Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

519 ratings
Better Electronics
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1.474 MB
4 Jul, 2023 @ 2:25pm
29 Jan @ 11:05am
22 Change Notes ( view )

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Better Electronics

Hello, this is my first mod for Project Zomboid.

I realized that A LOT of people said that "there is no need to level the Electronics Skill past level 6," so why not make a mod to change that?
As an electrician myself, I immediately started thinking about a lot of ways electricity could be implemented in the game better, so here we go for now...

As said, the mod is aimed at giving the Electronics Skill a purpose on higher levels. So the new stuff mostly comes with a high skill threshold. It's quite powerful though if used properly.
The mod should be compatible with existing save games; however, the loot will most likely only spawn in areas where the loot tables have not yet been created if loot respawn is turned off.

---- How the Remote Motor Works: Link it to a Remot and rightclick any door you want to rig. If you are Close enough the character should be able to install it - In the Options menu you even can configure a Hotkey for one door
---- (It does only work for the player who installed the motor yet - I am working on fixing that)

New Functions:
- Rig a Door to a remote controlled motor to remotely open and close it
- Rewire Radios, Walkie Talkies and Ham-Radios to the Power-Grid (So they don't use Batteries)
- Change ID and Name of Remotes
- Regenerate Car Batteries

New Items:

8 Recipe Magazines for upgrading Walkie Talkies, Radios, Ham Radios, Crafting Speakers, Motion Sensors, and Remotes
4 Circuit Diagrams which can be crafted by reverse-engineering electronic devices -> used by high-level electricians to craft some of the magazines above
3 higher-tier Noise Makers which will attract zombies from a wider range than the Vanilla ones - Compatible with Remotes and Motion Sensors
3 higher-tier remotes which let you trigger connected stuff from way farther away than the Vanilla ones
An Electronics Kit for Practicing which, with the use of some materials, helps you get to the higher levels without dismantling all the TVs in the neighborhood

New Recipes:

Scavenge Electronics Scraps for Components
Craft Upgrade Magazines from circuit diagrams (If your Electronics Level is high enough)
Build Air Conditoning Units (As Decoration or for the Working Air Conditioner Mod)
Build a Remote-Motor for doors
Upgrade TV's, Radios, etc...

The new magazines should spawn in bookshops and similar places, and the Electronics Kit is something children usually would use ;)

I plan to add more functionalities to that mod. However, I still need to get used to coding in LUA, so that can take some time.

If you encounter any bugs, feel free to notify me on the workshop page.



Luno Wroo

Workshop ID: 2999183635
Mod ID: LWBetterElectronics

Workshop ID: 2999183635
Mod ID: LWBetterElectronics
Popular Discussions View All (8)
3 Feb @ 9:10pm
Luno Lycaon
16 hours ago
Bug Reports
Luno Lycaon
13 Jul, 2023 @ 3:07am
Russian translate
drshahramanvariazar 8 Feb @ 8:50am 
cool mod
z0ntir 8 Feb @ 6:06am 
The "@hades-84 ordum mundus glorimus" it's an excellent idea, I also used this mod in build 41 and it was great.
Zeliska 31 Jan @ 2:07pm 
my guy you are a life saver, ive been annoyed with no longer having wired radios since the mod i used in B41 seems abandoned and i miss having a remote garage door. thank you for this
podrias añadir mecanicas de sensores para puertas de seguridad en la base refugio y hogar similiar a este mod link

pero en el suyo con sistema de alarma y la activacion de las luces ya que ahora en la 42 el sistema de luz es mucho mejor y mas detallado controlar la seguridad de nuestro refugio con la computadora abrir puertas cerrar puerta encender luces esas cosas
Noya 29 Jan @ 2:50pm 
Thanks for the update, I hope you can feel better about your mental state
Doctor Mobius 29 Jan @ 1:25pm 
Is this compatible with the mod that extends battery life?
Big Mike 29 Jan @ 1:23pm 
Is rewiring radios to take grid power in for B42?
Luno Lycaon  [author] 29 Jan @ 11:04am 
Hey guys ^^ I'm currently not in the best mentalstate to expand on this mod, however I took some time and updated it to V42~ Some things liker regenerating Car Batteries I was not yet able to carry over without massive duplication-bugs so please be patient. Some things with the Main-Game seems to have broken too like using the Noise-Makers without any attechments - I'll look into that.

As for Questions: - Candys are purely there for my personal debugging and nostalgy x) sorry
-Home Alarms should be Craftable now
-I have no control over mod ID sorry
-I think I can't design an UI for this mod @.@ it's above my Skill level
-I'll think about lowering the levels for stuff a bit :)
-remote Door-Motor still is working only local ~ Turns Out MP is complicated :S
Goonter 20 Dec, 2024 @ 9:31am 
Did the ability for other players to use the Remote Motor ever get fixed? Thanks in advance! Love the mod!
Blackcain 25 Oct, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
Can we have the option to change at what level can certain items be crafted. I like the concept but at the same time, prefer to be able to craft some things like reverse engineer stuff at mid levels as a way to grind rather than dissembling everything