Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Extended Managers Library temporary fix
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Extended Managers Library temporary fix


This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extended Managers Library/Prop Anarchy continue their saves without having to redo their work.
Why remove Extended Managers Library?
The author of EML has left C:S modding and his mods (including Extended Managers Library, Prop Anarchy, and Tree Anarchy) are now abandoned.

These mods were useful prototype experiments in different ways of doing things. However, as prototypes, they all use a very non-standard codebase and have some fundamental issues that can't realistically be resolved by anything other than a full rewrite.

I've made "temporary fix" versions of these original mods to keep them working with game version 1.16 so that people's saves weren't lost. However, given the current state of these mods and the nature of their codebase, I'm not in a position to anything more. While I will attempt to keep them operational, I cannot guarantee success, and there's a chance that they will break completely in the future. There will also be no fixes for the bugs they contain.

Therefore it's highly recommended that people currently using Extended Mangers Library migrate away as soon as possible to protect their saves. I've created the Remove EML mod to help with this.

Stable modern replacement functionality for most of EML and Prop Anarchy is contained in the new mods Prop Control, Visibility Control, and Line Tool.

There is currently no direct replacement for EML's expanded prop limit; however, remember that props placed with BOB, Intersection Marking Tool, and Procedural Objects do NOT count towards the prop limit. Using these mods is the recommended (and more stable) alternative to expanding the prop limit.

Quitting the game and trying again may resolve the issue. If it doesn't, then there's nothing I can do; as noted above, this mod has bugs and instability.

This is not my mod; I've only taken it over to try to keep people's saves working after the next update (I may or may not succeed in that, but I'll at least try). I don't pretend to have any particular expertise with its use, or with any problems that might arise. If you have problems, I'll do my best to help, but I cannot guarantee anything.

Note that I cannot do ANYTHING without seeing your output log. Please don't post about any problems without including a link to your output log, and no, "me too" posts really are NOT helpful.

DO NOT PASTE ERROR TEXT INTO THE DISCUSSION. That is the exact opposite of helpful. Post a link to your uploaded output log instead.

154 comentarios
algernon  [autor] 22 OCT 2024 a las 3:58 p. m. 
@FidoClown Yes, this is unstable, and that's why there's the warning in large letters at the top of the description to not use it.
FidoClown 22 OCT 2024 a las 6:10 a. m. 
This MODE broke my game,
Loffas 1 OCT 2024 a las 6:26 a. m. 
Yeah it would be great if a couple of these more important mods got updated. Hopefully this game finally stops be updated with mod killers
AstroPolarBear 8 SEP 2024 a las 10:43 p. m. 
Mikasc 22 AGO 2024 a las 2:00 a. m. 
May C:S 1 will no longer be updated because of the release of C:S 2.
So, if it can run on the version nowadays without errors, can I use it for a long time?:steamsad:
All7" 19 FEB 2024 a las 2:31 a. m. 
i dont undrstnd what makes this mode? i have a problem, object not reference. and how i undrstnd this mod must fix this error and my city will be saved?
StayHungryStayFoolish 31 AGO 2023 a las 8:53 a. m. 
According to reliable opinions, EML FIX is UNSTABLE and NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES, since it has a number of bugs and stability issues (It still works fine for me, however, I have a high-end PC). You can use Line Tool + Prop Tool + Tree Control + (as a replacement of ULOD) the new Visibility Control .
JPN Shiro 31 AGO 2023 a las 8:19 a. m. 
doesn't work with Line Tool
algernon  [autor] 4 JUL 2023 a las 6:14 p. m. 
@forever402 거짓말 하지마.
forever402 4 JUL 2023 a las 2:23 p. m. 
이 모드가 harmony 2.2.2-0 모드랑 충돌 납니다.