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Items (66)
Force Confederation & Vassal 击败合邦、附庸
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod added force confederation and vassal options for all factions. The confederation only works for the same cultural factions due to the game's limit. Compatible with most mods and saved games....
Created by 一寸光阴
五行最高上限可达到500点 另人物基础五行分别增加90点...
Created by 一寸光阴
金—— 部曲潜行: 300时获得 自身闪避: 0-300 (+50)300-400(+10)400-500(+10) 部曲远程破甲 0-300(+50)300-400(+10)400-500(+40) 部曲护甲: 0-300(+30)300-400(+5) 太守工业产值 0-300(+50)300-400(+10) 部曲近战攻速 0-300(+30)300-400(+10)400-500(+20) 部曲奔跑速度 0-300(+50)300-400(+10)400-500(+20) 木 部曲反制冲锋 300时...
增加玩家将领韧性-武将合集/add extra resilience to palyer's generals-for NGC
Created by CUI
给玩家将领增加一条额外韧性。 PS:只能适用于只能适用于武将合集mod! add 1 extra resilience to palyer's generals. PS:Cant use this mod without NGC!...
Created by 一寸光阴
此mod在武将的五行达到一定数值时,奖励武将额外的技能 金250,奖励——龙胆 木250,奖励——凤眼 水250,奖励——妙手 火250,奖励——横冲 土250,奖励——奇袭...
Created by 小心二次元
军队上限+10 每季部署上限+10 可附加MOD 部队补员+20%:
Created by SnowLover
Created by Kraze·
If you want the original English version please go to this: Havie Improved Skill Trees - Wu_Kingdaissance Add-on 此mod是Havie Improved Skill Trees - Wu_Kingdaissance Add-on的简体中文补丁 如果游玩该mod时你仍然需要更多技能点请订阅更多技能点(名将版大技能树专用) Mod介绍 Havie's拓展技能树可以号称是一个史诗级的武将mod。它包含了...
Created by xin_sui2008
经过不懈的努力,增加建筑槽终于现实了。 经过测试,应该没有问题了 本MOD为城市增加了4建筑槽,为资源点增加了2个建筑槽。 分离了一些原来3个资源点的城市 安定 朔方 成都 江阳 苍梧 长沙 鄱阳 淮南 建宁 交趾 将原来其中的一个资源点设为了新的城市(资源点将作为初始建筑在城内登场)。 现在的建筑槽数量为每升一级增加一个建筑槽,最终达到10个建筑槽。 现在,你可以疯狂的建设了 2021/05/16 与1.71版匹配,兼容黑熊的PART1 PART2 2021/12/4 1、修复了山越营地无法被拆除的问题。...
Created by 公承
大幅缓解2K战役等界面卡顿 本mod理论不冲突任何mod,针对原版游戏的语言进行了优化,让UI的各种大小下的界面不再无故超大卡顿,比如2K显示下,UI不改为100%模式下游戏会卡顿,有了这个mod后理论可以自由选择UI100%~200%了,均不会再无缘无故移动战役地图视角或者点击菜单或者进入幕府等乱卡顿半天了,1080P玩家只是界面卡顿程度非常低所以感觉不到,理论使用本mod进行UI语言优化也是有好处的,只是可能肉眼差距不明显。 使用本mod后,2K4K显示器可以使用200%UI界面,所以不需要任何放大字体...
Created by Mr.wong
改自sonictian大佬的mod,把将领buff200%范围单独拿出来了 玩家派系生效,对AI无效。...
Created by kaneblaze
与名将复兴、武将合集、黑熊、MTU等大型mod兼容 子mod未测试 --------------------------------- 驻防序列和关隘现在每回合能给当地部曲提供一点经验,用来升级驻防军队(玩家自己的军队也可以蹲着吃经验)。 --------------------------------- 一、汉家驻军 本mod大幅加强了中高级汉家的城市,驻防序列(马腾的也加了),资源点以及关隘驻军,但低级的城市与资源点替换成了民兵。 称帝和皇宫升级的军队也改成了羽林军。 -----------------...
Created by 海克斯科技喵
1,防御时士气增加+10 2,部队质量+10% 3,远程部队近战攻速10% 4,远程破甲杀伤+10% 5,远程格挡几率+10% 6,远程杀伤+10% 7,进攻时士气增加+10 8,近战骑兵远程格挡概率+10 9,近战闪避+10% 10,近战闪避+10 11,近战破甲伤害+10% 12,近战步兵近战闪避+10 13,近战杀伤+10% 14,近战攻速+10% 15,护甲+10% 16,护甲+10 17,技能充能速率-10% 18,所有持矛步兵护甲+10% 19,所有冲骑兵近战杀伤+10% 20,所有冲击骑兵护甲...
