Carmageddon TDR 2000

Carmageddon TDR 2000

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TDR2000: Rage-o-Rama! Missions Guide
Von Mugzy
A guide going over all the missions in the Rage-o-Rama! mod for TDR2000.
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Welcome to the missions guide for the Rage-o-Rama! overhaul mod for Carmageddon 3: TDR2000.

Some missions have been altered or even entirely changed in the Rage-o-Rama! mod, so using this guide as a base for the vanilla version of TDR2000 will not align with the default missions.

This guide will be going over all 28 missions in Rage-o-Rama! and how to complete them.
▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hollowood ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Hollowood is the first environment the player will find themselves in. A map themed around movies and cultured references to classic cinema. These missions are quite simple and get the player right into the mechanics and functions of a mission.
Mission 1: Send in the Sharks
"They're mindless killers with razor-sharp instincts and one-track brains. So these drivers are just like sharks, then."

Here in the first mission, you are an errand boy running around grabbing a few items to put together a bomb. These pieces need to be gathered in good time.

The first piece you will find in the Wild Waste towards the mine shaft area.

Use your map by pressing TAB and seeing the objective locations in this mission and the ones to follow.

The next piece is in the city. It's a little tricky to get to, but it's good practice. First you need to cross this bridge that is between these two buildings and then drive up the ramp.

On the roof, you will find another ramp. You need to get some speed to make the jump onto the roof of the other building.

Once you're there, you're gonna find the roof has given in. You want to drive down this opening into the building and collect the next piece.

The final piece is in the stunt park at the very top of the giant loop in the middle. Don't fret; there is a turbo powerup right at the entrance so you can get the speed needed.

Stay steady going up. Using the F2 "Ass Cam" is helpful as to not get disoriented on this loop. Collect the final bomb piece then make your way to the mountains.

You will find a section of the mountain looks odd. This is a door that you need to set the bomb down by in order to blow it open. You can use mission powerups with Left Control.

After this, go inside of the mountain area and sit in front of the giant computer. The image displayed is a headstone switch that needs to be activated.

Head towards the graveyard and then down into the underground crypt.

You will find the switch pictured earlier. Drive into it to release the shark and finish the mission.

Mission 2: Pop the Sucker
"You know this is gonna hurt, but make sure you're not the one in agony."


You begin in the stunt park and must speed around to collect some slaughter mortars before the timer runs out. If you fail to leave the stunt park before time is up or return to the stunt park after you have left, then the cops pictured above are spawned.

After you have collected a good amount of mortars, head towards the lake area where the shark is swimming. You will need to try and intercept the shark's path rather than chase it behind and launch mortars at it. Hitting it also deals damage.

The shark's health is in the bottom left corner of your screen. Once you kill it, the mission is passed.

Mission 3: Going Ape
"Here's a blast from the past, and the emphasis is on the 'blast' part."


Throughout this mission, you will be pursued by The Harvester. It purely serves as an obstacle and can be wasted, but it serves no benefit.

You are once again going around and collecting some items. The first fuse is in the stunt park through the ring of fire.

The next fuse is pretty easy to get to, being right next to the foot of the big gorilla in the middle of the map.

The last fuse takes some calculation to get. It's in the Wild Waste on top of one of the plateaus near the mine shaft ravine.

After this, go back to the giant gorilla and drive between his legs. To activate the fuses, press Left Control to power the gorilla. He'll break a hole in the wall you need to drive through.

Go through the destroyed wall to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Slums ▬▬▬▬▬▬

The Slums is the second environment the player will find themselves in. A run-down ghetto town with a depressing haze and dark atmosphere surrounded by a body of water. These missions are a little more difficult and teach you about some different mechanics.
Mission 1: Slum Like it Hot
"New part of town, new set of targets. That's how life is, nowadays."


You will need to make your way towards a radio tower. Look at the map to find the location.

Get a jump from this highway incline onto this building.

Then drive up to the radio tower.

