Half-Life 2: VR Mod

Half-Life 2: VR Mod

37 人が評価
HQ Default Hands
8.872 MB
2023年2月22日 13時35分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

HQ Default Hands

Default HL2 hands with higher quality textures and enhanced geometry.
  • Correctly subdivided model matching Fewes hands (HL2VR) quality.
  • High quality texture built from original sources.
  • Enhanced material shading. (Phong+Specular)
  • Enhanced normal map details.
10 件のコメント
THG  [作成者] 2023年5月30日 10時58分 
Take the VPK from "steamapps\workshop\content\658920\2937379343" and place it in episodicvr/custom or ep2/custom folder.

Alternatively, add this line to the gameinfo.txt for episodicvr/ep2vr under the "custom/*" line
game+mod |gameinfo_path|..\..\..\workshop\content\658920\2937379343\content.vpk
hawk8355 2023年5月29日 21時24分 
Will HQ Default Hands be ported to the episodes?
RageMachine56 2023年5月12日 17時51分 
i cant go into 658920 it dose not let me
THG  [作成者] 2023年5月12日 17時37分 
They're only shiny in specific lighting conditions (maybe due to HDR or just bad cubemaps on the maps themselves.)

If it really bothers you, go to "steamapps\workshop\content\658920\2937379343" unpack the .VPK into "common\Half-Life 2 VR\hlvr\custom"
Open "materials/models/weapons/v_hand/v_hand_sheet.vmt" with a text editor and change '.32' in the line "$envmaptint" "[.32 .32 .32]" to "[.16 .16 .16]"
RageMachine56 2023年5月12日 17時01分 
Slice the Idiot

THG  [作成者] 2023年5月11日 19時51分 
Decompile with "Crowbar" and import into a modelling software (probably Blender) then work from there. Everything else is the usual stuff like weight painting (easy for me since it's a standard Valve rig.)
PC-Genie 2023年5月11日 15時55分 
is there a guide for making a vr pm? trying to make my own
Foxivan 2023年3月8日 5時13分 
it looks like latex
stoneykampfwagen 2023年3月6日 6時25分 
my room is so small sob
Slice the Idiot 2023年3月5日 13時46分 
gloves are honestly way too shiny