Created by 6947901
更多官职(More official positions)
Mod introduction: 1. Before becoming Emperor: 3 prime ministers and 3 princes; 2 shangshuling, 2 Taiwei, 2 Sikong, 2 situ, 2 Taifu 2. After becoming Emperor: 3 prime ministers, 3 princes, 3 situ, 3 Sikong, 3 Taiwei, 3 Taifu 3. No need to open a new gear, a...
更多建筑槽 More building slots
Created by banana
主城每级增加一个建筑槽位,也就是说一个十级城市拥有十个建筑槽位。 One construction slot is added to each level of the main city, that is to say, a ten level city has ten construction slots. 此mod可能不支持任何大型mod,只要他改动过ceo或者startpos文件。比如mtu,名将合集。 This mod may not support any large mod, as long ...
有问题加我好友我没有梯子不能在评论区回复 都是我自己在用自己在玩的,和多数大型mod兼容,说不起效的看看是不是自己订阅了修改同样功能的mod起冲突了 不用重新开档,直接生效 对原版特殊资源点做了强化 茶馆:3个,在长沙(湖南),益州(四川),牂牁(贵州)。 现在还会增加派系范围将领的最大生命值,因为喝茶对身体有好处 畜牧场:13个,在安定、巴西、北海、苍梧、陈郡、江陵、会稽、南海、武陵、扬州、侯官、豫章、中山。 现在会提供大量的固定农业产值和固定粮食 稻田:9个,在苍梧、涪陵、建安、交趾、会稽、零陵、南海、...
Created by 52赫兹
清除近战攻击的发呆阈值 近战会受到攻击速度的影响 而不再是一堆人在那看着几个人打架 增加了游戏的观赏性的同时也加快了部队阵亡的速度 请给个好评让更多需要的人看到...
Created by 6947901
最新的版本更新 这个MOD改为任何金色物品送20件 这次更新了,应该没有闪退问题了 重要的事情说三遍 这个mod现在整合了独特物品限制数量,看评论区大部分需要搭配解除物品限制。所以我修改了ceo文件,把独特物品限制解除了。也就是说这个mod可以单独用了,不需要搭配独特物品无限制的mod了 这个mod不能搭配任何修改了ceo的mod 比如武将合集,名将复兴,物品限制解除等等。 这个mod现在所有装备都送20件了,包括青龙刀、方天画戟、丈八蛇矛、华佗、还有新出的武器护甲。 此外这个mod送60把烈焰锤,60头大...
武将合集 额外送装备的事件没有冲突每一件装备送25个装备
Created by Tak
武将合集 额外送装备的事件没有冲突 x25...
Created by 一寸光阴
搭配五行强化部曲使用(某大改动过来的,侵删) 为了突破五行400点,所以把里面关于五行的词条删了,自己diy玩的 此mod能让金将 的专精达到400 木将毅力达到400 军师智力达到400 …… 自创武将不兼容,名将复兴那些不能完美兼容...
玩家派系 解锁 全部 阵型 Players' factions unlock all formations
Created by Roger
玩家 派系 解锁 全部 阵型 Players' factions unlock all formations 需要使用新的存档档 基本兼容所有mod 派系范围解锁全部阵型 包含全部阵型,夜战、火箭、火焰投石车炮弹。 新增游击部署。 Requires a new save file Compatible with basically all mods Faction wide unlocks all formations Includes all formations, night battles, rock...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 将领经验+100% 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成全...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 建筑建造时间-3回合 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 战斗必定俘获敌将 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成全体...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 战役地图移动距离+100% 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 箭矢容量+1000% 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 远程射程+100% 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成全...
Created by 何月生
MOD介绍 远程攻速+50% 创意工坊翻了个遍也没找到自己想要的Buff类MOD,所以自己看b站视频做了些只有单独某项Buff的MOD,在上面的MOD合集中可以找到我做的其他的单项Buff的MOD,根据个人需要自行选装。 后面也会更新一些别的单项Buff的MOD(因为我暂时只会做这个,都是根据我自己的需求做),因为游戏已经不更新了,所以应该说是永久有效,想要什么MOD也可以留言,如果我会做并且想做就会更新。 注意 必须开新档才能使用 现支持游戏版本为1.7.1,仅玩家可用,AI不可用(不要问我能不能调成全体...
Created by 寒风吹起
为通用技能添加太守职位效果 自尊 工业+15% 狡诈 敌军战役地图移动距离-20% 志远 工业+15% 屈伸 农业+20% 激情 部队补员+10% 勤勉 工业+15% 高尚 腐败-15% 理解 建造成本-10% 聪颖 所有来源+15%...
