儿已不是当年的啼哭小儿了!”孙权说道。 "Mom, I have grown up!" Sun Quan said. MOD内容 | MOD detail 本MOD每回合检测所有AI派系的储君,如果储君属于以下任何一个情况,将会重新安排一名合适的男性储君。只有玩家、郑姜和祝融例外。 this mod will set suitable male heir for AI if their heir meets any of the following conditions. Only playe...
Player Store(2022 New Year's Favor)
from google translate Changelog 2022-01-02 Update: Fine-tuned the price! 1000~2000~3000 in order 2021-12-24 Update content: Fix the bug that the shop button disappears after manual battle. 2021-12-23 Update content: Optimize the function of the script as a...
Generals Skills Reshuffled 重组武将技
Created by Mopei_ECO200Y
捆绑包 Collection: 汉化补丁 -> This mod aims to reshuffle existing general skills, moving them in the skill tree so that they are more...
AI Won’t Execute Characters AI 不处决人物
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod prevent AI execute captured character, now they will only recruit or release them. However characters killed in a battle still will be dead. I also decreased the relationship bonus from releasing captive....
More Unique Units 更多特殊兵种
Created by Alex Zhao
Steam's problem deleted my English description and I don't have any backup. Basically this mod adds 47 unique units to the game. Some units is faction unique units that can be recruit by certain faction, some are character unique units that can be recruit ...
Recruited unique character can use their special units
Created by Alex Zhao
Introduction: This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry. This is done by a...
Better Walls 更好的城墙
Created by Alex Zhao
Increased hit point of city walls by 50%, also increased the hit point and ignition threshold of wood walls during encampment....
Better Gate Pass 更好的关隘
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod buffed the gate pass by making them decrease enemy army's movement range and supplies in nearby own regions, increase garrison replenishment and stats, having better garrison units, garrison replenish faster and one administrator cap. Gate pass no...
Better Battle Camera 更好的战场镜头
Created by Alex Zhao
Increased max and min height of battle camera. Now you can overlook the battle field from much higher positions or enjoy Cao Cao’s knee....
Unlock All Titles 直接解锁头衔
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod will allows you to unlock all titles when your start a new campaign. Compatible with everything. Thanks for HIIIIIHAAA's help for reconstructing this mod to increase compatibility and stability....
Force Confederation & Vassal 击败合邦、附庸
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod added force confederation and vassal options for all factions. The confederation only works for the same cultural factions due to the game's limit. Compatible with most mods and saved games....
(已更新1.7.1版本) 战役世界地图及地名重置
Created by lizshaw
本模組將以簡體中文呈現,繁體中文版本請點擊以下鏈接。 This mod is displayed in Simplified Chinese, for English version, please click the following link.
【已支持1.7】Wonders of China 2.0 | 中国奇观 2.0.pack
Created by thak117
3.12更新: 应该没问题,有问题请反馈 感谢翠星大大的授权,我使用了部分地域收益调整mod中的部分效果,并挑选了一些有名的奇观地点进行了更新。 岠山 位于下邳 鄱阳湖 位于潘阳 圣姑庙 位于安平 岘山 位于襄阳 剑阁 位于巴西 阳平关 位于汉中 此外,所有关隘都添加了额外的效果 地域收益调整mod中的那些恶地效果还在考虑是否要添加,如果有人可以接受那些负面城市buff,我也可以考虑添加进来。 原mod地址
NGC新武将合集人物生平/NGC character bio
Created by Sleeping-Rowlet
人物详细界面会有新的一个书图标,鼠标移上去后可以看到人物生平资料。 目前已预先注册了1065个人物,全部由预设传记文本。 独特简易家谱功能 显示活人亲属关系(父母死人也会显示) 新增显示死亲属(非远亲)功能,点一下图标即可...
派系仇怨 grudge
Created by Kaiser1234
取消因兼并,派系覆灭和家族灭亡产生的派系仇怨 Remove grudge of confederation, family destroyed and faction destroyed. ...
