Unfortunate Spacemen

Unfortunate Spacemen

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The ultimate guide to Unfortunate Spacemen
Grababana 님과 3명의 기여자가 작성
Did you play Unfortunate Spacemen and realise that you absolutely SUCK at it? Did you not know how to do that one task you can't remember the name of? Maybe you want to learn how to transform. Well, I can give you all the answers and tips and tricks on how to be the BEST at Unfortunate Spacemen.

This guide is also coming out in all relevant translations (Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Since I don't speak all of these languages, any Translation help would be greatly appreciated. Message me for more details.)
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Hello, fellow space enthusiasts! Buckle up for a wild ride through this utterly fantastic guide, where I'm about to spill all the cosmic beans and then some, about the absolute gem of a game on Steam: Unfortunate Spacemen.

In this guide, I will cover everything from tactics, loadouts, and guns, to how to stay alive, and the art of dying horribly. Many sections in this guide will overlap, so I may repeat certain information twice if it is relevant again.

And, without further ado, let's embark on this intergalactic adventure.

What the hell is Unfortunate Spacemen?
Unfortunate Spacemen is a multiplayer game that focuses on secrets, hiding, shooting, and most importantly, murdering your dearest and closest friends in cold blood. :)

But what do you really do?

There are three roles in Shapeshifter Mode: Spaceman, Monster, and Traitor. I will go over these roles extensively in the upcoming chapters.

As a spaceman, you complete tasks that are located across the chosen map. You go to tribunals and vote for whoever you find suspicious. If you find the monster, you kill them.

As the monster, you must defeat all the spacemen. You can do this in multiple ways: Killing everyone, stealing the rescue shuttle at the end of the round, or having the time run out and the spacemen automatically lose. You stay hidden, and blend in to seem friendly.

As the traitor, all you must do is aid the monster. You have a hacking device exclusive to the traitor, which can hack tasks, doors, cameras, and much more. You kill spacemen, and help the monster to win the round.

Your Loadout
Perks and Loadouts sound confusing and complicated, but they're very simple. Here I'll go through each perk and what they do, and I'll help you create a loadout of your own!

Loadouts are selections of different "professions" and "perks". These give you different defense measures, utilities, weapons, and more. These affect your gameplay, and you can only select one loadout per round.

There are different loadouts for Spaceman, Monster, and Traitor.


Open Unfortunate Spacemen. You'll see this:

Click on the "Customisation" button at the top. It'll bring you to this:

Because we're making a Spaceman loadout, click "Spaceman".

Click on "Perks"

What you will see are all your loadouts. At maximum you can have 6 for one role (Spaceman/traitor and Monster).

I already have my loadouts created, but what you will see are empty boxes for loadouts to be created. Click on one of them to create a loadout.

In the following sections I will talk about the parts of a Spaceman/Monster/Traitor loadout.

This is the first section, which is "Professions". This determines your play-style, and the sort of things you will get up to in-game. Each profession has some good aspects and some bad aspects. I will run through all the professions and what they do, but remember that some perks can only be unlocked at a certain level, so you might not have access to all of them just yet.

A Monster and Traitor can also choose professions.


Recruit is the default profession.
  • You start with an extra 15 HP (equalling 115 HP).
  • Unlike other professions, your health slowly regenerates over time, until you reach 75 HP.
  • You start with a Handgun, the default gun.

This profession is quite neutral, it doesn't have any special qualities.


The Doctor profession is all about helping others.
  • From certain vending machines you can buy Health Syringes that heal targets and remove internal parasites.
  • You spawn with an infinitely reusable health-kit that heals 35 HP if you walk over it, but it has a long cool-down.

This profession is quite useful if you want to have more of a support role than an offence role.


A fun role and my personal favourite, a Janitor is all about getting things done.

  • You start with a Fire Extinguisher, but no Handgun.
  • You won't trigger airlocks if you walk over them, but you can still get sucked out of them
  • You can instantly pick up Debris on Landing Pads by just walking over them
  • You will walk 25% faster if you're carrying task items (such as Research Samples, Trash Cubes, etc)

Use Janitor if you want to speedrun tasks. Apart from that, Janitor won't be useful to you.


Have you always wanted to be a detective? What about a space detective?

  • You start with a Pocket Detective. This can scan objects and tell you about them. For example, it can tell you who locked a door, or who shut off the power, by scanning those objects.
  • You also start with a Magnum, a gun that is slightly more powerful than a Hangun.
  • You can see the monster's footprints, but only in their monster form.
  • You can also track Spacemen's footprints that have been marked Suspicious by the Tribunal.
  • You are notified when half of the spacemen are killed
  • If you scan the Traitor's ship (located on every map) your Pocket Detective will level up. This means you can more easily track down the Traitor.

This is a fun Profession, you'll be a very useful Detective.


You basically get a second chance at life, if you're careful.

  • You start with "Spacemilk". You can drink this whenever you want and it will teleport you to a random place on the map, with decreased health. (If you are attacked and are on 20 HP, and you drink spacemilk, for the rest of the game your maximum health is 20 HP.)
  • After drinking spacemilk you cannot use Voice or Text chat, so you can't communicate.
  • If you drink spacemilk all parasite timebombs will be removed
  • If you are the last spaceman standing you will get "Space Madness", giving you increased movement speed and damage.

Cultist is fun, but it's a risky bargain.


If you choose soldier, you will have a much more aggressive playstyle.

  • You spawn with an Assault rifle
  • You don't have any keycard
  • You have a "Stim Pack" which takes up your Gear slot. When activated it temporarily increases your fire-rate.
  • You cannot drop your "Stim Pack" so you can't pick up any other gear items.
  • You don't emit any pain grunts when hurt
  • Stun Grenades will blind you for half the time.


You're the boss around here.

  • You start with a limited (four) use STUN BATON instead of a Handgun.
  • The Stun Baton ELECTROLOCKS individuals, preventing them from preforming most actions for
  • a short duration of time.
  • Your keycard is shielded. The first time someone tries to steal your keycard, they get ELECTROLOCKED instead.
  • You can't be ELECTROLOCKED by anyone or anything.
  • You deal 10% MORE DAMAGE to Spacemen marked as SUSPECTS.
  • As MONSTER, in Monster Form, your SHOVE is 50% MORE POWERFUL and causes its victims to FACE AWAY FROM YOU.
Different Perks
Here I will go over all the different perks you choose to complete your loadout. These will go with your profession to give you a unique loadout. You can only choose one of each perk per loadout, so for each loadout you will have one profession, one Utility perk, one Defense perk, and one Security perk. A Monster and Traitor can also choose these perks, and they will get specific Monster and Traitor benefits.


These perks give you specific utilities.

Oxygen Filter

  • You RECOVER OXYGEN 2x faster.
  • PARASITES deal only HALF DAMAGE to you.

Springy Step



  • You start with a WELDER in your secondary slot.
  • The WELDER allows you to WELD DOORS SHUT, requiring them to be DESTROYED TO BE OPENED.


These different perks help defend you from the Monster and Traitor.


  • You are IMMUNE to the effects of the COLOURBLIND VIRUS.
  • If the MONSTER EATS your corpse, it will be POISONED, preventing it from regenerating its health for a long duration.
  • You take 25% LESS DAMAGE from ACID and NO DAMAGE or DEBUFFS from TOXIC CLOUDS.
  • If you're the Monster, you are immune to antibodies poisoning and health syringes drain your disguise energy by 75 instead of forcing you to transform.

Magnetic Boots

  • Reduced distance WHEN SHOVED (in SPACEMAN FORM.)
  • You deal DAMAGE to Monsters who grab you with the BURROW TRAP.
  • You take 5% LESS DAMAGE (in SPACEMAN FORM.)

Blast Shield

  • You have a visible BLAST SHIELD COLLAR when Blast Shield is active.
  • Upon taking LETHAL EXPLOSION DAMAGE, your BLAST SHIELD TRIGGERS, saving you from DEATH and leaving you at 10 HP.


Finally, you choose a Security perk. These perks help you stay alive.

VIP Keycard

  • You start with TWO KEYCARDS, with independent cooldowns.
  • If your Keycard is stolen, you can still use your SPARE, but can't get a second one again.
  • As SHAPESHIFTER or SOLDIER, you start with a KEYCARD but no spare.
  • You can OVERRIDE LOCKED DOORS when you have a keycard available.


