Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

60 ratings
The Cthulhu Mythos
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22 Oct, 2023 @ 7:42pm
13 Nov, 2023 @ 6:17pm
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The Cthulhu Mythos

In 1 collection by Cthulhu
Stone Wars : Don't Starve - Together
85 items

(Extracted from "Love, death & robots")

A call for insanity...

The darkness of the night is calling you! Feeling a little tingling sensation behind your eyes? Do you feel him? In your soul, crawling about, feeding on your memories, your sorrows, your whole mind?! He calls to you. You should answer...

Hi everyone! Sorry for the creepy intro! We're talking about Lovecraft though so nothing is going to be joyful about this mod.

To put it simply, I'm recreating some of the iconic objects of the Cthulhu Mythos and sending them to the Constant. Why you might ask? Because I think that this game has, at times, proven itself to be quite Lovecraftian in it's imagery and it's environment. Chaos, loads of deaths and genuine horror elements are all present in the game a various occasions. But it's not truly "scary" per say... You might get scared of dying and loosing your loot but nothing will make you actually scream for your life or make you go: "Omg I almost ♥♥♥♥ my pants, I thought this was a survival game." Nothing really gets on that kind of scary in Don't Starve. But what if it did? What if you couldn't go around at night thinking a torch or a mining helmet will save you. What if even night vision wearing players were still at the mercy of the dark?

So I present to you my idea. Or my version of it. "The Cthulhu Mythos".

In this mod you will find a multitude of different artifacts from the mythos along with creatures straight out of your nightmares. (Or Lovecraft's nightmares more like)

Like I said, this is an idea, I just started modding DST this week and I am still working out the quirks of LUA scripting. But my progress has been steady since I started. Which prompted me to start this project.

Here's a list of the current implemented features in this mod:
[Forum Thread][]

Now, for the upcoming features.
(Note that any of these features are prone to change and I might add more)

Items currently in development: None

- Clothing/Armor (Hooded capes, fish-scaled armour, ...)
- Weapons/Tools (Obsidian sword, staff, axe, ...)
- Artefacts (Cured flute, the totem of Cthulhu, ...)
- Creature drops (Fish scales, fish eyes, blood vials, ...)
- "Food" (You don't want to know)
- Materials (Obsidian, indescribable rock, washy wood, ...)

World gen:
- Fishermen's island
- Obsidian boulders
- Obsidian Obelisks
- Cursed trees
- "Caves entrances" (Monster Spawner)
- "Ransacked towns" (Merfolk villages)

(* I would like to clearafy that none of these images that follow are of my making, they are purely inspiration for the upcoming creatures *)

Concept Art Sketches:

- The Shoggoths

- The Night-Gaunts

- The Mi-Go

- The Deep Ones (peaceful Merms, unless it's night time)

- The Ancient Ones

- The Elder Things

- The Hounds of Tindalos

- The Gugs

- Star Vampires

Popular Discussions View All (5)
23 Apr, 2024 @ 10:18am
PINNED: [Feature suggestions]
7 Nov, 2023 @ 6:57pm
PINNED: Modding suggestions/Tips to help the dev
8 Aug, 2024 @ 5:42pm
PINNED: [Bug Reports]
Nick_Shayger 20 Aug, 2024 @ 3:45am 
Your mod is THE ONLY MOD I always wanted to see in DST. The game itself lacks of that kind of content like lovecraftian creatures, places, e.t.c. Great mod, me and my friend will be wating for updates!
If you need any help with russian translation, send me any message. I can help.
FoxKnight64 9 Aug, 2024 @ 12:32am 
Like what ya got goin so far

Hope this mod continues development eventually
Tec 16 Apr, 2024 @ 4:12pm 
Keep it going, it will be HUGE! :steamthis:
Cthulhu  [author] 22 Mar, 2024 @ 12:13pm 
And yes Papipatriota that is a great idea! Put it in the suggestions if you feel like it!
Cthulhu  [author] 22 Mar, 2024 @ 12:12pm 
I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently, school is hard and life too, things will pick back up when I feel at ease. Because I still hold this mod close to my heart. Hope to see y'all soon again... Sorry for the ones who have been patiently waiting for an update. Thank you for understanding...

- Your beloved Cthulhu <3 :DSTtophat:
PAPIPATRIOTA 16 Jan, 2024 @ 12:28pm 
Because the influence of this game on Lovecraft is curious and there is not even a playable character mod for Lovecraft or any Lovecraftian entity even though there are a large number of playable characters made by modders.
P.S. I'm sorry that my English is not the most refined but it is not my native language.
PAPIPATRIOTA 16 Jan, 2024 @ 12:23pm 
Could a playable HP Lovecraft character be made that invokes and performs Lovecraftian magic while sacrificing his sanity? How to... summon tentacles by the arms as an attack like they do in Bloodborne as examples
Castiliano 13 Jan, 2024 @ 5:17pm 
Amazing idea and you were very sincere in everything described. I can see this becoming a big mod in the future, you're so good! :shadeknight:
Cthulhu  [author] 10 Jan, 2024 @ 1:10pm 
Planned Translations : Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian
Cthulhu  [author] 10 Jan, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
Hey guys! for the ones subscribed to this threat and to the mod. I apologies for the lack of updates recently, but I took a brake while doing my exams last year near Christmas. For, as you can see, I was really busy. I still got school going on now but I will keep an eye on the comments regardless. Although progress is slowed right now, I will (and this is a promise) update this mod again once I get a clear spot for it in my schedule. For the people wanting translations. I will accept any help but waiting for the next content update will be necessary. :steamthumbsup::DSTwilson: