Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

1,364 rating
VScript Survivor Manager
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Survivors: Survivors
Game Content: Scripts
Items: Other
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239.663 KB
18 Jul 2023 @ 3:44am
1 Des 2024 @ 5:58am
53 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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VScript Survivor Manager

Chat Commands (use with / or !)
!survcount <number> - Set the survCount setting and refresh it in-game. This will spawn in the appropriate amount of survivor bots, handles the auto-management of number of survivors and saves permanently across all games in it's settings file.
!survkick - Remove a ♥♥♥ in your crosshair, or nearest to it.
!survbot <number, leave empty for 1> - Manually add survivor bots.
!survorder <character list> - Change the survivor order the Auto-Manager spawns bots in. Leave empty to reset to default survivor order.
Example: !survorder b z e f n c l r z l
!survswap - Takeover control to your crosshair's nearest survivor ♥♥♥. Will not work if you or the ♥♥♥ are pinned, downed, or dead.
!survfix - Re-enables the Auto-Manager if you screw up the ♥♥♥ count.

Manage more than 4 survivors in your local game. Play with 8 survivors, and/or bypass sb_add's strict limits in your sv_cheat-fun session.
Fixes the general issues with the bots crashing upon kicking or takeover, so even Admin System's L4D1 bots will not be crash-prone most of the time.

Balancing not added
This mod does not have any way to increase any infected count, stat, or other options to balance the additional survivors.
For now, try getting another mod to increase or decrease difficulty.
- Special Infected Synchronization
May require manual tweaking.
This one is a Sync-Only version with no AI changes, but on the mod's page you can get alternate versions that change the AI to be more aggressive.
- Chinese mod called MoreSI
May require manual tweaking.
Not recommended for English users.

If you want more than 4 human players to join, you need an 8 player lobby mod.
Lobby mod 1
Lobby mod 2
Lobby mod 3

There is a stupid strict limit of 4 human players in-game in campaign lobbies that can only be modified by Sourcemod. This is a separate limit that does not care about your lobby slots.
VScript cannot modify this.
The only other way is to turn the gamemode into a "Versus" gamemode. Sorry for disappointing. :(

Technical Stuff
Link to mod's Github Repository[github.com]
Click here to know about other features of this mod like changeable settings.
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (7)
1 Feb @ 8:06am
27 Sep 2024 @ 7:25pm
DISEMATKAN: Suggestions
12 Okt 2024 @ 7:19am
Technical Stuff (settings.cfg, etc)
378 Komentar
I set the number of survivors to 8.

After the first chapter, from then on, bots drop two more pistols, while keeping their two equipped.
조이 1 Feb @ 3:12am 
당신은 내 영웅이야 덕분에 든든해졌어
LittleXloco 20 Jan @ 7:02pm 
My game has been crashing alot with this mod. Before it used to run normally fine but now its starting to crash for some reason
LouisMan 19 Jan @ 12:09am 
Shadowysn  [pembuat] 18 Jan @ 8:44pm 
This mod uses the chat for it's commands, not the console.
LouisMan 28 Des 2024 @ 5:26am 
I need help please! everytime i attempt to use a command it just says that it doesnt know what that command
Shadowysn  [pembuat] 27 Des 2024 @ 7:10am 
You need a third-party plugin called L4DToolz (link) [github.com] and like all plugins, it needs to be run in a dedicated server or in -insecure mode.
There's no other way around this that doesn't use third-party tools.
L4D2 hardcoded the maxplayers limit to always remain at 18.
OutAWork 24 Des 2024 @ 10:07pm 
How do I bypass 18 limit?
curlylatinman 22 Des 2024 @ 1:54pm 
amazing mod. been looking for one of these for awhile. any recommendations on other mods that can possibly add limits to the special infected?
Wenda 21 Des 2024 @ 9:27am 
@Shadowysn thank you
it was a really really hard finale