  • You PUNCH a bit faster.
  • You DEAL 2 DAMAGE to anyone you SHOVE.
  • You take 25% less DAMAGE FROM ALL FORMS OF MELEE, including Monster Claws.
  • You can PUNCH BURROWED MONSTERS to reduce their Burrow Energy
  • In Monster form, you swing 10% faster


  • You don't trigger ACID BOMBS, VOID BOMBS or PARASITE EGGS.
  • TRIPMINES can not detect you at all in Spaceman form.
  • NO THERMAL FOOTPRINTS (of any kind) left behind when crouchwalking.
Monster Perks - Mutations
Monsters also have an additional four slots for exclusive Monster perks that are also split into four groups:

Mutation: Perks that determine the playstyle of the Monster.
Aggression: Perks that enhance the Monster's offensive capabilities.
Survival: Perks that improve the Monster's survivability.
Stealth: Perks that can help the Monster blend in more with other Spacemen or divert attention off themselves.


This is practically the Shapeshifter equivalent of the Profession perks. These choose what type of monster you will be and you should choose them accordingly to your playstyle.

Fresh Meat

  • You haven't developed a Mutation yet.
  • Your health regenerates a tiny bit faster.
  • Your PARASITE EGG will have a chance to deposit a PARASITE TIMEBOMB inside Spacemen, which will eventually explode and kill them if they don't get it removed by a Doctor.

Crumarian host

  • Your PARASITE EGG is replaced by a HATCHERY.
  • As a Hatchery survives, it grows over time, up to FOUR LEVELS.
  • As the Hatchery levels up, more Drones (and more variety of Drones) can spawn from it.
  • You can place as many Hatcheries as you're able, but the total drone population will be shared across them.
  • At Level 4, Chonkers will start to periodically spawn from your Hatchery.
  • Drones will automatically seek out targets as long as they can find a path to them.
  • Drones will typically ignore you, but they might not recognize you in Spaceman form.
  • TIP: You'll want to place Hatcheries where the Spacemen can't or won't easily find them.

A hatchery gains increased health per level they reach. Hatcheries typically need an small group to take one down consistently. Hatcheries take double damage from explosives and flames. As they level up, the Hatchery can spawn more standard or explosive drones at once with the strongest being able to spawn Chonkers.

Acid Monster

  • Your PARASITE EGG is replaced with an explosive ACID BOMB.
  • When you take damage, you SPLASH nearby enemies with your ACID BLOOD.
  • You take 90% less TOXIC and ACID damage.
  • Your alternative fire throws a BALL OF ACID that explodes into an ACID PUDDLE, coating an area in DEADLY ACID.
  • TIP: You can not be harmed by your own acid, so drop it beneath your targets and dive on in for a deadly soup!

The Acid Monster excels at dealing with groups of spacemen and fights best in enclosed spaces where the spacemen have little room to dodge your Acid Spits, Puddles and Blood. The Acid Spit leaves pools of acid that deal continuous damage to spacemen standing inside, which can be used to quickly kill cornered spacemen or to discourage people from following you while retreating. The Acid Bomb, while unable to kill a full HP spaceman, deals instant damage, unlike a Parasite Egg and can potentially harm or kill several enemies at once. They are quite effective near health stations, where injured players would often go after being attacked. You or the traitor can also detonate them from afar by shooting at them.

Corpse Lord

  • Your PARASITE EGG is replaced by a ZOMBIFICATION EGG.
  • Your PARASITES will convert Spacemen into ZOMBIES if they are killed by it or while it's attached.
  • Your ZOMBIES will seek out living Spacemen and try to kill them, converting them into zombies as well.
  • Your PARASITES can still deposit a PARASITE TIMEBOMB.
  • Your PARASITES deal 25 ADDITIONAL DAMAGE before falling off.

As the corpse lord, you are much more resilient, given your quick digestion time of 30 seconds compared to a minute, basically allowing you to eat twice as much. 2 perks that synergize well with a corpse lord is chitin and antibodies. The antibodies prevent you from getting poisoned and chitin grants defense that can be frequently refreshed. Furthermore, the parasite of a corpse lord is deadly and can kill a spaceman if uninterrupted, turning them into a zombie ally. To be the most effective, place them where the spacemen least expect it, like around corners, behind doors, near tasks, health stations, power generators, and more. Try not to show a pattern, otherwise your parasites will be found out before they can do anything. If you or the traitor is nearby, both of you can shoot a facehugged spaceman’s body to hasten their death. Fighting alongside a zombie is also a good idea, but remember, they can still be damaged by monster claws.

Void Beast

  • Your PARASITE EGG is replaced with a VOID BOMB.
  • You can TELEPORT a short distance.
  • Your footsteps are SILENT in Monster Form.
  • Every time you enter MONSTER FORM, you create a VOID BLAST, ELECTROLOCKING nearby Spacemen.
  • TIP: One of Void Beast's strongest assets is speed and silence. Hit the Spacemen fast and then get out of there!

The void beast is a capable ambusher. A well placed void bomb can disable your prey, allowing you to attack without retaliation. The void blast created by transforming is useful to get a few swings in before the spacemen start shooting. This monster meshes well with patience, since you can vent without a trace, ambushing them via silent footsteps or stay hidden for an unexpected length of time disguised or burrowed, lowering their guard. However, the greatest asset of this monster is its teleportation, which serves as a handy escape or advancement tool. You can also lock a location down via void bombs, which the spacemen cannot destroy if they are stunned.

Rest of Monster Perks
Now I will go over all the other perks to fill out your Monster loadout. Like the Spaceman loadouts, you can only choose one of each perk per-loadout.


Aggression perks help you when engaging in fights.

Claws Upon Claws

  • You have INCREASED JUMP HEIGHT in Monster Form.
  • TIP: This perk is excellent for high damage and high mobility.

Combined with the Monster's air dodge ability, this perk is excellent for high damage and high mobility. When combined with other claw damage increases, it can lead to the Monster needing less swipes to kill. A generally good all-around perk whose only downsides may be not taking a different perk that meshes with the loadout better.


  • Power Outage is active.
  • Your very presence causes GENERATORS to take longer to come off cooldown after a Power Outage.
  • Your knowledge of power systems allows you to shut the power off more frequently.
  • TIP: Always know where the Power Switches are! They'll be your best friend.
  • TIP: Always know where the Generators are! You'll be able to pick off Spacemen as they head to restore the power.

Nocturnal fits both an aggressive and stealthy playstyle. With the frequent power outages (with it taking 120 seconds instead of 160), the spacemen will be shut out of tasks and more importantly, cameras, allowing you or the traitor to sabotage and attack. To reset the generators, the spacemen must split up, which is where the increased damage comes into play. They will also have to wait an extra 15 seconds before it can be activated again. A monster with a damage buff can defeat a spaceman without brawny in 5 hits; 2 less than normal. Even if the spacemen discover that the monster uses nocturnal, they cannot do anything to stop the traitor or monster from sapping power whenever possible.


  • By activating your GEAR SLOT in Monster Form, you claw your way into the power systems of the facility.
  • You gain DAMAGE RESISTANCE while doing this, and you make an awful lot of noise...
  • After completion, ALL UNLOCKED, UNWELDED, UNBROKEN DOORS in the entire facility will become LOCKED.
  • You must be firmly planted on the ground in order to use this ability.
  • Doors are tougher during Lockdown, taking only HALF DAMAGE for 18 seconds.
  • During Lockdown ability, all Spacemen can be seen through walls.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: Spacemen with the VIP Keycard perk can unlock doors during Lockdown.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: Doors that aren't in a state which can be locked will not be affected. It's best to use Lockdown when you know it'll seal the area and leave no escape.

Spacemen with the VIP Keycard perk will still be able to unlock any locked doors. Lockdown does not effect broken doors, so make sure any targets are unable to escape the room. As the Monster tears into the cables in the ground, all the lights on the map will flash and the announcer will announce a lockdown. Spacemen will be able to trust who they are near when a lockdown occurs as a Monster needs to be in Monster form to perform the action.


These perks help the Monster survive in tough situations.

Fluid Sac

  • In Monster Form, upon taking lethal damage you will dump your ENTIRE HUMAN HEALTH (plus 50% more) into your MONSTER HEALTH.
  • You will become ENRAGED and GLOW RED.
  • Once Enraged, you can NO LONGER DISGUISE and must remain in MONSTER FORM PERMANENTLY.
  • Once Enraged, you deal +3 additional CLAW DAMAGE. This stacks with other damage increases.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: Fluid Sac is a big commitment! Once your Fluid Sac activates, it's probably best to take out isolated Spacemen before they realize you can't Disguise anymore.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: When your Fluid Sac activates, you emit a red glow. Spacemen will know you're on your last legs... Or claws, rather.

