Garry's Mod
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NewAura: HL2RP
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Half-Life 2 Tools
Creato da Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Creato da Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
Half-Life 2 Tools Extras
Creato da Spirit
Adds extra tools under the category 'Half-Life 2' - Turn a prop into a fully custom adjustable mapping-like brush trigger.. A trigger can fire the inputs from another entity when touched by a player, npc or prop. - Spawn a fully custom adjustable Headcrabc...
Parakeet's Pill Pack
Creato da Parakeet
Pills turn you into machines and critters from various games. This is the base pack. It contains Half-Life 2 pills and fun pills. You can find pills in the "Pills" tab of the spawnmenu. Also known as the Morph Mod. See the "Documentation" thread in discuss...
Beta Metrocop Sounds
Creato da cryptic
Not a replacement. These are the sounds from the HL2 Beta which can be used for example in Half-Life 2 Roleplay. All content is created by Valve. If you want to listen to them write play then followed by anything below to play them: Example: play npc/metro...
Enhanced Recoil
Creato da relaxtakenotes
(Universal) Recoil screen shake All bug reports go here!, don't even try to report anything in the comments as I'll just block you. I'm not joking, I blocked 6 people already. Wut is this? A super duper mega ultra realistic effect where your screen and you...
Combine Tracers Rework
/////////NON CLIENTSIDE///////// Replaces default combine's tracers to more cinematic ones. You can hide energy ball effect by "cmb_tracers_energyball 0" and restart map. If you experience FPS issues, you can try lower bullet tracer frequency by Bullet Ove...
High Res Rebels (Reskins)
Creato da Gürayidmemet
This is an enhanced version of the rebels,high res rebels clothing for males.!! Skins of the same version of metro-cop:
High Res Rebels (Reskins)
Creato da Gürayidmemet
This is an enhanced version of the rebels,high res rebels clothing for females.!!...
HL2RP ID Cards
Creato da Dorado
Este addon añade un juego de cinco tarjetas magneticas creadas con la intencion de ser usadas en el HL2RP de Carpathia Gaming. Yo solo me he ocupado de mezclar creaciones de otros usuarios, no asumo ningun credito de esos materiales. -Creditos a los creado...
Despawn NPC Bodies with Keep Corpses
Creato da cazanu
This mod removes the body of the oldest killed npc at your count of choice using the options slider. Its intended for use with mods that require "keep corpses ON" like "Real Life Blood redux",this way you can play with mods like that combined with for eg "...
Extended Properties
Creato da Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Improved Stacker
Creato da Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Fallout 4 - Junk Props
Creato da dickmosi Over 350 Junk and Miscellaneous Items from Fallout 4 in Prop form, enyoi! Obviously there's way too many to list, so here's a few highlights Almost every Junk Item from Fallout 4 Bobbleheads Components (i.e. Adhesive, Circuit...
Black Mesa - Junk Props
Creato da Kiegbale
Please! Read the description. Junk props pack from Black Mesa game! This pack contains electronic, office stuff, junky models and other! All you can see on screenshots! Features: Breakable props HD Textures Skins Detail materi...
NPC Tools
Creato da Silverlan
SPECIAL THANKS to Cpt. Hazama for fixing the addon! ----------------------------------- I'm done with gmod and I don't take requests, so please stop spamming the comment section. There won't be any updates or new packs. If you want to check out my new proj...
Creato da dr mittens
City 8 Canals A map by Dave Brown, created for Taco 'N' Banana's Half-Life 2 Roleplay server. City 8 is the Combines Citadel based in what used to be Tokyo, Japan. Outside the city walls runs a maze of sewers, canal runoffs, tunnels and so forth that allow...
No Collide World
Creato da Panthera Tigris
This is a multifunctional no collide tool. Features - Can undo no collide. - No collide with world. - No collide constraint interactions. - No collide with entities nearby. Someone made a movie that shows one setting of the tool:
More Half-Life 2 NPCs
Creato da LOL DUDE
Adds and adjusts some Half-Life 2 NPCs for the Spawn Menu DISCLAIMER! I, LOL DUDE, didn't make the models or textures included in this pack. Credit there goes to the Valve Corporation. All I did was bring them over to help make some of the NPCs in this pac...
Spawnable Kevlar Armor
Creato da Reidmaster
Spawnable Kevlar Armor Includes: ~ Light Armor (100, Left Vest) ~ Medium Armor (150, Middle Vest) ~ Heavy Armor (250, Right Vest) This pack is just like my other pack except new models. (I also included the other Combine Vest models too (Second Pic). Credi...
Enhanced Combine and Helmets
Creato da Misterlegodude
NOTE: I did NOT make these ragdolls nor their textures, the original creator of these ragdolls is Bloocobalt, the only thing i made was the helmet props! This addon includes 3 ragdolls with multiple skins, bodygroups and higher quality, more detailed textu...
OF2: Combine Synth Soldiers
Creato da Omega
Includes: - Two humanoid synth, one with the strider color scheme and another with the hunter's. - Two weapon props (one of them is only an viewmodel to be used for posing) and a 'citadel' prop. These are ragdolls and props, but you may also use them as pr...
Nova Prospekt Tripmine Replacer
Creato da Sergeant Pan
No more useless red lasers A very basic script that replaces the useless "tripmines" on the Nova Prospekt maps with proper SLAMs. Works on map change and map cleanup. Affects the following maps: d2_prison_03 d2_prison_04 d2_prison_05 d2_prison_06 These are...
Lua Combine Mine
Creato da DoopieWop
GitHub: Recreation of the Half-Life 2 Combine Mine in Lua. The reason why this was made is because the original mine doesn't let you change the disposition it has towards other entities. Mainly something for Ha...