After this, you will need to go collect a bomb sitting at the edge of a road section.

Stay steady and do not hit the curb too hard. Too much force will cause the bomb to detonate and blow you up. Beware of the cop pursuing you as well.

You will need to go down into the storm drain. This will be a little difficult to get down in here softly enough not to set off the bomb.

You need to go further into the storm drain. Once you are in the tunnel, you don't need to worry about the motion anymore and can speed up into the underground base.

Here, you will need to make your way up and around the platform levels.

At the top level, you will need to drop into this cylindrical structure in the middle.

To set the bomb, press Left Control and then speed out of the exit hole to finish the mission.

Mission 2: Traffic Jam
"Road rage, they used to call it. If they could see you now!"


Head to the storm drain area where you will find a plethora of slaughter mortars. Collect a good few because you'll be taking on three enemy vehicles this mission.

Pile some of the miscellaneous props and junk down into the storm drain to slow these guys down.

Then sit tight as they spawn in. Crimson, Buffalo, and Tow Meister will spawn and all three need to be wasted.

Then from here, it's full offensive time. Crash into them and blow them apart with mortars. Generally, you want to focus Crimson first because he will try to run away. The other two then can be destroyed afterward.

After you have wasted all three targets, the mission will complete.

There is an alternative strategy to this mission that can finish it very quickly and without all the preparation that the vanilla way has you do. This involves a nuclear bomb found on top of this building on the upper level.

Below in this area, you can find a kangaroo on command powerup.

Use this to calculate a few hops to the top of the building and get the nuclear bomb powerup.

Then go right to the entrance of the storm drain and set the nuclear bomb right where this shadow sits. Yes, do this before the vehicles are even close to spawning.

Nuclear bombs take roughly 8 seconds to detonate. Once it explodes, you should see three oil puddles. This will have wasted the vehicles before they spawned. Then just sit there and wait out the rest of the time until they spawn.

If you did it right, even though the nuclear explosion has long passed, they will still fling away as soon as they spawn and be dead as if it just went off, finishing the mission.

Mission 3: The Jump
"You've plumbed the depths. Now get ready to scale the heights."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

You need to activate the tower lifting system by pushing some turbines. Back into the storm drains again! You will find the first turbine inside the city.

Accelerate into it when one of the blades reaches low enough that your car can hit it. There is a number in the bottom left telling you the energy output. Get it to 100%.

The next turbine is just a little further into the storm drain. Same deal as the last one.

Once both turbines are 100% power or above, navigate into the city and find this glass pane in an alley. Smash through it into the building.

Here, you will find a lift. If you do not see it at first, wait for it to lower down, then reverse onto it.

You will be lifted into a hallway connecting to another lift. Simply drive forward onto the next one.

Now you are at the top. Get good speed and make the jump to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬ The Docklands ▬▬▬▬▬

The Docklands is the third environment the player will find themselves in. A grey, depressing, and damp place this seems to be. Lots of foghorns, sea bells, and gloomy atmosphere. You're gonna be trying to sail your way out of this dump and onto the next.
Mission 1: Juice Up
"Wrap yourself around some motion lotion. It's what keeps you rollin'."


Jaguar and Witch Doctor will be in constant pursuit during this mission. Wasting them is optional and they serve purely as an obstacle.

Once again, you need to collect some bomb pieces. The first one is in this factory area up high where you can't reach it. Across from that is an opening into one of the factories. Drive into there.

Then now you will go through this middle opening onto this inactive conveyer. Drive through this carefully.

Finally, you will grab the bomb piece at the end then speed to the next.

The next piece is the easiest to get. Just drive up this building ramp.

The piece should be just at the edge of the building for you to grab.

The next piece is a little harder to get and requires some calculated jumps. Travel to this area by the water.

Then drive into this canyon-esque area and go around the loop to the top.

After this, jump off this ramp onto this building.

You'll have to ramp off a few buildings to get to the last bomb piece.

Once you have this, speed over to the oil deposits.

