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Uncle Fung's Maximum Units + 200 Deck Points (Obsolete, check out the new mod).
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13 Apr, 2024 @ 5:39pm
13 Apr, 2024 @ 6:16pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Uncle Fung's Maximum Units + 200 Deck Points (Obsolete, check out the new mod).

After hours of frustrating bug fixes, edits and changes. I can safely say that this mod is now ready to be released to everyone.

So what does this mod do? Well it changes the amount of units you have to be the utmost maximum. So instead of having 10-20 measly cannon fodder guerrilla fighters like in the the vanilla version, you now have 10,000 boots on the ground hardened vets ready to die for freedom (or communism if you are Soviet). You also have 10,000 sky birds (Babushkas) ready to drop their loads on the bad guys. So in all a great day to have some battlefield fun (or not if you are on the receiving end).

Note: The mod might seem to look like it has crashed when loading into Skirmish, this is not the case. The game is just loading in and might take a few minutes (around 5 minutes if you're on low-mid spec microwave). So may as well go grab a coffee (or KVASS, suka) whilst it loads (It's worth the wait).

I will most likely update this mod with every game update (It's fairly straightforward to do unlike CREATING THIS FU..... MOD!!)

Anyways, good luck out their Soldier (Comrade of the Motherland).

(The mod still works, although is now obsolete as I have an updated version).