Defense Grid 2

Defense Grid 2

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28 ago. 2014 às 21:09
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Gostarias de ver este item oficialmente aceite e utilizável no Defense Grid 2?

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A map submission for the Alienware/DG2 contest, August 2014


You start with 300 resources, It may seem like a small amount, but the map is quite large so there should be an opportunity to gain additional resources over time.

This is a longitudinally symmetrical map, ie left and right are mirror images, apart from minor cosmetic differences such as the spaceships round the edge.

Aliens enter through the corners of the eyes, and leave at the chin.

The player then has the option to send the aliens up to the top of the head or down to the chin.

There are four access routes to the power core housing, two longer routes that go through tower platforms, and two more direct routes. There are also tower platforms at either end of the crossroads under the power core housing.

There are also a number of additional tower tile spaces spread around to provide support and in some cases path control, bringing the number of tower build locations up to a total of 97 tiles although in practice not all of them can be used at once.

There are a variety of ways to set up your defences and quite a few ways for the aliens to try and slip past if you arent careful.

The tower platforms are too small for proper mazing gameplay, but you should have plenty of opportunities to control the path of the aliens. Its not my style of gameplay but I suspect that a bit of juggling may be possible as well.

Whilst there are many curves and corners, you may still want to keep an eye on Rhino's in particular, as they can still build up a bit of speed on the gentler curves as well as the longer straights.


This map is now available to download for free from the dg2freemaps website.