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IKNingen Integrated
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IKNingen Integrated

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Tired of mods introducing multiple crafting stations that clutter space and gobble resources?
Then this mod is for you.

This mod is a remaster of odaibatsu's Ningen project, this mod distinguishes itself from other mods with the following features:

- Single crafting station reducing clutter with a bazaar terminal that consolidates the functions of the main crafting stations of Izzy's WW Furnishing mod and the legacy Ningen mod into a single crafting station.
- Integration with Izzy's WW Furnishings mod. Furniture assets from that mod now have the chance to spawn Ningen tenants - and also have had their <colonytags> variables updated.
- New resources for Ningen characters. The Ningen race now has its own unique vehicles, ships, ship furniture and (canid) ship pets. Dog lovers, take note!
- More emphatic tech tree for IKN's WW mod content to reflect a post-post-industro-capitalist Ningen race, and its deepening social cleavages.


The first thing you will need is access to the Penguin Bay at the Outpost. This grants access to the Ningen Macrokiosk, and the Volcanic Forge, a 3d printer that can be purchased for Pixels. These have a base cost of 20,000 and 50,000 pixels each, but you will definitely need more Pixels thereafter.

While the Volcanic Forge is similar to a vanilla 3d printer, it is at the Macrokiosk that most of the content of this mod is accessed. To access these, you must begin the first Hylotl mission to gain access to the Ningen Macrokiosk, and the first Glitch mission to gain access to the Volcanic Forge.


This device combines all items from IKN's and odaibatsu's mods in a single bazaar terminal without the need for separate crafting stations or devices to access one or more mods' items. Instead, when it comes to the Macrokiosk you will have six options:

- Blocks: self-explanatory. Blocks are sold here, however, in bulk amounts of 1,000 units per purchase.
- Furniture: contains individual Ningen furniture items, as well as furniture packs containing items from the WW Furnishings mod in bulk.
- Clothes: Ningen clothing are sold here.
- Weapons: Sells base-level Ningen weapons which can be upgraded later on with the NKR Extended Forge, purchaseable from the Furniture section.
- "Food court": Not exactly a food court per se. It sells replica food items that can be used to attract Chef tenants. But that might change.
- "Gift shop": Sells mostly souvenirs, joke items, and some decorative items. Note that in addition to flag packs and banner packs, you can also purchase vehicle controllers here.

In addition to pre-existing content added by the WW Furnishing mod, we have also added some custom furniture based on Izzy's style, with some nifty functions. See if you can find them.


This is mostly a 3d printer but with a twist - it also appears as a decorative item and is sure to be very popular with tenants. Feel free to examine it more in detail.


(1) Is this Frackin' Universe-compatible?

Great pains have been taken (like with most other mods on Steam for Starbound) to keep this mod FU-compliant as possible. However, in the unlikely event of a bug, crash or other issue, you are advised to leave a comment here, along with a link to a starbound.log file and/or supporting evidence such as screenshots.

(2) Some items originally available under the old IKN shop system from WW Furnishings are missing! is this a bug?

Unfortunately no.
Four themes have been removed entirely from commercial access, namely the Sea Voyage, Colourful Bohemian, Art Deco, Sleek & Elegant and CT-EXE theme packs. These are now sold by NPC merchants, wherever they are present, or most notably through merchant tenant quests as are variants of currently unlocked packs that can be accessed through the MacroKiosk. The next time a merchant tenant asks you to help him expand his inventory, consider helping him. Especially if he's a Phox, Ningen, Sanglar ... or Scyphojel.

(3) Why are there no dungeons?

I have not learnt how to properly code in dungeons. I have also been reading up on how to do it and some authors of mods suggests keeping dungeons in a separate pack where possible.

(4) What future updates can we expect with this mod?

- Proper dialogue for all Ningen which is distinct from the standard English used by the Human race.
- More integration with Frackin' Universe! Izzy left behind lots and lots of computer units which don't do anything other than sit around and look pretty. That may change over time!
- A proper "Food court". See details above.

However, due to time constraints it isn't exactly known when *exactly* these new additions will be made available.

(5) My friends want to play this mod, but do not have Steam. Where can they download one for a non-Steam version of Starbound?

Visit our site at ModDb and look for the latest update.

(6) I examined the Volcanic Forge, and found a reference to Volcanic Forge Miniatures. How do I access content associated with them?

Please see this site[] for more information.
41 kommentarer
The Usual Gardevoir fan 20 jan @ 4:56 
When I created new Ningen character in FU, their ship is still vanillia human one. Even after picking option to use vanillia ship instead of customizable.
The Owl Service  [skapare] 23 dec, 2024 @ 21:44 
I was able to unlock both the Macrokiosk and the Forge on a legacy character who had previously completed all vanila story missions, aside from the ones associated with Noble.
You need to get both the Floran and Apex artefacts to Esther before any of these things become available at Penguin Bay and you might want to check the lower end of the trade menu to find them.
long010202 20 dec, 2024 @ 3:04 
then yes
long010202 20 dec, 2024 @ 3:03 
like the main story one :D?
The Owl Service  [skapare] 20 dec, 2024 @ 1:59 
@Zhertz, long: have you finished the Apex and Floran missions yet?
zhertz 24 aug, 2024 @ 10:05 
i cant find either in the penguin bay, i even unsubscribed from any penguin bay items so im confused
long010202 16 aug, 2024 @ 7:31 
i cant find the Ningen Macrokiosk, and the Volcanic Forge in the Penguin Bay at the Outpost
The Owl Service  [skapare] 26 maj, 2024 @ 8:00 
@Elex Blue: Any character extender usually should work. You can just install this mod (but not within six hours after this comment, an update is inbound) along with Xbawks and let me know if it works or not.
Elex Blue 23 maj, 2024 @ 9:24 
can you use Xbawks Character extender instead?
The Owl Service  [skapare] 27 mar, 2024 @ 19:12 
@aceb20, Niko Reiesu: I just updated this mod again, can you try this mod and see if it works now?