Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant

Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant

267 Bewertungen
AWT - Armor Weapon & Technology [0.3.6a]
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30. Okt. 2022 um 8:48
13. Jan. um 3:58
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AWT - Armor Weapon & Technology [0.3.6a]


This mod aim to add a variety of new parts for the game, like armor, weapon and more !

More Armor block will be added in the future !

New parts, weapon and system will be added soon.


New Thrusters to work well with Heavy Armor (WIP)
New Shield system : Bubble and Arc
New Weapon and Defense


What the mod has to offer so far

- Reinforced block: doubled HP value, doubled weight, increased penetration resistance.

- Tristeel block: tripled HP value, tripled weight, increased ++ penetration resistance.

- Light Block: Reduced HP values, lighter weight, and reduced resistance to penetration, ideal block for lightening your vessels.

- Reinforced corridor : Crew movement speed +75%, increased corridor resistance.

- BubbleShield: Bubble shield over a distance of 20m. Consumes a lot of energy passively, and even more actively. Suitable for small to medium-sized ships.

- 180-degree Blathalite Shield: 180-degree protection through the ship's blocks. Increased fire resistance, more shield hit points, but consumes more than the basic shield.

Some of you have reported items not showing/upd!!ating ingame after an update.
Before sending us a report, please do these steps:

1) Unsubscribe then subscribe again to our mod in the Steam workshop
2) Check your game files integrity through the steam game properties


This mod support French and English ! Maybe more language soon.

You can buy me a coffee here ! :

Website :

Russian Translation click here (Made by Aliser )
237 Kommentare
Sewayn  [Autor] 14. Jan. um 4:05 
Do you have the right version ? 0.3.6b ? Try restart steam and see if csmoteer make an update. The mod is working fine for me
DonBudafuko 13. Jan. um 22:25 
ya im getting a crash when going to research menu as well. took mod out an works fine.
Sewayn  [Autor] 13. Jan. um 3:58 
Updated ! Working fine for me now, hope same for you guy's
ERROR_CODE 509 13. Jan. um 0:01 
Looks like the update causes a crash when accessing the research menu at any station. Tested with nothing but this mod enabled, issue still persists. Uploaded the log to hastebin:
Sewayn  [Autor] 12. Jan. um 17:00 
Update Available ! Check changelogs to see what's new, and what's my plan for the next.
Sewayn  [Autor] 11. Jan. um 18:41 
Hello Davic, i've encountered the same problem here, i'm working on it to fix it asap
Muricann 11. Jan. um 10:13 
With the older version of game 0.21.0 the mod is giving crash. Please make possible mod working on older versions too because there is not updated mods yet to the new game version
Davic Civlor 11. Dez. 2024 um 20:15 
Great mod but for some reason when I am in game and I press alt to look at the stats of the components in this mod it shows the text and the text that is to change the color of the text and the text to add the resource icon in the stats. Not sure if I am the only one having this issue for this mod but it is only this mod that has this issue.
Sewayn  [Autor] 10. Sep. 2024 um 8:21 
Could give a try yeah, don't know when, but when released you guy's will be noticed ! Thanks :)
Vagus 10. Sep. 2024 um 6:55 
Any chance to get a triangle armor block? Not the wedge but the triangle/triangle + structure?