铸兵坊、甲匠坊、驯兽场更快产出装备/Faster Craftmen Settlement Production
Created by Meow
这个mod会将铸兵坊、甲匠坊和驯兽场产出武器、防具和马匹的速度增加50%左右,建筑等级越高产出速度越快。 This mod will increase the productivity of craftmen settlements by 50% when they produce weapons, armours and mounts. Higher the level of settlements, faster they will produce.
Created by ALITR
时隔一年 居然有个哥们在群里说这仨货用了加强猛地太离谱 几乎弄得龚都何仪黄邵三分天下 我考虑了一下确实是有点过分了 于是弄了一个大削的版本 顺便把这仨神仙的自动分弄低了 让他们变成人数众多的杂牌军 更符合农民军的效果 更新后182也有效了...
黄巾兵种182与190/194/200互通(Yellow Turban 182 and 190+ share units)
Created by shadowcrew
本mod同时还给一些科技加了额外buff,不用担心很超模,实际上科技全开时190的buff比182弱不少,这里只是把二者差值加了一部分进去。 This mod also give some additional bonuses to some tech to make up for the bonus difference between 182 and 190+.(Compared to the original Chinese text, it is more concise) T1 天遁: 天道解锁 ...
Created by mahaihan
Add buildings for Yellow turban works for any yellow turban faction including buildings; Yan bai hu -Shan yue Zheng jiang -Fei tu Sun jian -feality Kong rong -school 给黄巾势力添加了额外的建筑序列 对任何黄巾势力有效 包含以下; 严白虎 -山越 郑姜 -匪徒 孙坚 -佣兵 孔融 -学校...
Created by 北半南球
注意!! 該模組來源 25%濺射範圍 Note!! This mod comes from 25% splash range 由於原作者貌似沒有更新 所以我自製一個我想兼容的版本 Since the original author doesn't ...
60 non-unique items for player (weapons, armour, mounts, followers)
Created by Salamarder
Works for every faction, every start date. No need to start new game. Player only. Including: -16 weapons -12 armour -12 accessories -8 followers -10 horses + 2 elephants Including many sets which you can combine for more bonuses (weapon + armor, accessory...
Created by yinxwei
8-10级主城提供一个太守位。 3.20更新:已适配于1.5版本和新dlc 9.4更新: 适配南蛮dlc,删掉了10级主城提供差事的效果。 2021.5.1更新 无需开新档,如果有问题冲突欢迎在评论区指出,谢谢大家支持。 5级版本:
Battle Map Populace [EN/CN/KR/JP]
Introducing an exhilarating modification that will revolutionize your Total War gaming experience! Prepare to immerse yourself in the thrilling chaos of battle as I proudly present Battle Map Populace, exclusively designed for true conquerors like you! Unl...
Better AI Templates 更好的AI配兵
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod edited how AI evaluate a unit's quality, so they will use more elite units instead of militia everywhere. Some vanilla settings are ridiculous like AI thinks mounted archers are better than heavy mounted archers or mercenary infantry/cavalry are j...
Better Battle Camera 更好的战场镜头
Created by Alex Zhao
Increased max and min height of battle camera. Now you can overlook the battle field from much higher positions or enjoy Cao Cao’s knee....
Better Caltrops 更好的铁蒺藜
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod increased caltrops' number from 40 to 100, but the total damage will still be the same as vanilla. They will decrease speed, charge speed and acceleration on a larger area. Compatible with everything....
Better Economic & Military Management AI
Created by Hecleas
ECONOMY & MILITARY !!!No bonuses have been added!!! -The AI ​​will recruit a lot more armies, better quality and as much as possible! -The AI ​​will invest its money more intelligently its money, it will be mainly distributed between the armies and the con...
Big update! [Yellow Turban Overhaul] (old name: Catch 'Em All )
Introduction: Remove the captive and hire limitation between factions of different subculture: •Allow you to hire captive Yellow Turban generals when you are playing Han factions like Liu Bei or Nanman factions. •Vice versa, u can hire captive Han / Nanman...
FPS Boost 帧率增加 +10%
Created by 外國人 Hoe ❄
For potato computers where GPU is the bottleneck! Will not help much with weak CPUs. Best used with Low and Medium settings. 适用于弱GPU 适用于中低端游戏环境 修改 : 没有视频效果 (VFX) ,LOD 修改, 质地 修改 没有太大的区别 Actual FPS boost on nvidia GPUs should be between 5% and 15%. Use this ...
GDP+1000% Player Only / 产值+1000% 仅玩家有效
Created by 阿吞啊 Wonton
GDP+1000% Player Only / 产值+1000% 仅玩家有效...
Have your cake and eat it
Created by jasonben26
Releasing captives allows you to acquire the equipment of the generals. Executing captives allows you to acquire the money of the generals....