On becoming Enraged, you will emit a loud roar and turn red. Any Spaceman that sees you or hears the roar will be able to identify that you have become Enraged. Once that happens, they can rest assured that they do not need to find the monster anymore, since it cannot hide. Once Fluid Sac is used, the monster must proceed with caution, ambushing lone or weak spacemen and directing the Traitor to take out any pesky cameras, sentries, or tripmines.


  • When your ARMOR is active, you take 20% less damage
  • You only gain HALF ARMOR if you eat a corpse poisoned by ANTIBODIES.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: If your armor is up, you can take more initial damage, but once that breaks, you're back to being soft and you may want to run away

Toxic Inc

  • Everytime you transform (either form), you will EMIT A TOXIC CLOUD.
  • This TOXIC CLOUD obscures name recognition, as well as vision.
  • The TOXIC CLOUD damages Spacemen inside of it, and applies a TOXIC SPORES debuff which BLOCKS ALL HEALING for 20 seconds.
  • You are immune to the effects of the TOXIC CLOUD.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: Spacemen with the Antibodies perk are largely immune to your Toxic Cloud.


I'm sure it goes without saying, but these perks... they help you be more sneaky. Stealthy, even.


  • Your DISGUISE ENERGY drains much slower.
  • When entering a VENT, the lights on a vent and the airflow REMAIN ON, making the vent APPEAR UNOCCUPIED.
  • You make LESS NOISE when breaking COLORBLIND VIRUS JARS.
  • Your BURROW ENERGY decays 50% slower, allowing you to STAY BURROWED FOR LONGER.
  • You are NOT FORCED TO TRANSFORM if the Tribunal marks your active Disguise as Suspect.
  • Your REMOTE ARM is almost invisible.


  • You don't appear on [[1]] or [SCANNERS].
  • You are NOT DETECTED AS HOSTILE by [[2]] while disguised.


  • Every time you enter Monster Form, you spawn a DECOY that looks just like you.
  • Your DECOY travels forward, doing fake sounds and attacks, until it expires.
  • Your DECOY will expire early if it takes too much damage.
  • Your DECOY will also appear at the location a Remote Arm is used.
  • Your DECOY can also be launched will Burrowed. (8 second cooldown)
  • HEALTH STATIONS do not treat you differently to Spacemen.
  • WATCH OUT FOR: Investigators can see your DECOY for what it is -- a fake!
Decoys are good for distracting or intimidating spacemen. The decoy that is lauched upon transformation into Monster Form can be launched in another direction, delaying other spacemen as they chase it while you attack your target. They can also overwhelm a single spacemen by giving them 2 potential targets to shoot at or can prematurely set off tripmines or sentries placed behind doors. Launching a decoy from a remote arm is also a good way to deter spacemen and cause unneeded confusion as you are doing other things, such as attacking a helpless spacemen somewhere else or running away.
Traitor Perks
Like the Monster, the Traitor has their own special perks that stack with Spaceman perks.

Red Alert - You obscure the Truth

You can activate your "RED ALERT" ability to set off every camera across the map. All the cameras are also scrambled.

Haywire - You tap the old circuits

You can Hack security bots. This makes them go Haywire, shooting everyone around them. Their eyes glow red and they emit a glitchy sound.

Translocator - You disappear without a trace

You can throw down a Translocator beacon which allows you to teleport back to it at any time. When you teleport, you disappear in a blast of smoke. After you teleport, your translocator is broken, so you will have to place down another one to use it again.

Man Traps - You stop them in their tracks

You can place down man traps. If anyone steps over one, they will be dealt 20 damage and will be immobilised for a short while. You have an unlimited supply of man traps, but can only place down 2 at a time.

Flasher - You like to dazzle the competition

You can use an Area Flash Effect. Once used, every Spaceman will be rendered blind for a short while, giving you a chance to escape. Any security cameras in line of sight will also be destroyed at any distance.

Before a round starts, in the lobby people vote for which map to play. There are 15 maps you can play, and I will go through each map one by one.


Echo is a space station destroyed by an asteroid strike. Now it's floating aimlessly through space, and something's hopped on board with you...

Echo's a classic. This map boasts its fair share of hiding spots, it's a really fun map. It's pretty big, but you will play on it so many times that you'll memorize the layout pretty quickly.


Architects is quite an original map. It has a main room full of pillars (to hide behind?) and it's also pretty big.

There's also an aliens stomach you can teleport into, but it's mainly out in the open, so good luck escaping any aliens that catch you alone...


Gardens is exciting. You'll love it if you're a nature enthusiast. It's layout is like no other, with multiple layers, individual rooms with no context between them, it's confusing, but pretty fun.


Hypertrain is everyone's favorite map (and by everyone I mean me). It's very linear, in a literal sense.

It's basically one straight line. It's very long, and has a variety of rooms and spaces, and it's easy to get around.


Kema's a great map, but there's only one problem. It's completely broken.

There is no way to win by tasks, so even though it's a great map, it's an unpopular choice.


H20 is pretty fun. It's quite a small map compared to most others, but it has a very interesting layout.

It's a whole underwater base, with a quite a "tubular" design.


Spacebar is infamous for it's delicious "Crumarian on the Beach" cocktail, and it's repeated showing of the famous film "They Came from Crumaria!"

Spacebar is a large restaurant, with one catch. You're not alone... (*whooooh!*)


Spaceburbia is a space-age suburbs. A whole street of houses, each with its own unique design and layout.

Instead of being one huge complex, this map is made up of many smaller buildings. Have fun exploring them all! Just... don't die...


Snowswept is covered in 4 feet of snow, but was once a happy storage facility. Now though, you must use the teleporters scattered across the map to get around.


Duress has a unique and quirky aspect, there are trams! The map is huge, possibly the biggest in the game, and to navigate this large complex you must take the trams that the company has so nicely provided (at the Cosmonaut's expense of course...) The map is so big and there's so much to explore and discover, you'll have a hard time finding your way around!

Maps Contd.

Abduction is, put simply, a house, and a UFO. Explore the house and take a look at the interesting artefact left by aliens. Just make sure not to run into any angry aliens whilst you're visiting!

Outpost 13

Outpost 31- I mean Outpost 13, is a reference to the movie "The Thing", inspiration for the game.

Full of many claustrophobic passages around one large hallway, this map is very, very scary.


Some may recognise this map from the Spaceman Tutorial.

It is full of company propaga- I mean posters to help you stay focused!

Tidal Lock

Ahhh, this takes me back to the good ol' days of space school. Can anybody else remember what a tidal lock is? Me neither.

This map is very big. With wide open spaces, and a complimentary restaurant! Just, be careful of the drop-bridges.

The Experiment

In this map, YOU'RE the experiment! I know, how fun!

This map reminds me of the Play-Doh buildings I used to make as a little Space-Lad, very trippy.

Basic Survival
In this section I will explain how to survive and basic game-play.

Health and O2 bars

As a Spaceman, you start with 100 Hp, or 115 Hp, depending on the perks you chose. I will talk about damage more in-depth later, but put simply, if you're shot your health bar decreases. If it reaches 0, you die.

There are many ways to re-fill your health bar. If you chose "Recruit" as your profession, you will slowly re-gain your health all the way up to 75 Hp. There are also multiple items and objects across the map that can fill up your health bar, such as Syringes and Health Stations.

You also have an O2 tank fitted to your spacesuit, so you can walk outside without needing to hold your breath. An average spaceman has 100 "points" of Oxygen, and when you walk outside where there is a lack of oxygen, you start to lose Oxygen points. When you run out of oxygen, you start taking damage until you die.

The Monster does not have an Oxygen bar, and therefore can stay outside for as long as they need. The Monster, however, has a different HP system. They start with a higher amount of health (scaling up with the amount of players in the lobby), but they are more vulnerable to damage. Because of this, they are more powerful when at full health, but incredibly weak and vulnerable when at low health.

Being a Spaceman.
As a loyal employee of "The Company", you are under strict orders to complete any unfinished work that may have been left for you across the map. This is your primary job, but some people just decide to go looking for the monster. You can kill the monster, but I prefer to run away like an idiot.

So lets run through an average round as a Spaceman...

The Round

You will spawn in as a spaceman, and you are assigned a designated colour. In space, your colour is your identity. Losing your identity in Unfortunate Spacemen can be the difference between life and... well... you'll see.

