Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Items (16)
[B42/B41] The Motorious Zone Vehicle Pack
Created by fhqwhgads
This mod will add several vehicles to the game. The vehicles are vanilla-styled (including lore-friendly names, or optional real names), era appropriate (1993 and earlier), and support all the features of vanilla vehicles. The pack will be a variety pack, ...
Standardized Vehicle Upgrades 2 (OLD)
Created by Jack Rossman
Updated version available here. This version will no longer receive updates. What does this do? A car armor mod that covers every vanilla vehicle, every Fili's vehicle and the Petyarbuilt379...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Created by iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Created by NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Created by star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Brita's Armor Pack
Created by BRITA
We are trying to fix the mod, no promises....Many of the work-around methods that allow the features of this mod to work have been shut-down and disabled by B42. Some are recoverable, some may not be, some will not be. Everything was affected, and not one ...
Arsenal[26] GunFighter Mod [2.0]
Created by Arsenal[26]
Welcome to Arsenal GunFighter Mod HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE - Do NOT run Old or Multiple Versions of GunFighter Mod - You MUST Update Brita's Weapon Pack, GunFighter Requires Most Recent Version - Single-Player Still Requires ModOptions - M...
Brita's Weapon Pack
Created by BRITA
We are trying to fix the mod, no promises....Many of the work-around methods that allow the features of this mod to work have been shut-down and disabled by B42. Some are recoverable, some may not be, some will not be. Everything was affected, and not one ...
Plain Moodles
Created by Bion
Minimalist semi-transparent background textures for moodles with level indicator. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes. Does it work on existing saves? Yes. Safe to enable/disable at any time. Compatibility Compatible with Clear description for Moodles, Weathe...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Created by Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
Moodle Framework B41
Created by Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
Even More Traits
Created by Dr. Lalaoz
Another trait mod made by someone else, Adds 17 positive traits and 14 negative ones. Including many traits that affect stress/panic as well as combat effectiveness and XP gains. B42 update is out! B42 and beyond need my Stat Tweaker Library. this used to ...
Created by Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
More Traits
Created by HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
Mod Manager
Created by NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Server
Created by NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...