Insane AI / 疯狂的AI
Created by 阿吞啊 Wonton
The attacking desire of AI is modified ten times stronger It is expected for AI to attack insanely I am still testing It there are bugs or problems just tell me I will fix it --------------------------------------------------- AI 的进攻欲望增加了十倍 在AI眼中你的实力缩小了五倍 ...
Larger Battlefield and Deployable Area 更大的战斗地图与部署范围
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod increased battlefield are and deployable area for field battles. Should be compatible with everything....
Make Them Unique 3.3 (Wu Anguo)
Created by Illustrator.noob *This is graphic oriented mod but at the same time it also overhaul mod. *There are no mod privileges due to sponsorship. Sponso...
More Deployables 更多战场设施
Created by Alex Zhao
Increased stakes' number from 16 per group to 30,a single stake's hit points from 500 to 800(cause more damage before broken). Caltrops from 40 to 60, and decrease speed more. Character will provide one additional set of stakes when their water attribute r...
More powerful ytr sp building
Created by shadowcrew
Update in 6-10, you can see the content in the log. In my impression,except huang_shao's garden, almost no one uses gong_du's caches and he_yi's rural healers. So I designed this mod to buff all of them (and scholars sequence). I hope to receive some revis...
Player receive 10 horses
Created by Salamarder
Can be used with this mod together for a total of 19 horses (2 separate turns): Your faction will receive 10 horses with an event. Works every start date, every faction. It does not require ...
Player receive 4 elephants
Created by Salamarder
Player's faction will receive 4 elephants with an event. Works with every start date, every faction. No new save game required....
Player receive 4 rare weapons
Created by Salamarder
Player's faction will receive 4 unique weapons with an event. Works with every start date, every faction. No new save game required. The only reason the mod will not work : one of the unique weapons are already present on the campaign map. If only 1 of the...
Player receive Ceremonial Swords
Created by Salamarder
Perfect gift for your favourite strategist, or commander. It also boosts their satisfaction. Works for every faction and every start date but 291. The event also contains a unique sword, which means only 1 can exist at the time. No need to start new game, ...
Player receive non-unique weapons and armor (13 weapon, 8 armor)
Created by Salamarder
Player's faction will receive 21 piece of equipment with an event. Works with every start date, every faction. No new save game required. Can be used with this mod together to get +4 unique weapons:
Player's faction receive 9 horses
Created by Salamarder
Your faction will receive 9 horses with an event. Works every start date. It does not require a new save game, however if even one of the unique horses exists in the game before this event would happen, then the mod will not work. Can be used with this mod...
Reset skills
Created by Little Fighter
Function: Reset characters' skills when you start new campaign (new savefile required) Reset characters' skills when you recruit them Only available to player, but you can reset AI when they join you Available to those who just come to age I made an except...
Riding Turn around shoot_Fire arrows Fix1.1
1.2.0 —————————————————————————————— Fix ui Only player ...
Skill Cooldown -100%
1.2.0 —————————————————————————————— only player need a new game —————————————————————————————— DIY: ——————————————————————————————...
【黑熊mod】为黄巾、贼徒、南蛮(new!) 派系 解锁幕府廷议系统
new!! 24/6/29更新: 现在也会为南蛮派系解锁幕府廷 介绍: 这是一个为所有贼徒与黄巾文化的派系解锁幕府廷议系统(开会)的mod 兼容性: 与任何其他修改了幕府廷议系统的mod都不兼容 例如:增加开会人数的mod 必须前置mod...
useful gate pass.pack
Created by leoyu89
本MOD为所有关隘添加以下效果: 1.每攻克一座关隘都增加一个太守名额 2.每座关隘都派系范围降低腐败(初始1%)建筑每升级一次则依次降低1%腐败(最高5%)派系范围!!! 全时间轴全派系有效!!! 祝愉快!...
Wu Kingdaissance - Run Optimization add-on
Created by Meow
This is a sub-mod of Wu Kingdaissance that can smooth and increase the running speed on the map. Place this to the back of all other Wu Kingdaissance mods. Thanks to Levie's idea: Improved Campaign Map Performance mod....
Yellow Turban Family Tree, marriage, baby and heir mod
Created by Calsch03
If you have problems with a lack of characters available for the Yellow Turbans, you can now use this mod to make more characters the old fashioned way. This mod allows your faction leader to find (spawn) a spouse and marry. You can get childeren from your...
Created by 沐枫
Enjoy the pleasure of killing thousands of troops by one person and solve your difficulty in choosing props! The specific amendments are as follows: 1: The maximum number of halberds and red rabbits in Fangtian painting is 200 each, and the five lines are ...