There are many other spacemen scattered across the map, with their own colours. One of them is the monster, and one of them is the traitor, so make sure to trust no-one.


Tasks are an important part of being a loyal employee to the company. You gain employee points for doing tasks, which give you XP. If spacemen finish all the tasks, the rescue shuttle arrives. This is why you should probably prioritise finishing the tasks. The sooner the rescue shuttle comes, the sooner the spacemen can leave... maybe...

I will cover tasks in an upcoming chapter, but for now all you need to know is that you should do as many tasks as you can.


The monster and traitor can sabotage you in many different ways.

There are a few virus jars scattered across the map. When a monster or traitor breaks one, after about 10 seconds the virus will infect everyone, meaning that every Spaceman is colourblind. Because of this, they cannot see anyone else's colours (unless they have an "Antibodies" perk). When a monster or traitor breaks a virus jar, it will make a loud noise. If you hear glass breaking, that probably means somebody's up to no good nearby...

There are multiple power-switches located across the map. When a monster or traitor pulls one, power shuts off. This means that EMEs will no longer work, vending machines won't vend, certain teleporters won't teleport, and the entire map will go dark. This can be fixed by turning on 2 generators at the same time, so make sure to get that power back on as quickly as possible!

There are also multiple sabotages unique to the traitor, but I will cover those in a separate chapter.

Win Conditions

As a Spaceman, there are 2 win conditions. Either the spacemen get on-board the Rescue Shuttle and fly away, or the monster is killed.

The rescue shuttle will come under one of two circumstances. Either the spacemen have completed tasks, or there is only one spaceman left alive.

On any map there are 3 landing pads for the Rescue Shuttle to land, and it will land at any random one. When it lands, make sure to not be on the landing pad, or else you will be crushed and you will die.

When the Rescue Shuttle lands, it will open its doors and you can hop inside! You can wait for your friends to join you, or if they're all dead, you can be on lookout for the monster! After 1 minute, the Rescue Shuttle will close its doors and take off.

So you can fly away, and continue to work at The Company.

Or, you can just kill the monster.

Fighting (or fleeing) the Monster

As a Spaceman, you do not start off knowing who the monster is. You may or may not figure it out later in the round, but you must always be careful and never stay alone with somebody suspicious.

Unless you choose the "janitor" perk (I will cover perks in a later chapter) you will always start off with a small handgun. If you choose the "soldier" perk you will start with an assault rifle. These guns are very important if you are planning on going toe-to-toe with the monster.

Power-weapon canisters open randomly across the map. They hold much better guns that all have their own strengths. If you're a fighter, it's a good idea to get a couple of these.

The monster (in monster form) is much faster than a Spaceman, able to easily catch up with one. Therefore if you are planning to run away from the monster, you will have to be tactical about it. Lock doors quickly behind you, turn many corners and try to hide or escape it. Always get another person to help you if you're being chased, as it can be hard to gun down the monster by yourself.

The monster is also much stronger than a spaceman, and in its monster form has a very powerful melee attack, where it uses its claws to attack. This isn't very long range, but since the monster is much faster than a spaceman it is very easy to keep clawing at them. An average spaceman will die after about 7 hits from monster claws.

You should always try and attack the monster from a distance, as it cannot attack you unless it is close to you. Remember that it can always transform back into a human, where it can also start shooting at you from long range.

Happy travels!

Being a Monster
Being a monster is probably the hardest thing to do in Unfortunate Spacemen, but here I am going to show you what it's like, what you have to do, and how to get away with murder.

Monster Basics 101

At the start of every round, there is a chance you will be picked as the monster. It is completely random (granted you weren't monster the previous round), and if you are chosen nobody else will know about it.

Like the Spacemen, the Monster comes with certain perks. One major one being the ability to SHAPESHIFT!

The goals of a Monster are somewhat simple: Don't reveal yourself, Work with the Traitor, Sabotage the Spacemen, and kill all of your co-workers you've worked with for so many years.

To win a game, the monster should take advantage of all available tactics, such as Shapeshifting and all kinds of Sabotages. When the monster is not in their human form they are very easy to spot and will be shot at by Security bots, and will set off cameras if they walk by. Because of this, they should try and always use their Shapeshifter form sparingly, only when they need to kill somebody.

If the monster is not in human form, they can use multiple means to defend themself, such as:

  • Using their claws to attack other Spacemen (Used with the attack key)
  • Burrowing into the ground. You can burrow trap, dealing large amounts of damage to Spacemen who walk above you (B to burrow)
  • Laying any sort of egg (Using R)
  • Spitting acid, if you chose acid beast (alt-fire)
  • You can destroy any door
  • Shoving also shoves further than in your human form
  • You can vent, as always

The monster does not require oxygen, meaning they can roam freely where Spacemen cannot.


The Monster will Evolve throughout the round, unlocking the chosen perks each time. They will be prompted to evolve shortly into the round, transforming them into their monster form.

After evolving, they will have to wait a short while before being prompted to evolve again. But be wary where you evolve, as the 2nd and 3rd time you evolve there will be a short animation you cannot exit. In that time you are vulnerable to any attacks by the Spacemen.


The monster has a number of different ways they can sabotage the Spacemen.

Power Switches

There are numerous power switches located in every map. If the Monster pulls one, the entire facility will lose power, turning the whole map dark and making certain tasks unavailable until the power turns back on. They can also attach a "remote arm" that, when activated, can turn off the power from a distance. This can help if you're trying to clear your name with a group of people, as you can claim "I wasn't the one who turned off the power, I was with you guys!


The transmitters are one of the tasks the Spacemen need to complete, and is one of the few tasks the Monster can sabotage. If a transmitter is in the process of transmitting, the monster can shut it off, disabling the transmitter for a short while. This will slow down the completion of tasks, but make sure not to do this in front of any Spacemen!

Health Stations

The Monster can sabotage a Health Station with a remote arm, similar to the Power Switches. When a remote arm is attached to a Health Station, the next person who uses it will be detected as a monster. Unlike Power Switches, this doesn't need to be activated, and will work simply if the arm is attached.


Every map has a communication relay, that when sabotaged, will shut off all communication for a short while. That means nobody, not even the Monster or Traitor, can use text or voice chat. However, everyone can still use Emotes, and the communications will be fixed after a short while.

Colourblind Virus

Every map will have a few Colourblind Vials, which when broken, will infect the entire map, and everyone in it, with the Colourblind Virus, after about half a minute. This prevents players from being able to distinguish different colours on other Spacemen, thus causing confusion and paranoia. They will, however, be able to distinguish different cosmetics, thus being another way to identify different people.


Vents are air-ducts that are found numerously across all maps. The monster and traitor can use these to travel across the entire facility very quickly, but be careful, as moving around in these is quite loud and noticeable in a room.


Certain experienced Spacemen will have ways of figuring out who the impostor is. This section will cover how to combat those methods and making sure you don't get caught.


Each map will have many cameras, and each one poses a threat to you and your fellow Traitor. When the monster (in monster form) is seen in the view of a camera, it will play a Klaxon alarm and an alert can be seen by all Spacemen. To combat this, you just have to shoot the cameras before shapeshifting.


Tripmines are a gear that can be placed down by anyone. When a Crumarian, Zombie, Parasite infected human, or the monster (in human or monster form) walks over the tripmine, the laser will turn from blue to orange, and an alert will say "Parasite Detected". If the monster walks over it in monster form, the tripmine will also explode. This can be avoided by choosing the "nimble" perk, and being careful not to accidentally step on one of these.

Sometimes the Spacemen will ask everyone to walk over the tripmine to test everyone, similar to the blood test from "The Thing". Remember that you can always shoot the tripmine to explode it.

Health Stations

If a monster (or infected human) uses a health station, instead of the normal yellow happy face displayed on the screen, the station's screen will show the "Parasite/infected" screen instead. It will alert everyone in the proximity by saying a phrase such as "You are not normal", and will lock the monster to the health station until the healing process is complete. This can be prevented by using the "Decoy" perk, but otherwise just make sure to heal when nobody's around.

Health Syringes

Anyone can pick up a Health Syringe and heal themself or somebody else, but if the monster (in disguised form) is injected, they will be forced out of their disguise into Monster form regardless on the state of their disguise bar. If using the "antibodies" perk, you will not be forced out of your disguise, but a large amount of your disguise bar will be reduced.