Now you need to use this ramp to make a long jump into the first deposit.

Then make a few jumps into the last oil deposit. Place the bomb here with Left Control to finish the mission.

Mission 2: Clear the Decks
"To make an impression, you can't beat the wholesale destruction of maritime equipment."


Juggernaut and Dune King will be in constant pursuit during this mission. Wasting them is optional and they serve purely as an obstacle.

You are once again collecting bomb pieces to blow up a large boat obstructing your exit. The first bomb piece is in a small structure right near where you spawned.

The next piece is going to take patience and precision to get. Head over to this pipe structure and begin to drive up the pipe on the right.

Once at the top, you will find the next piece.

The last piece is right at the edge of this docking area on the other side of where the large boat is.

Now you need to rush over to the boat and use this ramp to jump onto it.

Now, go to the front of the boat and drop down through this opening to the bottom level.

Now, place the bomb with Left Control and speed out of there. Be careful still though, as there is a large opening that you can fall through on your way out.

Round the corners and escape though the chute to finish the mission.

Mission 3: Got a New Motor
"Respect for engineering. That's the only thing the post-apocalyptics have in common."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

You are trying to power up a boat and need to collect engine components. the first one is in a shipping crate area near the corner by the water.

The next component is in this district area inside a building towards the center.

The last engine component is over in a uncommon section towards the rear of a building.

After you have all three of these pieces, you must drive to a small boat.

Get on the boat and press Left Control to activate it. Let it sail away to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ High Rise ▬▬▬▬▬▬

High Rise is the fourth environment the player will find themselves in. Here is another city map. This one seems to have just a little cleaner and less gloomy atmosphere. Get ready for some fun races on this one. Cherish the straight highways and clear roads while they last.
Mission 1: Launch the Statue
"Bring some spectacle into the hellish lives of the masses."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

Across the map from where you spawn, go to the upper level and to the top of a destroyed building.

At the top you will find the first fuel drum.

The next drum is back across the map. Find these double glass panes and crash through them.

Drive inside this building up the incline to get the next drum.

The last fuel drum is back across the map yet again. Go a bit further down the street on the upper level where you got the first one. A run-down building should be on the street corner.

Then make the jump to the next fuel drum.

After this, you need to hotfoot it over to the large statue area surrounded by the body of water.

The timer for this part is not forgiving at all. One wrong move could cost valuable seconds that will make you lose the mission.

You're going to have to speed straight through the water. Get as much air as you can and land forward into the water because it slows you down.

Once on the island, drive into the opening at the front of the statue.

Now speed over to that computer and press Left Control to activate the statue and finish the mission.

Mission 2: The Rich Switch
"Kill, maim and hurt - it's always about greed at the end of the day."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

You're gonna spawn near your objective. Head to this bank through the front door down to the basement vaults.

Then open the indicated vault and collect the money bags inside.

Now go back up. The cops will have spawned at this point and now begin their pursuit.

Go to the other side of the city and go on top of this small building.

Make sure the cops are not nearby and then press Left Control to drop the first money bag.

Now go back across the city to the next dropoff location. Find this opening and drive inside.

In the middle of this parking lot area, drop the next bag.

The last bag requires you to go back to the other side of the city a bit further to this long bridge.

Drive right up to the big doors and drop the last bag to finish the mission.

Mission 3: Blow the Joint
"There are two sorts of driver. The quick and the dead. And you ain't dead. Yet."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

You need to collect more bomb pieces in this mission. Head to the other side of the city on the upper level and find this building with glass at the bottom.

Crash through the glass and wait for the elevator lift.

Drive onto the lift and go upward. Turn to the right and follow the arrows.

The arrows up here will guide you to where you need to go.

Drop down and collect the first bomb piece.

The next bomb piece is across the city. Find this incline and drive up the coming levels.

Collect the next bomb piece on the roof.

Now you need to go back to the lift.

Now when at the top, you will drive to the left this time. Navigate around the arrows and get to the next bomb piece.

