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[VSP]Azimuth Plus
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24 Mar 2024 @ 3:15
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9 Değişiklik Notu ( görüntüle )

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[VSP]Azimuth Plus

LUCA46B tarafından 1 koleksiyonda
[LK]Vanilla Submarine Plus
11 öğe
It is a 100% vanilla submarine,which theoretically,you can make an exactly same one in campaign.
What distinguish it from the original Azimuth is the overall modification of its grid and circuit,which include but not limited to:
1.A switching circuit that allows you control all turrets with the periscope command room.
2.A reactor controller that adjust power 10 times as fast as the reactor's native auto control.
3.Replacing all junction boxes with relay components(didn't change any value,but did use certain skill that is kind of illegal),making the power grid almost invulnerable.
4.An auto overload circuit that makes the sub can reach 57 km/h(when fully upgraded,26% faster than original),without having to shut down the oxygen generator or other devices.
5.Extra ballast tank that makes it can dive at the speed of 21.8 km/h(30% faster than original).
6.Improvements that make the drain system more efficient and reasonalbe.
7.Circuits for the capacitors which make the voltage of main devices very steady.
8.Other little improvements making your journey on Europa more pleasuring.
1.The reactor requires you to pull the "turbineoutput"bar(the righter one on UI) apace to max by hand when initializing it——or——well,nothing would happen.For regular ships,that may overload the grid,but for this ship,whose grid is invulnerable,that is just pretty much the same.
2.The reactor consumes fuels faster than common ones——the cost for its better performance.
3.Its normal for the reactor to prompt"Temp Low" or "Output High".
4.Its normal for certain lamps to flicker when the grid's load is high,they are designed to be so.
5.The oxygen generator charges oxygen tanks slower,which is also designed to be so.
6.Its normal for oxygen generator to "scream" when the grid is out of power,again,designed to be so.
7.Every time you upgrade the charging speed of the battery or the supercapacitor,you have to adjust the value of multiplier for them by hand.
The steps are:
7.1.Open the circuit box next to the reacotor.
7.2.You can find 3 memory components on the left part of the pane.

7.3.As the label says,These three ROM correspond to supercapacitor/battery/reactor(which is auto calculated,so you do not have to adjust it every time you upgrade the reactor,but if you do,it may function little better).
7.4.The values separated by double slashes correspond to //no upgrade//grade 1//2//3.Fill the correct value to the ROM.(If you have certain mod that changes upgrade limits of capacitors,you will have to calculate on your own with the given formula)
8.The meaning of the text displays next to navigator:
Temperature of reactor/Voltage of main grid
Fuel left percent of reactor/Voltage of sub grid
Residual electricity of storage battery/supercapacitor
Charging rate of storage battery/supercapacitor

9.If AI gunner take over the periscope of command room,do following steps to get rid of it.
9.1.Shut off the turret-switching mode.
9.2.Cancel gunner's operating mission.
9.3.Re-command gunner to man the gun.("re-command",not recommend,lol)
9.5.This situation usually only take place everytime you start a new round.So shutting off the turret-switching mode everytime you end a round shall prevent this from happen.
10.It's recommended to forbid AI to use the door between the engine room(which have been modified into an extra ballast)and the cargo.
appreciations for subscribe.
6 Yorum
LUCA46B  [yaratıcı] 3 Kas 2024 @ 18:57 
Issue has been fixed.
LUCA46B  [yaratıcı] 22 Haz 2024 @ 8:54 
Bad: This update results in signal relays and energy relays no longer being generic.
At the same time, due to the extensive use of this skill in the VSP (Vanilla Ship Plus) series, some of the energy circuits will be disabled due to signal problems and need to be overhauled.
However, since I am currently in the exam month and my mouse is broken, the overhaul deadline will be delayed.
It's uncertain if this change will be retain to the final version and later ones.
LUCA46B  [yaratıcı] 22 Haz 2024 @ 8:52 
!!! Important Notices:
FAKEFISH has changed the relay component interface logic in the latest public test version! In which,once a relay component is off,all its energy port is considered as disconnected from the grid(like damaged junction boxes).
Good: Now that a controllable operation to merge or disconnect the grids is obtained, the conventional use of relay components will lose its meaning. Now we can merge two grids or cut one into two freely at will, and docking doors and equipment damaging are no longer the only mechanisms for splitting/merging grids.
LUCA46B  [yaratıcı] 22 Haz 2024 @ 8:52 
MrWomanStealer 28 Mar 2024 @ 7:20 
nah they itemized my azimuth
Z54321 25 Mar 2024 @ 7:52 