253 ratings
Different kinds of people in VR Chat and how to talk to them!
By [Kemyada Demaya]
!!!UPDATED 19.09.2024 !!!
Hello! In this guide i will explain how to talk to people in VR Chat!

Normal people:
Diffucutly: Easy
Just speak the language that they are speaking!
Normal talks with normal people is the way to go!

Difficulty: Medium
Women are sometimes hard to understand, but in VR Chat it's relatively easy! All you have to do is to pretend that you like them! Dont be overbearing or flirt too much, be on a medium-funny level at all times, and you will have easygoing conversations with Women! That is basically all you have to do! Maybe you will be able to get yourself some Women friends, or maybe even a girlfriend, who knows!?

Difficulty: Varying
Depends only on what state they're & u're in!
When u're both drunk it's easy! Drunk people are like sheep, they like to tag along!
When u're not drunk, but the person u're talking to is - it's medium to hard, because sometimes they can be agressive, overbearing or even try to harm you through VR Chat!
When the person u're talking to is drunk and is not a very nice person - it's impossible! most of the time they wont even listen to you, make absurd demands or try to be very mean to you or others! Dont talk to those unless you want to argue!

Difficulty: Easiest - Don't even try
It's impossible, they're furries, what do you expect? A conversation about fur? Animals and their behavior? Or maybe an interview with a person that belongs to a mental asylum!? Dont try that for your own safety! U've been warned!
Note: Difficulty level becomes Easiest when u're a furry as well

Difficulty: Easy-Medium
They're almost the same as Normal People, but femboys! Sometimes they will be silly, sometimes they will be normal, but that depends on a person! You should talk to them on your own risk, you dont want to fall in love with one, do you!?

Difficulty: Impossible
Same as with furries, dont even try to unless u're one of them.

Difficulty: Easiest - Don't even try
If u're a simp - this game is for you, it's literally filled with those people! You can just check any mirror in the world u're in and your chances to see a simp sitting with a random Woman are higher than chances of you wasting your time by playing this game!
Most of the time it's completely pointless to talk to them because they will always concentrate on the Woman they're with, in hopes of making a relationship, but rarely they're almost like Normal People! My advice would be: try not to become one!

Difficulty: Hard
Most of the time they will just come to you and try to be funny in the most unfunny way possible! It's easier to just ignore them and move on! I have nothing more to add because that's what i am doing most of the time, but sometimes they just beg to be insulted! Do whatever you feel is necessary

People that are trying to learn a new language:
Difficulty: Easy-Hard
Depends on your own capabilities! Sometimes it's easier to ignore them if u're busy, sometimes you can actually help them, especially if you know their native language! Just do whatever!

Difficulty: Varying
Easy to spot, hard to approach! Just like another type of people that i've mentioned... uhm... anyway! Talking to mutes solely depends on them, not on you.
Sometimes they're just not there, both physically or mentally, sometimes they're just sleeping, working, talking to somebody, eating -literally anything!
Sometimes they're just blankly staring at you, wondering why you're looking at them or whatever!
Some other times they will answer you in voice chat or in normal chat!
How do you know who's who? Just ask! If they're not answering - congrats! it's literally any of the above... yeah...

Difficulty: Cursed
Not a real category, basically it's just something that can be in all of the categories above, one day they will become dwellers, it's like unfortunate end of the universe, or life itself... anyway, it is what it is, just read what's next.
When you have an idea of approaching a person that's just standing infront of a mirror you have to ask yourself - am i finally at the bottom? Because if not - do not approach them.
Why am i so harsh? Most of the time those people are just talking in their own little company, sometimes they're just simps, and some other times they're just not there! How do you differentiate? Well, you dont! That's the funniest part, just approach them and see what happens!
But i would advise you not to do anything funny, because angry & mighty mirror dwellers will use their ultimate skill as soon as they sense danger (read as: literally anything they dont agree with)! What this skill is!? It's called "I ban him, yeah, i ban him". Be careful!

