Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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France tweaks - HRE Pope, England subject, better Jerusalem
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9 Oct, 2023 @ 1:05am
1 Dec, 2023 @ 7:09pm
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France tweaks - HRE Pope, England subject, better Jerusalem

A few additions to make playing France more enjoyable by giving a few new options for playing anc changing some stuff. Mostly it's just for larp reasons and to make the map prettier. Doesn't really make you more powerful.

- Fixes the Heirs of Charlemagne ultimatum you can send the HRE Emperor after the Sway the Electors mission, so that the AI actually has a chance to accept (the chance is 0 in vanilla)
- If you side with the Pope when completing the 'House of God' mission while being a member of the HRE, the Pope will also join the HRE
- When finishing the Conquer the Isles mission, unlocks a decision to establish a semi-unique English subject (while also keeping the unique absolutism buff from the tower of london monument you get as a reward for the mission).
- Makes it so that a subject can form the Netherlands.
- Change the Jersualem mission tree so that missions can be completed even as a subject.

Potential plans include adding an Iberian subject and maybe a couple of German subjects as well. Potentially. Probably not though.
Redkoat 28 Sep, 2024 @ 3:34pm 
Are we likely to see an update to this in the future? because as much as I hate the french (I'm English) I love these editions that allow me to conquer the whole of europe
skoobeldoobel  [author] 30 Dec, 2023 @ 12:19pm 
@Dekent It's funny you post this, because I was just recently thinking about doing more or less all of this lol. The code's already there with England, so wouldn't be too difficult to just copy it to other nations, with a few changes. France is probably my favorite nation, but I hate how blobby the domination mission tree is. I want nice borders!
Dekent 29 Dec, 2023 @ 1:01am 
Cool ideas! The Jersualem mission tree will be fun to proxy do with my French empire.

Some suggestions though maybe another alternate nation in place of the Netherlands similar to what you did for England and a Spain, and Italy if you going against the pope, sort of a lesser version of the Angevin mission tree with its PUs.
skoobeldoobel  [author] 1 Dec, 2023 @ 7:11pm 
@ekanS diloS There was a minor change in 1.36 that I just updated, though otherwise it was and is compatible
ekanSdiloS 1 Dec, 2023 @ 2:56pm 
compatible with 1.36?