Being a Traitor.
The Traitor is the trickiest role, but one of the most exciting. He is an agent of BRIGADE who has infiltrated the Company’s ranks like the Monster. His job is to help the monster kill off the spacemen using any means possible… including sacrificing his life for BRIGADE and Homeworld.

Traitor 101

The traitor will enter the game with 80 Hp, or 95 if they chose the "recruit" perk. They are unable to pick up any power weapons, such as Flamethrowers, Shotguns, etc, but they can pick up the Suitcase Nuke.

One of the Traitor's special abilities is to see all the players through walls, and has one traitor perk that goes along with their spacemen loadouts. The Monster and Traitor do not know each-others colours at the start of the game, but if they bump into each-other they will be able to locate the other for the rest of the game.

If a Spaceman kills the traitor, everyone in the game gets informed, and there is no murder penalty for killing the traitor. Since they have lower health and cannot pick up power weapons, killing the traitor is easier than killing the monster. Although the traitor is capable of fighting, they are not designed for combat, so unless you have god-like aim, running away is probably your best option in a firefight.

If the Traitor is voted in the Tribunal, not only will they get the debuff, but they will also set off any camera they walk in front of. Because of this, the traitor must make sure they do not get voted, otherwise their mission will become incredibly difficult.


The Traitor has the same sabotages as the monster, but they also have a special hacking device called the "BRICK" device. Because of this, they also have some traitor-specific sabotages such as:

  • Research samples (Unsealing them)
  • Debris (Welding them, taking longer to clean)
  • Communications (Sabotaging it)
  • Power Switch (Sabotaging it)
  • Health Station (Turning it off, making the cooldown happen again)
  • Cameras (Triggers monster alarm)
  • Weapons Dispenser (Immobilizes the next user)
  • Vents (plays the venting noise and animation)
  • Doors (remotely locks it using a card)
  • Data rack (creates a shield protecting it from damage)

Remember to not hack in front of other Spacemen. There is a short animation that people can see, and it will immediately become painfully obvious that you're the Traitor. Only hack objects when you're alone, or in an emergency.
Tasks are a central point of the game, and in this chapter I will go over every one, and how to complete them all. In one round, depending on the amount of players, there will be a certain amount of tasks to complete. There will be multiple different tasks that will vary between rounds.

EME tasks

EME stands for "Emergency Mass Ejector". You place something inside, and it gets shot off into space. Just be careful not to step inside the EME yourself, or you'll be blown to bits.

When you pick up a task that needs to be put inside an EME, a green line will light up that will lead you to the nearest EME. This can be turned off in settings.

Remember that people can shove you inside the EME, so make sure to use it when nobody's around.

There are multiple tasks that require the EME, such as:

Snail Mail

Sometimes you will have to carry the heavy mail-bag into the EME. Carrying it slows you down extremely, making you quite vulnerable.

After quite a bit of walking, you can place it inside the EME.

The Science Must go On

Research Samples are these small containers with green alien eggs inside. This is a very common task, and Research Samples will be scattered across the map for you to find.

Firstly, you will have to find a Research sample.

Then you will have to seal it by pressing "E".

Then you can pick it up and place it in the nearest mass ejector.

Just do that loads of times to complete that task!

Insurance Scanner

The Insurance Scanner is a scanning machine that you have to pick up and carry across the entire map, scanning every last inch. This will take a while, but afterwards you can place this into the EME.

This task isn't hard, but it is very time consuming.

Take out the Trash

Every single round will have this task, and this is probably the most time consuming of them all.

Like I said in the "Spaceman" chapter, there are 3 landing pads on every map. They will be covered in debris that you will have to pick up.

After you've cleared all the debris, in the corner of the landing pad will appear a bag of trash.

You then have to pick up this bag of trash, and carry it to the Trash Compactor on every map. Like with the EME, there will be a green line that will direct you to the Trash Compactor.

Once you've found the Trash Compactor, you will then have to place the bag inside it.

When you're doing this, you must be careful that nobody activates it whilst you're inside, or else you will be compacted and you will die.

After you've placed the bag inside, you can walk out of the Trash Compactor and activate it. This will take a minute to complete, but after it's compacted the trash bag it will give out a Trash Cube. You must then take this Trash Cube to the nearest EME and eject it.

Dangerous Tasks

These tasks are dangerous because you could easily be killed completing these.

Moving Out

Sometimes there will be the task of emptying the used lockers. You must first open the door to the locker, then clear it out.

Clearing out the locker will take a few seconds to complete, and in that time you cannot cancel the action, so if you're being attacked there is nothing you can do. Make sure to do these tasks when you know you're safe.

Data Protection Plan

This task isn't really dangerous, but it does have some risk. What you have to do is use your gun to shoot at the servers until they're all destroyed.

This will be quite loud, and the shooting can alert the monster of your location, so you must be careful to be as quick as possible.


These tasks have no defining factors to them, but I will still be going over them.

Signal to Space

In this task, you must activate the communication arrays across the map. There will be more or less depending on the amount of people in the server.

Each communication array will take about 2 minutes to activate, and in that time it can be sabotaged and stopped by the monster or traitor, which means you will have to turn it on again.

Save Every Scrap

This task is the tastiest of them all. There are many plates of food that you will have to find, and eat. The traitor can spoil the food, so when eaten will take a small bit of your health.

Intergalactic Press Conference

You will have to hold a Press Conference in front of hundreds of Aliens watching. All you have to do is go onto the Stage and use happy emotes to higher the view count. When the view count reaches 1000 the task is completed.

And that is it for tasks! We hope you have fun working for The Company!

In this chapter I will cover every gun, weapon, and really anything you can pick up.

Weapons are necessary to survive in Unfortunate Spacemen, and here I will tell you everything you need to know about them.

Note on guns: All guns are affected by "Damage Dropoff". This means that the further away you are from the target, the less damage the guns will do. Certain guns (such as the shotgun), have a very extreme form of Damage Dropoff. If you're close to the target, they do an enormous amount of burst damage, but from far away do almost no damage at all. The Railgun is the only weapon unaffected by Damage Dropoff.

Average Guns

These are guns that spawn randomly across the map and are instantly accessible from spawn.


The Handgun is the default gun that The Company gives any Spaceman (and monster in disguise).

  • 4 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 5 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 10 Damage to the Monster's body
  • 12 Damage to the Monster's head
  • 10 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.

Assault Rifle (AR)

This is the gun that you spawn with as a Soldier. It is Automatic, meaning you can hold down "Shoot" and it will continue to shoot until it overheats. This list is the amount of damage per shot.
  • 5 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 6 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 11 Damage to the Monster's body
  • 13 Damage to the Monster's head
  • 11 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


The SMG is also automatic, and shoots faster than the Automatic Rifle, but it does less damage per shot.

  • 2 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 2 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 7 damage to the Monster's body
  • 8 Damage to the Monster's head
  • 6 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


The LMG is automatic as well,but shoots slower than the AR. To make up for it, it does more damage per shot.

  • 6 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 7 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 11 damage to the Monster's body
  • 13 Damage to the Monster's head
  • 14 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


The Magnum is like a handgun, it is not automatic. It also only has 6 shots before it overheats, but it does more damage. It will also not cool down on its own, and will have to be manually reloaded to reset.

  • 10 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 12 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 25 damage to the Monster's body
  • 29 Damage to the Monster's head
  • 25 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.

Power Weapons

Power Weapons open from Power weapon canisters. They are much better then weapons mentioned previously, and have interesting and unique abilities, so make sure to catch one before they are taken. The Traitor cannot pick up a power weapon. Canisters open every so often into a round, and the longer into the round they open, the better the weapon. Here are the timings:

-1:00: The first Weapon Canister now opens 1 minute into the round, the weapon being the Shotgun.

- 2:00: The second Weapon Canister now opens 2 minutes into the round, the weapon being either the Railgun or the Flamethrower.

- 3:30: The First Tribunal starts 3 minutes and 30 seconds into the round.

- 5:30: The third Weapon Canister now opens 5 minutes 30 seconds into the round, the weapon being either the Railgun or the Flamethrower, whichever didn't spawn previously.

- 6:30: The fourth Weapon Canister now opens 6 minutes 30 seconds into the round, the weapon being the Auto-Shotty.

- 7:30: The fifth Weapon Canister now opens 7 minutes 30 seconds into the round, the weapon being the Single-Use Rocket Launcher.

- 9:00: The Second Tribunal starts 9 minutes into the round.

- 11:00: The sixth Weapon Canister now opens 11 minutes into the round.

- 15:45: The Third Tribunal starts 15 minutes and 45 seconds into the round.

