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Ponies of the Rim
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Mod, 1.5
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15 avr. à 5h27
25 nov. à 4h10
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Ponies of the Rim


"If Rimworld is chess and humans are pawns, then we have a new chess piece."

Ponies of the Rim is a fan-made mod based on My Little Pony™, that adds pony races and other related content. Ponies are quadruped small horses, which have different abilities and benefits, but also balanced to fit into the game's progression. This mod is vanilla-friendly, but also highly compatible with other mods.

Warning! This mod is still under development, but I will look forward for any suggestions. There will be a lot more content in the future.

Q: Is this mod compatible with <...>
A: The mod should be compatibly with most mods, which doesn't affect vanilla mechanics in some way. The list of all incompatible mods can be found here: https://github.com/DJeck12/Ponies-of-the-Rim/wiki/Compatibility

Q: How can I remove humans or specefic races?
A: Use Pawnkind Race Diversification.

Q: Can I make a translation or add-on for this mod?
A: It would be better if you contact me dirrectly, so we can discuss it and implement more stuff together. But yes, you can make other content for this mod.

Marble Pony Pie - author of Ponies of the Rim;
erdelf - Humanoid Alien Races team;
Oskar Potocki - Vanilla Expanded team, made an awesome art tutorial;
vanillabookman - has written most backstories and generally helped a lot during development;
Diamu Wanderfolt - helped with backstories and ideas;
Synnie - made apparel textures for pony bodies;
Kochan.exe - made storyteller art and helped with apparel textures;
KPVT - original characters design.

Original English translation
Original Russian translation
Chinese simplified by 一只两脚羊 (v1.0.3.2)

Usefull links:
Discord server - https://discord.gg/Bwnh2SVV7S
Most news about mod development and future updates will be posted here.

To-Do List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aVQKXK6dsgFg-I_wEnkWD18Xfm5jdhWJ0Nssz-TrMDc
For everyone curios what we are working on right now.

Github - https://github.com/DJeck12/Ponies-of-the-Rim
Source code of the mod.

I've open for collaborations, so if you want to help us to make the best pony-experience for Rimworld - contact me on Discord.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (3)
Il y a 13 heures
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug reports and issues
Marble Pony Pie
1 sept. à 11h51
ÉPINGLÉ : Suggestions
Marble Pony Pie
16 avr. à 2h20
Possible merge with Rimponk?
Cake Sparkle
330 commentaires
Marble Pony Pie  [créateur] Il y a 18 heures 
风吹烛火, I could translate the mod using Deep-L translator, but it will be better if someone would make a manual translation for the mod, it's really easy
风吹烛火 26 nov. à 22h07 
Please when will the new content be in Chinese:steamhappy:
PonyLiFox 26 nov. à 22h02 
I'm very happy that the mod is not abandoned and is being worked on. Hopefully I will live to see the new creatures.

(Would really like to see changelings and the mechanics of turning into other pawns or creatures. Provided of course they are in the future plans of the developers.)
Amberclad 26 nov. à 10h05 
Greatly appreciate the Update, haven't played Rimworld in a month or so, time to start a new playthrough.
TacticalFeline5 26 nov. à 7h16 
so i need to make a new few pawns? the update just removes them?
Marble Pony Pie  [créateur] 26 nov. à 0h09 
TacticalFeline5, very unfortunate for that to happend for you. There is no way sadly to fix existing pawns, but I may suggest for you to duplicate your pawns using the developer mode, or make copy of your pawns using pawn-editor mods
sleepingpiranha 25 nov. à 18h26 
This yet lives? Surprising.
TacticalFeline5 25 nov. à 16h25 
new update removes all ponies in my game any idea on why?
Marble Pony Pie  [créateur] 25 nov. à 15h13 
V1.1 is here! Feel free to report any existing bugs or add a suggestion either on the discussion page or in our Discord
MaxenTheWeasel 24 nov. à 13h03 
Can't wait for the update!