Soulash 2
25 évaluations
Vanilla Starting Skills
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21 avr. à 5h43
16 aout à 7h22
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Vanilla Starting Skills

A simple mod that makes you start with all vanilla skills at lvl 1.

  • Mods cannot be added or removed during gameplay on specific world.
  • If you decide to disable the mod mid-play, you will not be able to load world that used the mod. (until you enable it again)

Update 1.0.3: Added Cryomancy to starting level skills.
Update 1.0.2: Added Floromancy to starting level skills.
Update 1.0.1: Removed unessesary duplication of skill images from the mod, as they are no longer needed.
13 commentaires
caninmyham 2 sept. à 16h46 
Doesn't seem to be working- was yesterday, isn't today.
That_SteveGuy 17 aout à 7h37 
Much respect to you
Draken  [créateur] 16 aout à 7h24 
Updated with Cryomancy.
That_SteveGuy 16 aout à 7h13 
Hello Sir can you update this to include Cryomancy? I would appreciate your efforts :)
Darren Zeraus 20 juil. à 15h49 
Dang, we need Cryomancy now, still, thankfully the rest of it still works.
~Smokey~ 18 juin à 21h20 
Just an FYI, still had to use the Leadership book to be able to recruit. Great mod otherwise. :cozybethesda:
Draken  [créateur] 20 mai à 23h40 
Updated with Floromancy.
Bleeding Eyes Mcgee 20 mai à 17h37 
Potential is only affected by a skill's max level, which always starts at 10 for each skill or 20 for skills you picked at the start. This mod only touches the starting level of skills, not their max level.
Darren Zeraus 20 mai à 7h42 
Waiting for this to affect the new Floromancy
MasterWaffle 13 mai à 10h38 
Though this mod would also reset your potential along with it but it doesn't. You still start with 220 potential used.