

238 ratings
Music Manager (Continued)
Mod, 1.5
File Size
420.336 KB
12 Apr, 2024 @ 6:43am
1 Jan @ 2:01am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Music Manager (Continued)

In 1 collection by Zaljerem
Zal's Continued Mods
500 items
Original mod by Fluffy
MIT and Share-Alike licenses
Even so, if the original author requests it, or I see the original mod updates, I will remove this update.

Compatible with Music Expanded Framework (Continued)


I couldn't live without some music controls, immediately, in 1.5 ...
All props to Fluffy for this and their other mods. You're a legend.


1. The "Previous" button now just returns you to the start of the currently playing song. You can always pick a song directly from the menu. The "Next" button plays a random appropriate song. "Play/Pause" works as normal - resume if paused, start new random track if no song playing. [Bug fixed!]

2. This mod predates Anomaly, and is not yet fully compatible. You can control the music to an extent, but it will often start on its own from other triggers, etc. I hope to improve this soon.

3. Any previous bugs/issues/functionality problems are untouched, and new ones may have arisen!

4. I may or may not do anything about improving this mod further, it seems to work for what I need it to do, and maybe you too. I make no promises. Anyway, source is included - improve it. I'd be only too happy to remove this mod if a better one arrives or if the original updates.

[Six months later, my C# is much improved and I feel to be in a place where I can start giving this active support. I just pushed a minor update, more to come hopefully!]


Original mod notes (1.4):

Manage your music. Like a boss.


Adds a music player widget to the game, with the usual audio control buttons; pause, play, next song, etc. The widget defaults to the top right of the screen, but can be unlocked in the mod settings, and then moved around at will.

Also included is a larger interface that lists all the songs available, and allows you to disable specific songs[not working?], change under which conditions songs are allowed to be played, and start playing any song in the database. Custom metadata is persisted across games. You can reset all metadata in the mods' settings screen.

You can control the default interval between songs by moving the appropriate sliders in the mods' settings screen.

Compatibility with other mods:

Music Manager is fully compatible with other mods that add music to the game.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
28 Oct, 2024 @ 11:26am
Music mod breaking in MM
Silvaria Sereneblossom
20 Jul, 2024 @ 6:25am
How to disable songs (solved)
Vic 1 Feb @ 7:06pm 
Is there no way to disable a song from playing?
Taemaly 26 Jan @ 12:43pm 
i second what Panderrfic the track mod info would be truly amazing .
And want to add another request - is it possible to make the now playing track to show last or first on the list in the playlist , as when you have a lot of songs its very difficult to find it in the playlist menue to for example edit seasons playtime etc.
Panderrific 22 Jan @ 3:18pm 
might there be any way to have the playlist screen (or even just the scroller) show what dlc/mod the track comes from?
Jonuss 3 Jan @ 11:16am 
That indeed fixed it, thanks very much! Guess it just didn't update properly
Zaljerem  [author] 2 Jan @ 12:43pm 
Hi, please unsub/resub from this mod to make sure you have the latest version. Thanks!
Jonuss 2 Jan @ 12:31pm 
Hi, having an issue with Music Manager, it worked up until a few days ago, now it won't play and spams the log with errors. I've got a full upload of my log here: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/1f76cc69289eda9268be853d630eee23

and the specific issue that gets spammed repeatedly

Root level exception in Update(): System.MissingFieldException: Field 'MusicManager.MusicManager.queuedSong' not found.
[Ref 2B05C5B9]
at RimWorld.MusicManagerPlay.MusicUpdate () [0x00011] in <69945a8ed6c540cf90b578de735e0605>:0
- PREFIX musicexpanded.framework: Boolean MusicExpanded.Patches.MusicManagerPlay+MusicUpdate:Prefix(MusicManagerPlay __instance)
at Verse.Root_Play.Update () [0x00037] in <69945a8ed6c540cf90b578de735e0605>:0
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

Any ideas? I'm kind of at a loss, disabled any recently installed mods and tried testing it on a fresh dev quicktest save to no avail.
Taemaly 1 Jan @ 2:00pm 
omg Thank you so much for the fix!
Zaljerem  [author] 1 Jan @ 2:02am 
Thanks for the report; I've just pushed an update.
Geobeetle 31 Dec, 2024 @ 9:59pm 
@Zaljerem If you run this with music expanded with Medieval track selected starting a new n*k*d brutality game throws an error and crashes to main menu when loading into the map
Mr Scary's Creepiest Ghoul 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:56pm 
If you're having trouble with P-music not appearing in music manager, try loading it before music manager. This worked for me