Suits and Robbers
Creato da Taggart
This is an update for the Suit Pack 2012, Now on the Workshop! What is the SUIT PACK 2012, you might ask? Well, my friend, it is this: > 9 males! > 7 models per male! (closed jacket, closed jacket with trenchcoat (and optional gloves) open jacket, open jac...
Half-Life 2: Propaganda
Steam Group There is new HL2 Propaganda / Posters. Do not reupload that addon. Tags: HL2 ,Half Life ,Propaganda , Poster , Posters. Important things: All Credits for the artwork in this addon goes to creator himself not me....
Combine Officers V3
Creato da TomeKK 2Shae
Not made by me Through the use of bodygroups, you can choose different facemaps, uniforms, and attachments. Credits: Taggart- Model hacks Lt_commander - Textures, facemaps(the bad ones) Valve - Base models Rusty - Facemaps(the good ones) Nirrti - Epaulttes...
Emplacement Gun
Creato da Zaubermuffin
Who could forget the famous emplacement gun from Half-Life 2? Because the mapped ones seem to have broken in GMod, I decided to realize them as a SENT. Features Working emplacement gun almost like in Half-Life 2 Searchlight to make sure you won't miss a ta...
Administrator Takehiko
Creato da Sir
If you'd like to use this model for any servers or communitary ventures it'd be cool if you could drop me a note so I'm aware of it. Not for me to give permission or anything, just so I can see people appreciate this to the extent they'd include it on thei...
Extended Spawnmenu
Creato da Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
Campaign Entities
Creato da StrawWagen
Lost Half Life 2 mechanics. And MUCH MORE! Wouldn't it be nice if saves were less stupid? Limited? If campaigns could be a breeze to make, if the bar, was raised? It would be nice if you could script an assault... If you could...
Combine Sniper [FIX]
Creato da MrGeRoI
Fix of a sniper who in Half-Life 2 does not use animations and does not hold a weapon in his hands. This mod fixes a sniper who can be spawned with another addon....
City8 Combine NPCs
Creato da 4illNation
I did not create these models. I simply converted the player model to make NPCs. I made this for my HL2RP server. Female models are not included. If you are the creator of the models, please contact me so I can add your credit. Models ripped from this page...
My Hands v8.1
Creato da oldWgis
Now working with TFA Replaces the default view-model hands with your player models hands. This is accomplished by rendering a client-side-only copy of your player model. It is bonemerged onto your view-model and all non-relevant bones are moved behind a cl...
CW:HL2RP NPCs [MPF & Administrators]
Creato da Schafer
!!MAKE SURE YOU HAVE "Clockwork: HL2 RP Content " INSTALLED OR YOU WILL SEE ERRORS!! Turns the models from clockwork hl2rp content into NPCs. Current NPCs +EpU +OfC +DvL +Ghost +SeC +Female/Male Administrators Only known bug is that the npcs randomly float...
Helix HL2 RP Vocoder Sounds
Creato da -insecure
Adds vocoder sounds for Overwatch soldiers. Add this workshop addon to your server's workshop collection.
Sleeping NPCs v3
Creato da oBdurate
This addon allows you to spawn NPCs that are sleeping or burrowed like in the original Half-Life 2 series Features: Features indicated with * require Half-Life 2 Episode 1 & 2 Zombies Slump Slump ( Attack ) Prone *Zombine Slump Slump ( Attack ) Prone Headc...
Rust Backpack (Prop)
Creato da Gun Dealer
This is just the backpack prop from Rust (legacy) for use on my server. Extracted from: Rust (Legacy) Props Pack by BlackSnow (Original Addon) - Go check out his pack if you're interested in other Rust models. Credit: Models by: Facepunch Models ported by:...
Xala's Movie Helper
Creato da Xalalau
----------------------------------------------------------- BRASIL, Junte-se: GMBR, criadores BR de addons e vídeos e tudo. ----------------------------------------------------------- Xala's Movie Helper helps you with your Machi...
Placeable Particle Effects
Creato da The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
Scenic NPCs
Creato da Zach88889
This is an interesting and different mod that I have done in a while. I decided to make this mod because I got tired of having to always use the Easy Animation Tool and having to disable Thinking when I wanted a roleplay or cinematic scene going on with a ...
Random Combine
What is this? Spawns combine soldiers randomly, any of Normal Soldier, Shotgunner, Prison Guard, Prison Shotgunner, and Elite Soldier. To spawn, Go to: NPC tab -> GreatZenkakuMan's NPCs -> Combine Random You can also spawn Rappel Combine Soldiers individua...
Enhanced headcrabprep and soupprep
Creato da bean
I've started making it a while ago, like before i even knew how to port models to Source. You can tell I was not dedicated. Includes: - 2x ai upscaled textures (with slight adjustments) and generated normal maps - Full restored geometry and higher polycoun...
HL2 MMOD Weapons [Revamped animations]
Creato da mtbNTB
A continuation of my previous addon you could say. This contains a revamped animations from the original addon: Replaces most hl2 weapons Pretty much a standalone pack and doesn't need the o...
TacoNBanana City 74 Model Pack
Creato da dr mittens
All of TnB's HL2-themed custom models for our old C74 iteration. No longer used on our servers and will conflict with our new models. These are rigged and useable as playermodels. Each model has a plethora of bodygroups and skins. Bodygroups are consistent...
City8 Metrocops
Creato da 4illNation
I am not the original creator of these models. They were taken from the TNB Megapack. I made this addon to preserve file space on the server as the Megapack is very large and I only wanted t...
Quick Slide
Creato da datæ
Just a simple sliding mod. No bs, just crouch while sprinting. If you have VManip you'll see your hand move but it's not required sv_qslide_duration - Slide duration in seconds (default: 0.75) sv_qslide_speedmult - Slide speed multiplier (default: 1) cl_qs...