Collect this last piece on the edge of this roof.

Now drive down to this building with the three glass panes on each side.

Drive right to the middle structure of the building and set the bomb with Left Control. Then speed out of there before it blows.

Once the building has collapsed, use it as a ramp to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬ Military Zone ▬▬▬▬▬

Military Zone is the fifth environment the player will find themselves in. This differs in format from the previous few "city" maps you've been on. This place is not easy to navigate. No straight highways here. Rough terrain, landmines, stuka bombers, and violent gangs.
Mission 1: Let's Go to Work
"Taking on big names is a risky business. Are you sure you can handle the pace?"


Three vehicles will be approaching from the mountains. The main target of this mission is King Merc. The Supastuka and Bearclaw are optional kills and serve purely as obstacles.

After you waste King Merc, it is revealed that this was the wrong target. The actual target is on foot in the military fort near the arena. He is also marked as a green dot on the map.

After killing the target pedestrian, you finish the mission.

Mission 2: Duel in the Arena
"The way combat's been for millennia. And it's still just as shocking today..."


For this mission, you are required to fight Darkside in the arena. Make your way to the big doors and get some speed through the loop to enter.

This is a mighty powerful semi truck you are pitted against, so you are going to need some serious offensive power. If you have a higher power vehicle with good upgrades, then you might not need the next part and could just tango with this truck head-on.

However, most times you're gonna need a surplus of helping damage. In this case, you're gonna wanna go around this loop and make the calculated jump towards some powerups. The opening for it is in the middle of the arena.

Here you will find some damage powerups and some afterburner. Collect these and get a good hit on Darkside to finish him.

After this, a good way to escape the arena is to use the bowl shape as a ramp to shoot yourself out.

At this point, Shadow, Scrapjack, and Trashmaster will have spawned. Wasting them is purely optional and provides no real benefit other than fun factor if you choose.

Head back to the area you spawned to complete the mission.

Mission 3: Tanks a Lot
"In the right hands, a main battle tank is lethal. And in your hands it's worse."


You are spawned in the air base area in the mountains as Warthog. As an obstacle, six Mammoths will drive around and fire mortars at you. This may knock you around a bit, but Warthog can make quick work of these hummers if you so choose. Wasting them is optional.

Artillery shells have been setup and spawned across the map in the mountain fort. Make your way here and collect them.

More shells have spawned slightly back from where you came in the fort by the arena. Go to the upper level and collect the last batch of shells.

You can now fire your tank rounds with Left Control. You need to angle yourself to shoot one round through the hole in the big door by the river.

After you shoot the hole in the door, it will open and you will have to drive inside to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬ Back of Beyond ▬▬▬▬▬

Back of Beyond is the sixth environment the player will find themselves in. This is a Mad Max inspired apocalyptic wasteland with not much around besides barren land and lots of dirt. Here you can find a big quarry and even a mine tunnel system along with a thunderdome and oil rig.
Mission 1: Trucking Hell
"The muties love to welcome newcomers. A warm welcome in the form of a gigantic truck."


A truck is poised and ready in the quarry for you to destroy. Unfortunately we're talking about the Master Mine which must mean this will be one of the hardest missions.

You'd be wrong. This is probably the easiest mission in the game. Three powerups that will make quick work of this dump truck are spawned in a row neatly in front of your starting position.

Use the afterburner given to get a good speed for a nasty head-on collision with the big truck. If the collision is not head-on and your damage powerups run out, you can bet that truck will run your ass down! However, if you have unlocked a vehicle of good power and made sure to keep up with your APO upgrades, the damage powerups might not even be needed.

After you destroy the Master Mine, you finish the mission.

Mission 2: Red Mist
"Remember, the muties aren't like you or me. They're not sitting in a safe car for a start..."

You need to kill 20 mutant peds. These will be the green peds roaming the wasteland scattered around the thunderdome.

These peds are marked by green dots on the map as well. Be careful when driving around and killing these peds because repairs have been disabled for this mission.

