Plains of Pain

Plains of Pain

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how to git gud wasteland fast
By Spirtus
want git gud? read
see barrel? drink
still alive? gud
feel bad? no gud check liquid before nex drink
see cockaroach? grab
have more than two cockaroach? smash with stone and wrap with rags
tastes gud? gud
social interactions
see desert hobos? ask directions
hobos angry? run
hobos run fasta? sprint

see village? talk local hobos and loot
village hobos shoot your direction? look around
no angry hobos around? village hobos prolly shoot you - see ''hobos angry?''
feel hot? stay shade
no shade? build wall
have shade? gud
wall gib no shade? no gud look sun nex time
bad sun
sun burns eyes? no gud make googelies
no scrap make googelies? no gud ask hobos scrap
have googelies? gud
forbidden infrastructure
found big repairable thingy? it prolly gibs gud
fix thingy? gud
no rare scrap to fix? no gud see below
forbidden scrap
want rare scrap? look smoke
see smoke? loot smoke
looted smoke? gud
no see smoke? look farer
still no smoke? no gud prolly git gud nex time
Jahsus 17 Oct @ 5:01pm 
Drey 12 Sep @ 3:39pm 
very gud !!
thanks :lunar2019laughingpig:
Charles Snippy 9 Jul @ 1:25pm 
Spirtus  [author] 4 Jun @ 10:12am 

that's the most legit guide ever created on Steam :steamthumbsup: :steamthis: :crtcool: :2016trophy:
Reacher™ 4 Jun @ 2:31am 
Yeah not gonna lie there's some weird undertones to this post.