Faster General Mounts 更快的武将坐骑
Created by Mopei_ECO200Y
捆绑包 Collection: This mod aims to make general mounts (horses) faster for everything that is from bronze to gold and all of the unique mounts in the game. Specifically this mod aims to make hors...
Created by WoodBomb
20210324,增加了盗匪系基础五个兵种的名称修改 20210322,农民战团为壮丁,黎阳死士为轻兵死士 20210312,for 1.7。Alpha版,雏虎为虎卫营 20201128,改农民战团为丁壮,农民盗匪为流民 20200923,修复了一些文本bug 20200927,修复刘宠势力兵的描述,改雇佣兵为江东兵 20201005,卢植是北中郎将,故势力兵为北军步卒、北军骑士;刘备势力兵为步弓手、武射营;董卓势力兵为西凉建勇、飞熊军 按照乡勇/乡丁——戎卒——兵/手——营的顺序排列,兵种线从低到高更加直...
Counting rods in Unit Card
Created by fleet30maaya
This MOD displays unit/character rank using the counting rods instead of Arabic numerals in the unit cards. Something like the demo version before launch. · Rank 1-9: Counting rods · Rank 10: Hufu (Tiger-shaped tally) Compatible with the MODs that change t...
EXP Boost!!!
Created by leoyu89
character -50% level up exp required. level 8 9 10 add 1 skill point. compatible most MOD. have fun, fellows !...
Release Captives and take weapons 释放俘虏并拿走武器
Created by Gold
Items should have never been part of bargain for life. 物品绝不应该成为终身讨价还价的一部分。 Compatible with almost everything. 与几乎所有东西兼容。...
ui general select 武将过滤
Created by 牦牛叔叔
ui 武将过滤 为了武将数量过多的情况下便于操作 军队招募界面添加了根据武将的五行类别过滤的单选按钮,目前只能过滤金、木、水、火、土 20210418: 用图标代替文本,文本语言本地化很困难 20210420 增加右侧的武将过滤 ui general filter In order to facilitate the operation when there are too many generals The army recruitment interface has added a radio butt...
Chinese_Aromor_Collection (pure compatible version)
Created by DK
: 本mod内含3套不同纹理的盔甲,山纹、细鳞、乌锤。分别给与系统大众脸的火、木、金、土武将各两种纹理套装。这些盔甲的调用文件是八王DLC新加入的英雄通用盔甲,所有剧本都可使用。当然,对于会使用RPFM编辑的玩家,可以自行使用这些套装里的部件自由组合成独立套装给独立英雄或者其他自己喜欢的目标,就像我使用这些盔甲部件制作经典吕布模型那样DIY。 不会DIY编辑的玩家,单独使用这个mod就必须在游戏里占据那两个锻造点,每回合随机获得金色盔甲,如果是八王1.3更新的盔甲,就是以上我做的三套纹理盔甲了。或者就是从电...
Horse Armor For Generals 将领马甲
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod adds horse armor for most generals' horses: Unique: Heavy cataphract armor Expesional: Cataphract armor Refined: Leather armor Di Lu、Red hare、Shadow Runner already have unique models so I didn't change them. Only affects the model but not stat....
Created by MAGA
默认的旗帜数量过多, 严重遮挡了观战视野, 现将旗手的数量减半 【说明】 可能与更改了军队人数的MOD不兼容; 对将领单位无效; 没有更改生命值; ----------------------------------------------- 完...
5턴 2개혁 모드 / 2 Reforms in 5 Turn mod
Created by carrypotrick
매 5턴 (봄)이 될 때 마다 개혁이 두개가 열립니다. Every 5 turn, when the spring comes, you can do 2 reforms than 1 reform in vanilla. 한나라 팩션에 해당하는 한 황실, 삼국, 군주, 주목 팩션만 이 모드에 영향을 받으며, 황건적, 도적, 남만 및 팔왕 팩션에게는 해당 모드가 적용되지 않습니다. The Han dynasty, the Coalition, and the empire fact...