This next step will ensure that no pile-driving or fender-bending maneuvers are needed. Right by the mine tunnel entrance, there is a large plateau with a steep incline that you can drive up.

At the top, you will find a surplus of pedestrian flamethrowers. Use these to speed up the ped slaughter!

A counter can be seen in the bottom left to let you know your progress.

Once 20 mutant peds have been killed, you will finish the mission.

Mission 3: Summer Nuke Fest
"The muties are pissed. Maybe it's time for the ultimate firework display. You ready?"


Dumpster, Pulverzier, and The Digga will be in constant pursuit during this mission. Wasting them is optional and they serve purely as an obstacle.

Head to the entrance of the mines.

The first bomb piece you need is a little deep into the mine tunnels. Try not to get closed in by the pursuing vehicles.

The next bomb piece is going to be on top of the cliffside outside the mines.

The last bomb piece is deep through the mines into the large cavern area. The middle spiral has the bomb towards the top.

After this, you want to make your way out of the cave towards the oil rig.

Once you are in place where the arrows point, use Left Control to place the bomb.

After this, the gang fort near the quarry will have the back wall blown out. Rush over towards this area quickly and go through the opening.

Once you've exited, the mission is finished.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Necropolis ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Necropolis is the seventh environment the player will find themselves in. We're right back in the city, baby. This is a good mix of your nice straight highways and uneven earthy terrain. This is the true undead paradise with just how run-down it is.
Mission 1: Population Control
"Forget restraint. Forget morals. Forget everything but driving, mashing and not crashing."

You have to go and kill 20 gang member pedestrians. These will be the peds with the leopard print looking pants. They are also marked as green dots on the map and kill progress is tracked in the bottom left. Vehicle repairs for this mission have been disabled.

There will be a couple you can kill in the area you spawn, but this ultimately will not be enough.

Towards the bottom city area near where the shipping crates are at the edge, there is a mound of rubble where a pedestrian flamethrower can be found.

Now head towards this highway ramp in the top right of the map and go through the mountain entrance towards the gang base at the top.

Once here, you will need to run down the rest of the gang peds.

After killing 20 total, you will finish the mission.

Mission 2: Look Out Below
"No-one said anything about airstrikes! You've been through worse though."

Stuka bomber planes will be dropping explosives on you throughout this mission.

This is an extremely simple mission. All you need to do is drive around and collect 20 mini-bombs. They are marked on the map as bomb icons. Once you have collected all 20, the mission will finish.

Mission 3: Big Brother
"Cute how the police show such an interest in your whereabouts."


Minion and two Tyrants will be in constant pursuit during this mission. Wasting them is optional and they serve purely as an obstacle.

You need to smash into three satellite dishes to stop the police from monitoring you. The first dish requires you to drive up onto the highway. Make your way to this ramp.

Then keep going around the curve until you see a section where the railing is missing.

Then drop down onto the building. Drive through the rubble where the arrows direct you and then off the ledge onto the next building. Finally, go drive into the satellite and destroy it.

The next satellite dish is in the city area where you spawned. Go into this alley and find the opening leading up an incline.

To your left when you reach the top should be a series of bridges. Cross these until you get to the next satellite and destroy it.

The final satellite dish is at the gang fort you went to last mission. Once there, drive up from the bottom of the base wall to the other side and blow up the final dish.

This will cause some doors to open. Go back into the highway tunnel and find the door.

Drive through the door to finish the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Bridge ▬▬▬▬▬▬

The Bridge is the eighth environment the player will find themselves in. There are no races on this map- just one single mission the map itself was made for. As the name would have it, this is an extremely long bridge you must navigate across to the next map.
Mission 1: The Great Divide
"You'll need hope to get across. But more than that, you'll need plenty of horsepower."


Various opponents will be in constant pursuit during this mission. Wasting them is optional and they serve purely as an obstacle.

You will start out in a cavern area. Make your way around the trashed vehicles to this exit.

