Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3

282 ratings
Company of Heroes 3 Expanded
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2.214 MB
7 Mar, 2023 @ 5:06pm
19 Apr, 2023 @ 3:49pm
12 Change Notes ( view )

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Company of Heroes 3 Expanded

Expands on the game's vanilla factions by adding new units, abilities and upgrades as well as improving already present ones.

The mod is meant to be a fun expertiment showcasing some of the currently hidden units and ideas for abilities as well as upgrades. It is by no means finished and is very WIP (Work in progress) because of my lack of time right now as well as the tools themselves being quite limited.

Balance is not a priority at the moment but will be hopefully addressed in the future and some models have lacking animations such as the Pak 43. I am also aware of certain units such as the 75mm pack howitzers and British 4.2 inch mortar being missing, or in the case of the Obice 210/22 missing animations.

And for those asking, no the mod does not edit the campaign because that's impossible at the moment unfortunately.

Be aware that saves will also be broken by game updates, the mod and I have no control over that since I notice a lot of people mentioning it.

Some of the noteworthy features of the mod which you can also see on the pictures:

- Increased zoom in and zoom out distance.

- Standardized structures and tech, all factions have their infantry, support weapons, light vehicles and tanks in separate buildings which are further unlockable by tech in order for each type of units to have their fair share of time on the battlefield but this largely depends on the map itself and the resource rate. Having more fuel means being able to tech up faster and also getting more tanks of course so just keep that in mind.

- All factions can convert ambient buildings to forward barracks and also have forward bases with unique attributes such as being mobile for the DAK, being able to repair vehicles for the British, having casualty collection for the US and being able to call down artillery for the Wehrmacht.

- Added many campaign only, hidden or otherwise unfinished units such as the Obice da 210/22, Sturm officer, Fallschirmsniper, Nashorn, Indian Infantry Section, British Officer, SAS Commandos, Australian and Canadian infantry, Churchill Crocodile, Archer and many others to their respective factions.

- Officer units and Command tanks as well as support and logistical vehicles such as halftracks and trucks can now all follow other units.

- Removed limits on heavy tanks for all factions.

- MG teams have more crew members and can also build in order to make them more useful as their supression mechanics seem a bit lacking at the moment on the code side of things which we cannot currently touch.

- All airborne units can build relay stations in order to reinforce on the field.

- Mainline infantry units can build basic structures.

- Lastly, many upgrades and new abilities have been added to almost all units.

What will be worked on next -

Fixing several issues such as the Obice 210/22, the pack howitzers and 4.2 inch mortar being missing from production buildings, the dodgy forward barracks production and I will also be looking at ways to somehow add trenches back into the game since they seem to be a missing feature right now. More things will be added or changed with time and I will be looking at balancing the game but for that I need feedback as well as suggestions and ideas.

I have also made a modding guide for those of you interested in what I've done here -

That will be all for now, I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave some feedback and ideas, constructive criticism as well as suggestions are always welcome. If you would like to play with a group here is an invite to our discord server as well -