- 17:00: The seventh and final Weapon Canister (Nuke) now opens 17 minutes into the round.

Here are the guns:


The shotgun has a wide spread, and is the gun with the most damage falloff. Up close, the gun can do a lot of damage, but from far away can only do a little. The Shotgun does not do more damage if shot in the head.

  • 45 Damage to a spaceman
  • 81 damage to the Monster
  • 90 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


The railgun can only shoot once before having to reload. Like I said, this gun has no damage falloff and can shoot incredibly long distances with high accuracy. It's basically a sniper.

  • 40 Damage to a spaceman's body
  • 60 Damage to a spaceman's head
  • 75 damage to the Monster's body
  • 112 Damage to the Monster's Head
  • 75 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


The Flamethrower is unique because it does not shoot bullets. Rather, it fires a lot of fire that clings to walls and floors. The Flamethrower does not have a long range, but the damage falloff is incredibly high within range. Make sure to attack people from very close if using the Flamethrower.

Because the flamethrower does not shoot bullets, damage can only be measured per-tick.

It should also be noted that the flamethrower can attack burrowed monsters.

  • 2 Damage per tick to Spacemen
  • 7 Damage per tick to the Monster
  • 7 Damage per tick to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.


This is one of the most powerful guns in the game, because it does the same amount of damage as a Shotgun, but is also Automatic. Like the shotgun, the Auto-Shotgun also does not do more damage if shot in the head. Note that the Auto-Shotgun has more bullet-spread than the normal Shotgun.

  • 45 Damage to a spaceman
  • 81 damage to the Monster
  • 90 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.

Rocket Launcher

The Rocket Launcher can only be used once. It fires a rocket with a large explosion radius, that can instantly kill just about anything. Since this gun fires an explosive, it does not do more damage if shot in the head.

  • 250 Damage to a spaceman
  • 250 damage to the Monster
  • 250 Damage to other objects such as doors, cameras and turrets.

The Nuke

The Nuke technically isn't a gun, but I am still going to cover it in this section.

The Suitcase nuke is picked up in the Gear slot, not in a weapon slot. Therefore, you cannot pick it up if you are a Soldier, and this is also the only power weapon the Traitor can Pick up.

Once the Nuke is placed, it has a 10-second countdown, with a blast radius of 60m. That is barely enough time for a person to escape if they run in a straight line. If you place this down and are planning on escaping, make sure not to place it in any rooms/corridors that are hard to get out of.

The Nuke does not have any damage list, because it instantly kills anyone within the radius. The only exception is if a player is wearing a blast collar.

The nuke will destroy all doors within the blast radius, and will also turn off power.
Non-gun Items
These weapons don't necessarily do any damage and are usually tools used for other purposes.

Fire Extinguisher

A Fire Extinguisher does no damage and has a very short range. It can put out fires made by the flamethrower, and remove acid puddles. You can also spray it on a spaceman, which will diminish their oxygen bar. If you spray it on a disguised monster, their disguise meter will rapidly diminish.


A welder is a tool used to fix features such as cameras and doors. If used on a broken camera, it will repair it, and similarly on a broken door. If someone has the Welder perk, they can weld a door shut using alt fire. It's basically a stronger keycard lock, requiring somebody to break the door to get through. A welder can damage people, but only 1hp ⅌ tick.

Stun Baton

The Stun Baton is quite a unique weapon, as it only has 4 uses, and electro-locks players when hit. It deals 5 damage to Spacemen and 20 Damage to Monsters.

Health Syringe

Health Syringes can spawn randomly across the map, and can also be bought from certain vending machines by doctors. Syringes give 50 health if injecting another target (fire) or injecting yourself (alt-fire). If you inject the disguised monster, they will be forced into their monster form, unless they have the Antibodies perk.

Noise Grenade

Noise grenades will emit sounds such as shooting guns and monster footsteps. This is useful as a traitor or monster to cause confusion and panic, but the grenades can be turned off if shot.

Stun Grenade

Stun grenades will explode when thrown, and stun everyone within a short vicinity, meaning they won't be able to see or hear anything. This can cause panic and confusion and can help if you need to make a quick getaway.

Frag Grenade

Frag Grenades are by far my favorite item in the game. They have a lethal explosion and a large radius. When thrown, the grenade will roll on the ground before exploding. Make sure to stand well back, or else you might become nothing more than abstract art on the walls.

If you want you can "Cook" the Frag Grenade by pressing alt-fire. That will ignite the grenade, and after a few seconds, you will inevitably become a red stain on the ground. If you're not so suicidal, you can throw the grenade before it explodes, just make sure not to wait too long, unless you want to meet your maker. (did I just use 3 metaphors for death in one paragraph?)

Gear is items that don't go in your weapon slot, but rather in your gear slot (3 to activate by default). There are many different types of gear, so here's them all!


The Tripmine is quite a fun piece of gear. It is a very powerful explosive that, once placed, will shoot out a thin laser upwards. If a Spaceman walks over it nothing happens, but if a monster in disguise walks over the Tripmine an alarm will sound. An alarm will also sound if an infected Spaceman walks over it.

Map Scaner

When using the Map Scanner, you will get a more advanced and more in-detail map. You will be able to locate all unfinished tasks, as well as the locations of every Spaceman and Monster (if they are in monster form).

Vision Enhancer

The Vision Enhancer is quite fun. It has three settings: Thermal Vision, Night Vision, and Off. (3 to switch between them all)

Thermal Vision lets you see through walls, so you can see Spacemen and the Monster through any wall. It will pulse with resolution, so you can see clearly half the time, but afterwards, it's very low-quality and you cannot see very clearly.

Night Vision does what you would expect, you can see much more clearly in the dark.

Off means off.

O2 Tank

An O2 tank will give you +30 extra oxygen, so you can last longer outside. For the monster, it will add +30 to the disguise meter.


A radio will allow you to communicate with any other person with a radio. 3 toggles on/off.

Sentry Turret

A Sentry Turret is a powerful Automatic Gun that will automatically shoot at enemies, such as the Monster (in monster form), Crumarians, and zombies. It has only a 160° angle of fire and has a range of 30 meters. The Sentry Turret can also fire at Facehuggers on Spacemen.
The Tribunal
Every so often into a round, a Tribunal will start. These open up a small safe space within the map where people can come and vote for players they think are acting a bit too suspiciously.

How to Survive the Tribunal

The first Tribunal will be at 14:30 left in the round (03:30 into the round)

The second Tribunal will be at 09:00 left in the round (09:00 into the round)

The final Tribunal will be at 05:00 left in the round (13:00 into the round)

At each of these times a designated area of the map will be marked as a safe space. It is how the Spacemen can vote who to mark as "suspicious". A spaceman marked as suspicious will incur the same penalties as the murder debuff (12.5% damage reduction, 10% HP). The monster will get an additional penalty of 30% HP, and 30% disguise energy, as well as larger damage reduction.

If a player gets a majority of votes (2 votes minimum), they will be marked as suspicious. Multiple Spacemen can be marked as suspicious as long as the majority vote count tied across each spaceman.

When the tribunal is activated, a green force-field will surround the tribunal area, providing safety for a short while. Inside this field, players are unable to shoot, place down any gear, or use any sort of attack.

Any outside damage will be negated as well, such as bullets, grenades, monster's eggs, and crumarians.
The Environment Around You
In this chapter I am going to talk about the dangers and useful things in maps you will come across whilst working for the company.

Environmental Hazards

These are hazards that you will find in most maps. All maps have at least a few of these.

Emergency Mass Ejectors

I've touched on this one before, but you must always be careful around EMEs. Every map will have at least one, with most having about three. Just don't be an idiot, and don't get shoved in. Simple.


Every map will have a No-Oxygen zone. If you are inside it, your 02 meter will slowly deplete until you run out of air, and then you will die. Slowly.

The Uncaring Universe

Most maps will have a place where, if you fall off, you die. This is usually because someone pushed you, or maybe you're just having a really bad day. Either way, it's not going to be pleasant, so try to avoid it.

Examples of places like this can be seen in echo,


or Tidal Lock


Drop-Bridges are very useful when working for the company. They can get you across the map quickly, and they can also kill that idiot Jared for stealing your promotion. Either way, don't forget about them, or you could become the next Jared.

Drop-Bridges are activated by one button that could be on either side. Once the button is pressed, 5 portions of the bridge will glow red, one by one, and 5 jingles will play. Once all of the portions glow red, the whole bridge will drop down. If someone (like Jared) is on the bridge when it drops, they will be thrown into the atmosphere of the large planet beneath and they will die. Painfully.