You're gonna wanna head left when you drop out of the hole to the beginning of the bridge. This is the only time the enemy vehicles pose any real threat. Avoid them and make your way to the part of the bridge where it's sloped down.

Now, it's just a race against time. Try to navigate and make a straight shot across the bridge, avoiding holes, obstructions, and mines.

Towards the end of the bridge, you need to clear all of this junk out of the way to get a clear shot of the exit hole.

Once that is clear, get some speed and make the jump to complete the mission.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Police State ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Police State is the ninth and final environment the player will find themselves in. This in lore is where you have been trying to get to all this time. Now you're here to cause chaos. Being the largest map by far, this place is a clean bright utopia with futuristic elements and sci-fi tech.
Mission 1: Checkout Day
"Drive like the wind. You've got all hell breaking loose behind you."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

You need to destroy some servers. Head over to this structure marked on the map.

There should be a ramp in front of the curved structure. Use this to get a leap on top.

Now drive into the server sitting on the left side of the building roof and smash it up until it's destroyed.

Drive to this next structure that looks like a long pipe.

Go up the sides and get a jump onto the roof of the building across from it.

Now, the next server is here. Knock this one out as well.

The last computer is a bit more difficult to get to. There are three of these giant towers in Police State. Go to the one in the bottom middle of your map. It is marked with a red X.

Find the opening ramp that takes you up through the tower.

Once at this high platform, find the elevator lift. It will be between the divide of these two tower parts.

The lift will take you to the very top of the tower.

Once at the top, the last server can be found up here. Destroy it.

Finally, drive to the middle of the map to this structure to finish the mission.

Mission 2: Destroy the Behemoth
"The bigger they are, the harder they can fall on you."


The cops will be pursuing you throughout this mission and serve as an obstacle.

There are three gigantic APC vehicles patrolling Police State. You will be destroying them in this mission.

First thing's first; you need to go collect some bombs. Right off the bat, you are directed into this underground hallway.

Keep driving further down in here and collect all these explosives.

After collecting these, drive further out of the hallway and make a right when coming outside. Drive to the first behemoth marked on the map. Be careful though- this thing shoots homing missiles!

Your goal is to get onto the top of this titan and let the bomb fall into its exhaust. There are some kangaroo on command powerups scattered around this road you will want to go get your hands on.

Use the kangaroo hops to launch yourself on top of the behemoth.

Once you are in place, press Left Control to set one of the bombs. Make sure it falls down into the exhaust. You can also push it in there yourself.

You need to speed away though because this explosion will waste you too!

The next behemoth is going to be on the right of the fork ahead. Same process as the last one.

The third and final behemoth is on the other road. You get the gist. Destroy this last behemoth to finish the mission.

Mission 3: ARMAGEDDON!
"You knew it was coming. The end of the world. But remember this - you're good enough to make it."


Throughout this mission, you will be pursued by the police. Police helicopters are also in the sky shooting homing missiles at you.

You will start out on a bridge. You want to turn to the left and head over to this building with these platforms leading to the top.

There are some kangaroo on command powerups scattered about.

Collect these and then jump onto the lowest level platform. Drive up the rest and make your way on top of the building.

Use the small ramp or any remaining kangaroo powerups to jump onto the next building.

Then smash this server off the building. If it does not explode when it hits the ground, then keep smashing into it until it does. The helicopters will go down once you destroy this server.

After this, a Suppressor will spawn. Let it come to you because there is a powerup nearby that will make it easy to waste.

Now you are going to want to drive to this structure right here. Go through one of the side openings.

Wait until the Suppressor is near, then drive up this slope in the center and collect this acme damage magnifier.

Now you want to go get a good head-on crash with the Suppressor. It will be extremely tough since it is armored, but with this being the last mission, you should have fully upgraded APO. That and the acme damage magnifier should do the trick.

Once the Suppressor is destroyed, you will finish the game.

Beating the game will unlock all available cars and the three hidden cars along with automatically creating a save file in the "Load Game" section of the main menu.