Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (9)
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Created by Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Minmode - Complete Pack
Created by MSF
These screenshots were taken with the FOV set to 51, the default value. Please note that this mod is basically a model mod, due to the nature of how the animations for each weapon is implemented. (Animations are inside the model instead of being a separate...
noa1mbot Theme
Created by シェイディ♑
Animated loading screen and famous style from the old noa1mbot speedruns. NOTE: Addon blocks custom nick displaying. If you'd like to see noa1mbot team names for the Survivor bots, you should to place this addon locally, in the "left4dead2/addons" folder. ...
The Ultimate Sound Mode
Created by zvh
Original addon was improved: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=137443116 The sound of gunfire was reduced by about 20% (including grenade launcher, minigun and chainsaw)! Nearmiss sounds quieter now too. The intro on c1m1 and c8m1 was ...
[VScript] Weapon Timer Enforcer
Created by Orinuse
Your weapon mods might be changing the duration of your draw and reload! Deploys and reloads don't have a set duration, they take their server-sided animation's duration. So on local servers where the hoster uses animation mods.. well in short, it's bad ne...
Hunter Training
Created by eyeonus
A portal-like hunter training map for teaching advanced hunter pounce techniques and the practice thereof. To play, open console and type "map hunter_training" without the quotes. If you like this, please consider donating. Even $1 helps. paypal.me/eyeonus...
1v1 Hunters Mutation [FIX TLS update] v1.3
Created by A1ekin
WARNING: This is not entirely my job, I used the Sw1ft addon, but modified it because it stopped working after the TLS Update 1v1 Hunters - Mutation Mutation for a 1v1 game with a SI Hunter Features Tier 1 Weapon Ready Up System Custom Chat Commands Hunter...
2v2 ZoneMod - Mutations
Created by richardhafer
2v2 ZoneMod - Mutations! A more balanced versus experience SourceMod Plugins obviously dont work with just from a mutation, which means this is not 100% ZoneMod. Nothing on the maps objects is changed (No changes to cars, extra props, ...) and some changes...
Bhop Journey
Created by Leo
Description Bhop Journey by Arzeval Most Valve games have their own unique jumping mechanics along with their jumping community and a dozen maps. but when it comes to Left 4 Dead 2, there are barely any maps made for bunnyhoping, so I decided to give it a ...