Soundboard / Voice changer users:
Difficulty: Feverish dream
From time to time you might see people that are talking in a funny voice you heard in some videos, you approach them wondering if it really is that random youtuber you watched eons ago... "Oh, you're %Anon%! I watched your videos when i was a kid!"... he repeats the same phrase over and over and over... You're sad, your mind is being crushed by the sheer pressure of that embarassing moment, you mistook a soundboard for a real guy. Cringe.
You walk around hearing a high-pitched voice, seemingly broken by time itself, send specifically to you through ages of disrupt and doom - for you to save humanity!... That's what you thought in the first 0.3 seconds after hearing it. Sadly - no, that's just a random 13 yo kid that pretends to be a grown-up (and thinks that not a single soul notices) or a 30 yo fat buckaroo that pretends to be a woman (sadly, he also does that in real life, dressing up in mini-skirts... stuff like that... he's not a femboy...).
So... what do you do in both cases? Well, the best you could - just report and block them. Why, you might ask? Well, first of all - you cant trust a person that doesn't trust his own voice, who's so insecure that instead of using their own voice they resort to using cheap tricks like that? Even then, if they're not afraid of it - they, most likely, think that not a single person knows that they're using some sort of a program. They're either pathetic or delusional, you dont want to talk to either of those.

If you want anything added - write it in the comments below, it's going to get added to the main part, or... well, it'll end up here, but hey, i'm going to add it anyway!

"Vr-sleeping people":They can be considered mutes.

Weebs: Aren't we all? Why bother asking about that? Just refer to "Normal people" above.

Mutes: Added to the main guide since it is a good idea to talk about them.

Mirror-dwellers: Added to the main guide.

Psycopaths: The guy who wrote about it in the comments doesn't differentiate between shut-ins and psychos, do not refer to his little novel unless you dont want to be as delusional as he is.

"Hateful little gremlins":Those are just kids?... Those that's aren't loud, stupid and abnoxius are exceptions.

Troglodytes: those are basically people that never grew up, no need to make another section just for them, they dont deserve anything, not here not in real life.

Sadly, i hit that damn character limit, the rest of the update below

That's all! (There's more down below, thank character limit) Please dont forget to donate me some steam points if u've liked the guide, i want to make my profile look better but i have no money i can spend on Steam, thanks in advance!

Dont forget to have fun!
Cosplayers or the epitome of cringe:
Let's assume a situation: You walk around your favourite furry world and you see your friends! (2 of which are bottom femboys and the rest are wimps), you're already happy as you've been talking to them for the past 2 years and also became a furry-femboy-bottom, but suddenly you see.... A WOMAN AVATAR!!! In panic, you quickly run towards you bathtub to wash away the dirt that's been accumulating for the past year, quickly submerge into the abyss of your own thoughts while having a shower, but then remember your main purpose in life - procreating! You leave the bathtub, run up to your pc just ot see that a woman you've already imagined your whole life with... that beautiful 200 kg (~450 lbs) blob of fat that happily rolls to you... her purple pubic hairs on her chin... her green armpit hairs that somehow think worse than sulfur... She's already taken by the person you've never seen before, in rage, you approach him and push you mic button, telling him about his family's soon demise, the prophecy of his doomed future and limitless suffering that's waiting for him for what he did... yet... he doesn't react. You're confused, but a second later everything's going back to place as you hear this guy's voice... "Damn, who's that cute little puppy?". You're baffled! "But i'm a man!" you talk back, just ot hear your own voice resemble a dogs bark... confused, you walk up to a mirror and see... A human... "But why am i barking?" you ask yourself, seemingly losing grip to reality...
Then... You wake up... You're 10 again, you find yourself looking at "Install" button on steam, the game being VRChat... you remember the awful dream... you decide to close the page. The end.
Where's the cosplay part? Well, i just cosplayed a good writer, an author, even!
Ajthegameboi 23 Oct, 2024 @ 5:03pm 
Might I suggest investigating
the Baldi's basics world....
The people there are
[Kemyada Demaya]  [author] 19 Sep, 2024 @ 2:08am 
19.09.2024 i added:
Soundboard / Voice changer users
scrunt ass racoon 23 Aug, 2024 @ 2:13am 
Suggestion: trogolodyte, a person who never leaves their room, nor vr.
vampire kitty 20 Aug, 2024 @ 5:22pm 
normal & girls being a different category is crazy
Lily Novinski 17 Aug, 2024 @ 5:18pm 
bro im the mute people lol
ZERO.7 8 Jul, 2024 @ 5:07pm 
I've only read half of it and, I can already feel that you've been through a lot.
Cerati en boxer 5 Apr, 2024 @ 3:42pm 
Weebs are imposible to talk to, they can only talk about weeb shit
Mr Frog 21 Feb, 2024 @ 1:04pm 
Soundboard users: medium
they tend to give out laughs or annoy the fuck out of you
cat with cig 1 Feb, 2024 @ 10:16pm 
Bro has normal people and women as different categories lmao
Leselyn 18 Jan, 2024 @ 11:28am 
Im a mute in vrc and i seem to get along with other mutes better than other types of people for some reason