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Dead's Kislev Overhaul
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22 Dec, 2023 @ 12:54pm
14 Dec, 2024 @ 4:07pm
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Dead's Kislev Overhaul


I want to start by saying this is a personal take on mixing Expanded Roster: Kislev and Nu-Kislev. I have permission from crisord, Deco, and Dindi to do this and though it is based on their mod from WH2 and their work they aren't the ones who made this so please direct all questions to me.I am excited to finally be releasing this for everyone. It has technically been in development since WH3 released as parts of this mod are that old.

On to the actual mod itself.
This is an overhaul which means it won't be compatible with most other Kislev mods.
It also isn't compatible with my other Kislev mods.

The focus of the mod as of now has been a rework to the roster. I removed/reworked the base game units and made my own take of ER: Kislev units. Not every unit was ported over as some were redundant or I couldn't find a good way to implement them. There is a new lord called Shaman that is only recruitable by Ostankya and lesser Kislev factions. Kostaltyn, Katarin, and Boris cannot recruit them for lore reasons. There is a new hero called the Blademaster, which is the same as my standalone release.

Bears and Ice have been reduced!
Bear mounts have been removed from Patriarchs, Ice Witches, and Frost Maidens. I left them for Boyars because they lacked a good late game mount without it.

Unit visuals have been overhauled to remove the ice from everything. The Elemental Bear has been limited to Katarin. Ice Guard and Snow leopards are Katarin only. Streltsi have Chaos Robies changes and that are taken from another mod I did. Names of units have been changed. Gospodar and Ungol units are represented.

I have edited and changed some units to make this work, so other mods that utilize base game units like Caravans or Garrisons won't be compatible without sub-mods.

Khan-Queen's Sleigh by Xoudad - Highly Recommended

Kislev Cavalry Shields Factions Colors by krillkongen Highly Recommended

Tzar Guard Sword Fix by Orendiz

War Bear Colour Variation

Frostfiend by Calm
Crows and Ravens by Calm
Spiders by Calm

Daughter's of Kislev sub mod by The Maharajah of Punjab

I haven't tested Calms units but I don't see why they wouldn't work

The Motherland by Xoudad - Not tested, most likely needs a sub-mod
Kislev Cavalry Shields by Müsliriegel - NOT Compatible (I made some custom shields so they would need resize)
My other Kislev mods - NOT Compatible (Most are implemented here)
Kislev Unit mods - Depends, test it out.
Caravans of the Old World - Works but might have errors, needs a sub mod. (Boyar campaign anims are changed)
Greater Kislev by NoMatterWha - Not tested
Hag Lore mods by various people - Will work as I did no changes to Hags.
Snek's Extra Variants by Snek - Needs a submod

IEE by ChaosRobie - Will most likely need a submod
Old World by ChaosRobie - Will need a submod

This was primarily made for IE at the moment, it most likely won't work for prologue and might work for realms of chaos but haven't tested.

These are the ones I know of. Any other mod is assumed to at least need a sub mod, but please test it out if you are unsure. In most cases I replaced the models for items instead of edited VMD's so reskins should work, but keep in mind a lot of the units that were in base game were reworked or removed.

Decomposed - Answered questions and helped with ideas
crisord - Ungol Shields as well

This mod wouldn't exist without their amazing ER: Kislev mod from WH2.

r1kko - Some Unit Cards

r1kko allowed me to use unit cards he made for the ER: Kislev mod from WH2.


Guv and Lily were my biggest inspirations to even get into modding Total War in the first place and have both helped me out so much more than they probably know.

Xoudad - Script and DB help
Lycia Pintella - Script help
ChaosRobie - Anims and weapons for Streltsi (Rifle and Bardiche)

As it stands, the mod works and I have been playing campaigns for the last month. The mod can and will continue to grow overtime and I am very open to ideas and suggestions. I can add other units from ER: Kislev if there is demand for them. I don't plan on changing buildings or technologies much as I already worry about balance. I have spent a lot of time trying to get the factions to vary recruitment, but they sometimes like to focus on certain units, this is mostly a base game issue. Gospodar units might feel strong but actually they are weaker since I removed their pistols, otherwise nothing else changed.

The Expanded Roster team were not involved directly in making this mod but the mod is heavily based on their work. Please contact me with questions.
Dead Baron  [author] 24 Feb @ 8:01am 
Вам позволено это не нравиться. Если вы думаете, что они слишком слабы, я могу посмотреть на баланс. Не нужно быть таким грубым в своем последнем комментарии. Этот мод сделал мой друг, я помогал с ним.
BlackLegion 24 Feb @ 7:56am 
Мне как Русскому человеку данный мод вообще не понравился. Забрали ездовых медведей не только у героев но и у лордов, переработали полностью (гибридную пехоту ) и не в лучшую сторону. Этот мод не усиляет Кислев а делает его слабее. Я бы назвал этот мод (модом на скорую руку на отъебись). Хотите знать какой мод действительно достоин уважения в плане переработки и усиления фракции?

Tribes of the North, автор возьми пример.
ShadowThrone 27 Jan @ 11:33pm 
This is a great mod thank you
I made a patch for this and daughters of kislev if anyone is intrested
Dead Baron  [author] 3 Jan @ 2:27pm 
A lot of it might be how I made the assets. I can try to regen the LOD, but not sure how much it would help.
Space 3 Jan @ 9:04am 
Absolutely love this mod. I do notice I take a pretty beefy performance hit in-battle if a lot of the new units are on screen though and was wondering how big an ask it would be for a performance patch similar to what "Fay Folk of Athel Loren" has. Regardless, thanks for making Kislev interesting to play for once!
Dead Baron  [author] 30 Dec, 2024 @ 8:14pm 
I don't want to do that, it would prob mess with balance a lot.
Disciple Toki 30 Dec, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
Any chance of outright removing all Kislev buildings and Units from the Sisters of the Forest. They should have never had them in the first place
Bowielicius 29 Dec, 2024 @ 11:24am 
Not sure if its intended since in the description it says otherwise, but Boyar lords have no bear mounts available.
Dead Baron  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 9:15pm 
I didn't like that practically every unit in Kislev was hybrid. I felt it made the kossar more unique and traded the hybrid style to a defensive wall style.