合理的爵位/Better progression
Created by Sam
原版汉家称公和称帝太快了,即使不建宫府序列也不太符合爵位所对应的地盘大小,工坊有很多提高阈值的MOD,但不是捆绑了其他内容就是数值不符合我的预期 MOD改动如下: 提高了汉家派系(玩家和AI)称公和称王(帝)的声望阈值 这里要声明一下,原版里不同剧本的一小部分汉家派系在称公和称王时所需声望阈值有微小差别,在这里我全部用统一声望阈值 原版称公:玩家 300 AI 270 MOD将玩家和AI称公的声望阈值提高50%,即 MOD称公:玩家 450 AI 405 原版称王(帝):玩家 500 AI 450 MOD将...
大众脸清除计划 | Generic Cleaning Project
Created by 原味牛战士
MOD内容 | MOD detail 本MOD每5年定期杀死游戏中生成的,闲置的随机大众脸。对玩家无效。 游戏后期的卡顿和大众脸数量没有强关联,因此本MOD无法解决卡顿,也不建议使用此MOD。 Every 5 years the mod kill all the idle generic generals in AI faction. unfortunately, it's not recommended that using this mod, because this mod just is a mis...
Better AI Templates 更好的AI配兵
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod edited how AI evaluate a unit's quality, so they will use more elite units instead of militia everywhere. Some vanilla settings are ridiculous like AI thinks mounted archers are better than heavy mounted archers or mercenary infantry/cavalry are j...
Cao Cao AI Scheme Disable
Created by TheDogIsComfy
This mod disables schemes for Cao Cao AI. The player is still capable of using scheme when playing as Cao Cao. Modifies dlc07_faction_cao_cao_schemes.lua ...
Earlier Imperial Intrigue and Better Imperial Favor 更早更平衡的天子机制
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod made imperial intrigue mechanics unlocked on 190 and tweaked lots of imperial favor related stat. Overall imperial favor is harder to gain, and easier to occur enemy of Han. Please let me know if you have any suggestion. This mod should compatible...
Yuan Shu getting his building art back
Created by MuTaTeDtReE
Did you know? CA made a unique art set for Yuan Shu's building. But most of you might have never seen it beyond the menu screen. Why? Simple, CA made a mistake and gave Yuan Shao's building art to Yuan Shu's building instead. And obviously, these two facti...
Silent Loading (with pre-battle conversation version) 安静的载入 (保留战前对话版)
Created by Alex Zhao
11/12 update: Support French, German, Korean and Russian audios now. If this mod doesn't work for any language please let me know. ============================================================ This mod disabled the voice of loading a save and doesn't touch ...
Unlock prime minister
Created by Little Fighter
Function: Han: unlock "Prime Minister" Bandit: unlock "Right Hand" Nanman: unlock "Advisor" when new campaign start Not Compatible with MODs also modified minister system...
Created by 公承
大幅缓解2K战役等界面卡顿 本mod理论不冲突任何mod,针对原版游戏的语言进行了优化,让UI的各种大小下的界面不再无故超大卡顿,比如2K显示下,UI不改为100%模式下游戏会卡顿,有了这个mod后理论可以自由选择UI100%~200%了,均不会再无缘无故移动战役地图视角或者点击菜单或者进入幕府等乱卡顿半天了,1080P玩家只是界面卡顿程度非常低所以感觉不到,理论使用本mod进行UI语言优化也是有好处的,只是可能肉眼差距不明显。 使用本mod后,2K4K显示器可以使用200%UI界面,所以不需要任何放大字体...
Improved Campaign Map Performance
Created by Levie
What does this mod do? This mod smooths out campaign map performance by reducing application errors and file query times. This is especially noticeable when moving over Nanman lands. What is causing the stutter? Special thanks to Spartan VI and HuntingDog ...
1.7.2 BUG FIX
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod made by all the community fixed 122 bugs that CA will never fix. Please let we know if this mod has any problem, or there are bugs you think we might can fix. This mod doesn't require new campaign, and should be compatible with everything. TROM al...