Tidal lock is the map with the most Drop-bridges, with 4 in total evenly spaced across the bottom level. Experiment and Duress both have 2, but they may be a little harder to find.


Airlocks are pretty common, located in 6 different maps. When it is unarmed, the button and safety light on an Airlock will both glow blue, indicating it is safe to cross.

When an Airlock is armed, the button and safety light will glow red, indicating it is not safe to cross. It will also sound Klaxon alarms and steam will emit from the sides.

An airlock will be activated if a Spaceman or monster walks across it (providing they aren't using the Janitor perk). They will then be violently sucked out and ripped apart in space. Very painfully. (provided they aren't wearing Mag Boots)

Airlocks will also activate if an explosion occurs within the proximity of the Airlock. This could be any sort of Grenade, or a rocket from a Rocket Launcher.

You must use them wisely though, as arming an airlock will cause you to not gain any karma that round. Only arm them sparingly, like if you're planning a surprise attack on that idiot Jared who remembered to wear a parachute...

Tidal Lock contains the most Airlocks of any map, with 5 in total. Hypertrain has 3, whilst Echo has 2. Recruitment, H20, and Duress all have only 1.


Wait... doors? Now doors can kill you? What next, air? (actually, yes!)

If a door is locked whilst you are still walking through it, you will lose 10 HP. Painfully.

If a door is shot enough times, it will explode, dealing 10 damage to anyone within the blast radius.

Be careful when shooting doors though, as this could be seen as suspicious activity. Only do this sparingly, like if you're trying to jump that idiot Jared through a door he locked because he remembered to avoid airlocks...


Generators are found on every map, and power the whole facility. They are useful if you want to see whats in front of you, but safety wise, The Company did skimp on that one.

The "Do. Not. Worship." signs were put up there for a reason. Because if you worship a little too close to the miniature black hole acting as the power source, you might just discover the secret to the afterlife's new hipster coffee shop – 'Bean There, Died That'!

Map-Specific Hazards

Certain maps will have map-specific dangers to them, such as the Drop-Bridges in Tidal Lock and the Acid in Architects.

Duress has Tram-Ways that, no matter how useful they are, people always fall victim to. Whether it be a good ol' shove, or a little bit of cognitive dissonance, The Company's inspectors always come to Duress to find the tracks have been given a red paint job, completely free of charge!

Now, unless you're built different to the general public, or you're a god (like me), you will likely not survive an impact from a cheap metal tram, so have fun testing it, I know you will.

I'm sure you appreciate a good ceiling fan. But what about a floor fan? A huge, metal floor fan, that can literally mince you if given the chance. Well, if that's the sort of thing you appreciate, you sound like just the kind of nutjob The Company would love to have on their team. Also, you'd probably like H20.

Again, if you fall victim to the classic shove, or are having second thoughts about that family back on Titan, you're welcome to turn yourself into a burger.

And now onto the tentacle section, which will probably satisfy a lot of people's fetishes. *cough*
In Architects, you will find 4 big slimy tentacles (god knows who they belong to), and if you decide to delve deep into the depths of this tentacle-creature, you will find yourself inside its stomach.

If you walk on the stomach acid, you will start to lose health in 12 hp intervals, so watch your step!

Enviromental Securities

This section will go over the Security measures and safeness of the maps.

Health Stations

The Health Station can be found on any map, sometimes multiple can be found. When used, they rapidly restore any lost health.

Security Bots

These guys are designed to keep you safe from any alien threats. They are programmed to be extremely nervous and will shoot anything that looks slightly unhuman (Looking at you, Lister)

Remember, the shapeshifter can also disguise as one of these, so try not to get too friendly with any of them.

Fun fact: in earlier versions of the game, security bots looked like normal Spacemen!
Survival Gamemode
"Survival" is an alternate gamemode consisting of waves of crumarians, shapeshifters, weird acid bee thingies, and those chonky bois.

As the rounds go on, the amount of shapeshifters that spawn per round increases all the way up to round 30, with the danger of these shapeshifters increasing. As more rounds go on, the shapeshifters also gain mutations, starting from acid and toxic ink mutations to claws upon claws and void mutations. Between these rounds, there is a 20 second cooldown in which players can recuperate and regroup. As the shapeshifters gain mutations, shapeshifter DMG and HP increases.


In Survival, there are perks that can be gained per round by surviving the round that makes the player(s) stronger and will also help them to fight the hostile alien lifeforms and survive. As of 1.3, there are eight perks (3 of the perks have 4 phases) that can be earned by surviving a round. If a player dies, all their perk statuses will be reset (excluding the profession category), meaning that the player will have to start over again to get all the perks back. All the perks will be listed below:


Hustle gives the player +30 move speed per perk rank up, adding up to a total of +120 move speed. Hustle allows the player to run away from enemies. Hustle can be gained from:

  • Rank 1 - Gained from surviving Wave 1

  • Rank 2 - Gained from surviving Wave 5

  • Rank 3 - Gained from surviving Wave 9

  • Rank 4 - Gained from surviving Wave 13


Kevlar gives the player +10 HP per rank up, adding up to a total of +50 HP. Kevlar can be gained from:

  • Rank 1 - Gained from surviving Wave 2

  • Rank 2 - Gained from surviving Wave 6

  • Rank 3 - Gained from surviving Wave 11

  • Rank 4 - Gained from surviving Wave 14

Heat Sink

Heat Sink increases the time it takes for a weapon to overheat and applies to all weapons that the player has. No values are given as to the heat sink rate, but there are four levels to Heat Sink which can be gained from:

  • Rank 1 - Gained from surviving Wave 4

  • Rank 2 - Gained from surviving Wave 8

  • Rank 3 - Gained from surviving Wave 12

  • Rank 4 - Gained from surviving Wave 16

Moon Boots

Moon Boots are a perk that allows the player to jump higher/ Moon Boots allow players to jump above obstacles and to evade enemies. Moon Boots are gained from surviving Wave 7.


Pushoff is a perk that reduces the player cooldown for shoving. Shoving allows the player to temporarily stun Crumerian Drones and push away Shapeshifter. Pushoff is gained from surviving Wave 3.


Brawler is a perk that allows players to deal damage when shoving. This can be used in a combination to stun and damage Crumerian Drones. Brawler is gained from surviving Wave 11.

Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy is a perk that increases the player's weapon fire rate (for automatic weapons), meaning that the player can put more shots down range before the weapon overheats. Trigger Happy is gained from surviving Wave 15.


Deadeye is a perk that reduces the player's bullet spread. Despite USM not having an official bullet grouping pattern, it does make the bullets fired from all weapons (excluding the rocket launcher) more accurate. Deadeye is gained from surviving Wave 19.

Items and Gear

There are weapons and gear that can be found scattered from around the map, or can be gained from opened power weapon canisters.


  • Revolvers
  • Sub Machine Guns
  • Assault Rifles
  • Light Machine Gun
  • Frag Grenades (Co-op version)
  • Pump Shotgun (from power weapon canister)
  • Auto Shotgun (from power weapon canister)
  • Railgun (from power weapon canister)
  • Flamethrower (from power weapon canister)


  • Tripmines
  • Vision Enhancer
  • Sentry Turrets (from power weapon canister)


Survival has 6 survival maps, separate to the Shapeshifter maps. Although, a lot of them are located inside the Shapeshifter maps.

Grand Hall

The default map selected for Survival, is set in the Shapeshifter Architects map and is a small map, but not the smallest map.


The map takes place on the UFO that can be seen and accessed on the Shapeshifter map abduction and is overall the smallest map.

The Wall

This map takes place on the Bone World 1 map from the campaign and is set at evening, compared to the daytime setting of the original map. The Wall is the biggest map.

Cheese-Laden Hypercube

This map takes place in a hypercube that is attached to the opposite side of the main monitoring facility that the Experiment (shapeshifter map) is attached to and is the second smallest survival map ⁽ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒᵇʲᵉᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉˡʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗ, ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ ⁿᵒ ᑫᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁱᵗ⁾.


This map takes place on Bone World 1 (despite it saying Bone World IV) and is the Luna Homestead section of the Bone World 1 co-op campaign and is set post-campaign. Threshold is the second largest map.


This map takes place on Outpost 13, post-shapeshifter events, with the base's state rapidly deteriorating. Despite the cramped interior, there is an accessible exterior, however a lack of oxygen. Claustrophobia is a medium sized survival map.


There are always 2-3 health stations scattered across the map, and they will always spawn in the same locations. They can be used at any time (if not in their cooldown stage), and they will always be usable after a round ends.

If a player dies, they can be revived at the end of a round if there are any points in the Life Pool. Each player that respawns takes away 1 point from the life pool. Once the life pool reaches 0, no players will spawn. Players will be revived based on who died first, then in order. Life Pool points can be earned by surviving a round without anyone dying, which adds +1 point per round.

Co-Op Story Mode
CO-OP is one out of three modes in Unfortunate Spacemen. From the 1.3 update, there is only one official/main campaign in the Unfortunate Spacemen Universe called 'The Crumerian Saga' and there are four missions within the Crumerian Saga. CO-OP is the Campaign Gamemode of Unfortunate Spacemen and has a lot of differences from the main gamemode (Shapeshifter).

CO-OP mode also has 4 different maps for the different missions:


There are several main differences between CO-OP and Shapeshifter, apart from the plot, which will be listed below.


Weapons in CO-OP work differently to the weapons in Shapeshifter. In CO-OP, weapons cool down a lot faster, have a higher overheat point and deal more damage. Power Weapons can also be found scattered across the levels, unlike in Shapeshifter in which Power Weapons have to come from a Vending Machine or a Power Weapon Canister. The Rocket Launcher in CO-OP is not single use and has a cooldown instead and also has a larger blast radius and more damage to enemies and less damage to the players than the Shapeshifter variant does.

Perks, Items, and Gear

There are no perks in CO-OP, however, the Suitcase Nuke in mission four, "Bone World", the Suitcase Nuke acts like a permanent profession gear item (such as the Soldier's pack pack or the Doctor's medpack) and can not be exchanged for other gear or dropped unless specified to. If the player carrying the Nuke is killed, the Suitcase Nuke will blow up, even if the Nuke is not planted and results in a mission failure, rather than in Shapeshifter in which the player will just drop the Nuke. In CO-OP, only three Gear items (not including the Suitcase Nuke) will spawn, with two of the gear items spawning commonly throughout the campaign, and the other gear spawning in one specific level. Tripmines and Sentries will spawn depending on the difficulty but can always be found on all missions. The Extra Oxygen Tank can only be found on "The Speaker" and grants the player 450 oxygen instead of the standard +30 oxygen. Other gear items such as vision enhancers and map scanners do not spawn at all. Players also do not spawn in with and can not use keycards. Items like batons and fire extinguishers also do not spawn at all.


Unlike Shapeshifter, in which objectives can be completed in any order, CO-OP has a more linear path with simpler tasks. Objectives in CO-OP consist of pushing buttons, carrying items and reaching waypoints, lighting explosives at the start of "The Core Labs", carrying a unique objective item, reactor cores, and having to set the nuke down in a specific location on "Bone World". The only tasks that Shapeshifter and CO-OP share in common are sealing one sample and getting onto the shuttle in "Wharfage".


CO-OP has a revival system, meaning that if you die, as long as there is an unused cloning tank, you can respawn, unlike Shapeshifter, which has a one life (per round) policy. This also means that you're less likely to have a perma death in CO-OP (Depending on the difficulties) when you get killed, however, that does not mean you should be complacent.


CO-OP also has a difficulty system, which as of update 1.3, has three difficulty settings:

  • Recruit - Easy/Normal
  • Advanced - Hard
  • Space Madness - Extremely Hard
As the difficulty scales up and more players join the session, the amount of aliens that will spawn will vary, with Recruit difficulty meaning that less aliens will spawn in than Space Madness difficulty. The HP and the Attack Damage of the aliens will also scale up with the difficulty.
This section focuses on the external parts of USM, namely Content, Communities, and- that's it really.


The contents of this section focus on content. (geddit?)

There is almost as much content about USM as there is about "Quantum Physics Whilst in a State of Tidal Lock in a Spaceship exactly 800 Feet in Length". Almost none.

What we do have though, is certainly not lacking in quality, as we have some of the best in the space industry.

For more Steam Guides, I suggest you check out
These guides cover a lot of useful info, and go into specific aspects of USM in more detail.

For YouTube videos, I suggest you check out @ImNotGam (https://www.youtube.com/@ImNotGam/videos) for interesting content on USM and more.


Here's a video for a full-on review:


For a fun community, I suggest you join the DeepField Discord[discord.com]. You can talk about USM with other people, but you can also check out their new game in development, Abiotic Factor. https://store.steampowered.com/app/427410/Abiotic_Factor/

SPACEial Thanks
I first want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the contributors that have helped me create this amazing guide. I genuinely could've done it without them, but it would've sucked a lot more (and it wouldn't be nearly as good)

Here are the space credits.


For taking me from a noob with an embarrassingly large amount of hours, to a decent player with an even more embarrassingly large amount of hours. You introduced me to a community I never knew existed, thank you.


For getting many screenshots of the game, for also being there, and for playing the game with me. You were there at my toughest times (wifi troubles), at my lowest times (losing 10 rounds in a row as monster) and at my highest times (getting 2 kills as traitor before accidentally EMEing myself).


Haha, rock.

GamEsnitzhel / ImNotGam

For being the best USM- no wait, best streamer OF ALL TIME. And for raising over $800 to The Trevor Project. You did 100x what I could ever do, and for that, you get a space-hug.


For being a nice person, and for appreciating my art.

Greasy Ham

For being another generally nice person. That's a lot to ask for these days.


For being the best streamer of all time (Tied with Gam) And for helping me with my French translation of the guide.

For being Scottish... no wait... Irish. No wait... Welsh?

(for existing, that was good enough)

And finally... the man the myth the legend...


For making my favourite game. Three cheers for Zag!

And that's about it! Thank you for reading, I hope all my hard work has paid off and you've learnt a thing or two, or at least enjoyed the guide. I spent goodness knows how long on it, but I think it was worth it. If you did enjoy, please like this guide and award it with special Space Points, and if you didn't like this guide, don't tell me, I don't want to know :(

If you REALLY enjoyed this guide, hunt me down in Team Fortress 2 and trade me a golden frying pan, then I'll put YOU in the credits.

But as they say, good things must come to an end, so this guide won't for a short time. Keep pressing random red buttons, keep shoving people for that shotgun, and don't f*cking shoot me. I will see you in space, fellow Spacemen...

~ Grababana

댓글 10
Grababana  [작성자] 2024년 4월 2일 오후 12시 58분 
These points are true, but most of them are simply more trivial and less important factual information. That info on some of the perks though, I will update the guide accordingly.
.Kyou™ 2024년 4월 2일 오전 9시 02분 
1st of all, you should list the upsides to the spaceman perks to monster. Anyway, so doctor regens health (think it to 50 hp), and will have medkit particles coming off of them. It is a good way to see if a doctor is low. (can detective see just anyone with a debuff?) Soldier is immune to shoves in monster form and gives a 50% resistance to them as spaceman. You can repair sentry turrets. Mag boots disables airlocks when you die to them. Crums (drones) only attack you as monster if you attack them first. Void beast's footsteps are just quiet, but they can be heard if you know what they sound like, just at a shorter distance, like only 1 room, instead of the 2-3 of normal monster. I am like 90% sure claws upon claws makes you dash way better. Nocturnal improves your speed by 20%, but it sure does feel like more. Membrane seems unfinished with placeholders. (I am too lazy to look at all the tasks, but they seem good from a glance) :spacecheer:
boris 2024년 2월 15일 오후 1시 20분 
im back from the dead
Grababana  [작성자] 2024년 2월 15일 오후 1시 06분 
It’s Boris
boris 2024년 2월 15일 오전 10시 08분 
Grababana  [작성자] 2024년 1월 23일 오전 1시 38분 
It’s another doctor!
Doctor Apathy 2024년 1월 22일 오후 1시 27분 
Pretty good guide, I'll make sure to use it when I start up my server again.
Zag  [개발자] 2024년 1월 16일 오후 9시 01분 
This is fantastic. Nicely done.
CoderBoy2000 2024년 1월 12일 오전 6시 37분 
God damn bro! This is one of the best I've ever seen! It has all the info I could have ever wished for! I've been playing USM for a while now, and some of these things not even I knew! Props to you for making this, and for that you get an award. Awesome job!
ThatMuffinGuy 2024년 1월 12일 오전 6시 33분 
WOW if you want a space guide to Unfortunate Spacemen this is it :steamthumbsup: