Space Engineers

Space Engineers

112 ratings
[GUIDE] AiEnabled
By jTurp
This is the guide for AiEnabled.

AiEnabled is a total NPC inclusion mod that aims to spice up your gameplay by providing you with companions to aid you as well as enemies to hunt you. All NPCs use custom pathfinding logic to perform their assigned role. As ideas flow and time permits, I'll be adding more NPCs to keep things interesting!

Workshop page:
Helper Bots
There are three things required to build a helper:
  • You must be in a faction (rep is based on factions not players)
  • You must have the minimum amount of credits, either in your pockets or the bank
  • You must have the correct bot material (see the RoboFactory section for details on this)

The mod includes the following roles with custom models designated for use as Helper NPCs. These are spawned via the RoboFactory block, and you can use any model for any role, except for the Scavenger Bot which is locked to the RoboDog subtype due to custom sounds and animations being applied.

Combat Bot - can use rifles and pistols, will hunt enemies near its owner

Repair Bot - performs light welding / grinding and item clean up (requires components to weld)
  • Will weld any block that is friendly with its owner
  • Will only grind blocks that match the user-configured grind color, set in the Mod Menu
  • Will switch between Weld / Grind mode dynamically depending on what needs to be done
    • You can update the priority for Weld / Grind first in the Factory Terminal UI by (un)checking Weld Before Grind. If changed, click Update Helper Priorities to propagate the change to any active bots
  • Steps to enable Grind mode:
    • Set your grind color
    • Color some blocks with that color
    • Make sure the bots have a grinder in their inventory (doesn't need to be equipped)

Scavenger Bot - finds buried treasures and protects its owner
  • Can also perform item clean up and loot corpses (user configurable)

Crew Bot - performs one of three roles based on block assigned to. See the video below for an example of role assignment
  • Uses the male and female Astronaut models by default
  • Weapons Role: Wanders the base checking out random turrets. Has a chance to move ammo into Interior turrets as it approaches them for inspection
  • Engineer Role: Wanders the base checking out random power and LCD blocks. Has a chance to boost stored energy in batteries by a small amount as it approaches them for inspection
  • Fabricator Role: Wanders the base checking out random production and cargo blocks. Has a chance to spawn a random consumable into cargo containers as it approaches them for inspection

Neutral Bots
The mod includes the following Neutral NPC roles. All Neutral NPCs use the male and female Astronaut models by default, when spawned via the Bot Spawner.

Nomad Bot - Wanders the area and occasionally performs a random emote.
  • Has a chance to spawn with a pistol
  • Will attack only when provoked
  • When attacked, enlists the help of any Enforcer within 50m (from same faction)

Enforcer Bot - Similar to the Nomad, but more of a guard type bot.
  • Spawns with a random weapon
  • Will attack when provoked
Enemy Bots
Out of the box, the mod includes the following roles with custom models designated for use as Hostile NPCs.

Zombie Bot - deals poison damage over time

Ghost Bot - deals cold damage over time

Soldier Bot - equipped with a rapid fire rifle

Grinder Bot - equipped with an angle grinder

Bruiser Bot - boss encounter, harder to kill and deals extra damage

Creature Bot - used to spawn wolves and spiders with custom pathfinding logic
The RoboFactory

The RoboFactory is where you purchase your companion bots. Once purchased, you may leave the game and return without worrying about losing your bot; it will be returned to you once you log back in. While there is a [configurable] limit to how many helpers you can have active at once, you can store as many bots as you need or wish via the block's terminal interface, as well as respawn them at the block's position if you move too far away or the bot wanders off to discover Atlantis.

Each bot requires a custom token and some space credits to build, which you can find in the Production terminal menu. The Scavenger Bot token is the only token available in the Basic Assembler by default, while all other tokens require the Advanced Assembler to build.

Each token requires a configurable amount of ingots to build. Check out the BotPricing.cfg file in the World Storage folder in order to adjust the amounts.

Want to use other character models for your helpers?
You can add additional character subtypes for the mod to include in the model list of the RoboFactory. To do this, open the AiEnabled.cfg file in the world storage folder, and add subtypes to the AdditionalHelperSubtypes xml section, as demonstrated below. Of course, they will only show up in the terminal interface if the subtypes are actually valid, so be sure you include your character mod in the save's mod list!
<AdditionalHelperSubtypes> <Subtype>Plushie_Astronaut</Subtype> <Subtype>Ghost_Bot</Subtype> <Subtype>Space_Wolf</Subtype> <Subtype>Boss_Bot</Subtype> <Subtype>Police_Bot</Subtype> <Subtype>Space_Skeleton</Subtype> <Subtype>Space_Zombie</Subtype> <Subtype>Frosty_Zombie</Subtype> <Subtype>Space_spider</Subtype> </AdditionalHelperSubtypes>
The Bot Spawner

The Bot Spawner is for admins and content creators to create scenarios and encounters for others to enjoy, without needing to know how to code. The Custom Data of the block holds the configuration settings that can be tweaked to enable / disable the spawning of the enemy and neutral bot types listed therein, as well as add custom models to be spawned by the block. Below is what the config looks like; adjust it to your liking.

Note: the spawner block requires a strict search for "spawner" in the g-menu. It will not show up in the AiEnabled tab.

; ; Enable or Disable the spawning of certain types by switching ; their values to TRUE or FALSE. Colors must be hex values (ie #FF0000). ; Loot Container Ids are taken from mod / game files, leave blank ; to use the value from the character definition. ; [AiEnabled] ; ; These are the loot container ids found by the mod. This may not be ; all of them. NOTE: you only need to assign them if you want to ; override the defaults. ; Known Loot Container Ids= | SpiderLoot | WolfLoot | EngineerLoot | EngineerfLoot | RobotLoot | ZombieLoot | SkeletonLoot | GhostLoot ; ; The Minimum number of Seconds between spawns. (min = 1) ; Min Spawn Interval=60 ; ; The Maximum number of Seconds between spawns. ; Max Spawn Interval=180 ; ; The Maximum number of active spawns allowed at any given time. ; Max Simultaneous Spawns=2 ; ; If True, all spawns will use a random color. ; Use Random Spawn Colors=true ; ; The SoldierBot uses an automatic rifle to hunt you down. ; Allow SoldierBot=true SoldierBot Color=#FF0000 SoldierBot Loot Container Id= ; ; The GrinderBot uses a grinder to hunt you down. ; Allow GrinderBot=true GrinderBot Color=#FF0000 GrinderBot Loot Container Id= ; ; The ZombieBot applies poison damage over time with its attacks. ; Allow ZombieBot=true ZombieBot Color=#FF0000 ZombieBot Loot Container Id= ; ; The GhostBot applies cold damage over time with its attacks. ; Not colorable. ; Allow GhostBot=true GhostBot Loot Container Id= ; ; The BruiserBot is a boss encounter; it is harder to kill than ; the others and packs a heavy punch. Not colorable. ; Allow BruiserBot=true BruiserBot Loot Container Id= ; ; Neutral Bots are neutral encounters that will only attack if / when ; provoked. Enabling this will disable all others. ; Neutral Bots Only=false NomadBots Only=false EnforcerBots Only=false NomadBot Color=#FF0000 EnforcerBot Color=#FF0000 NomadBot Loot Container Id= EnforcerBot Loot Container Id= ; ; The CreatureBot can be used for hostile creatures (wolf, spider). ; Enabling this will disable all others, including Neutral Bots. ; CreatureBots Only=false Wolves Only=false Spiders Only=false Wolf Loot Container Id= Spider Loot Container Id= ; ; You can add additional weapon subtypes for the SoldierBot to use ; by placing one subtype per line, along with the minimum threshold ; for each. A roll between 0 and 100 will be used to determine ; which subtype to use based on highest threshold that is > rolled # ; If roll doesn't match anything, bot will use the default rapid fire rifle ; EXAMPLE: ; BasicHandHeldLauncherItem = 90 (if roll is > 90) ; SuperCoolModRifle = 75 (if roll > 75) ; ElitePistolItem = 10 (if roll > 10) ; [SoldierBot Weapon Subtypes] AddWeaponSubtypeHere=100 ; ; You can have the block spawn additional characters by ; adding their subtypes below, one per line, in the following format: ; SubtypeId = Role;ColorHexValue ; Valid Roles: GRINDER, SOLDIER, ZOMBIE, GHOST, BRUISER, ; CREATURE, NOMAD ; EXAMPLE: Default_Astronaut=GRINDER;#112233 ; NOTE: The same subtype cannot be used for multiple roles ; [Additional Subtypes] Subtype=BotRole;#112233
The Command Menu

After building a helper, you will notice that when you aim at it, it becomes highlighted and a popup is displayed telling you to "Press F to interact" (it uses whatever you set as your USE key). If you press the corresponding key, the Command Radial will appear, allowing you to give commands to your helper.

Default Helper Behavior
  • Combat Bot / Scavenger Bot - will follow its owner around and attack enemies that come within a configurable range of its owner
  • Repair Bot - will look for friendly blocks to fix or build and floating objects to clean up
  • Crew Bot - will perform its assigned duty or wander the base like a Nomad if no duty assigned

  • Go To - will send the bot to the selected position (can also place them in seats); the bot will patrol from said position until recalled. This is also what is used to assign a Crew Bot to a role.

  • Stay - the bot will remain at its current location and cease all functions

  • Resume - use after giving a Go To, Stay, Follow, or Patrol command to return the bot to normal / default operation defined above

  • Follow - the will bot will follow its owner without deviating to perform any actions

  • Patrol - opens a GUI menu that allows you to create patrol routes or select from a list of routes previously created, as well as delete or rename them. All routes are saved to file and loaded back in with the world. Below is what the menu looks like.

  • Inventory - opens a GUI menu that allows for items to be moved between player and bot inventories; this functions like a normal inventory screen with drag-and-drop functionality as well as modifier keys for multi-item movement. Below is what the menu looks like.

    • ALT + LMB: sends 1 of the item to the opposite inventory
    • CTRL + LMB: sends 10 of the item to the opposite inventory
    • SHIFT + LMB: sends 100 of the item to the opposite inventory
    • CTRL + SHIFT + LMB: sends 1000 of the item to the opposite inventory
    • Double-Click: sends the entire stack to the opposite inventory
    • Right-Click: opens a context menu for weapons and consumable items
The Mod Menu (Player and Admin)
The Text HUD API mod comes with a nifty feature called the Mod Menu. Press Enter to bring up the chat box, then press F2 to open the Mod Menu. From there, you can click Mod Settings -> AiEnabled which will open the mod settings seen below. These should only need to be set once per world.

    There are also several Admin settings that you can get to by pressing Alt+F10 and navigating the Admin Mod Menu. Note that there are more settings than shown, scroll down to see more!

    Configuration Files (Player and Admin)
    NOTE: It is preferable to use the admin / player mod menus for items that are included! However, some items, such as the allowed bot types, can only be changed via the config file. See the Mod Menu section for items that you can change in-game on the fly!

    Admin Config
    The AiEnabled admin config file can be found in the world storage folder
    • Location: SpaceEngineers(Dedicated)\Saves\####\World_Name\Storage
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <SaveData xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <MaxBotsInWorld>100</MaxBotsInWorld> <MaxHelpersPerPlayer>10</MaxHelpersPerPlayer> <AllowRepairBot>true</AllowRepairBot> <AllowCombatBot>true</AllowCombatBot> <AllowScavengerBot>true</AllowScavengerBot> <AllowCrewBot>true</AllowCrewBot> <ObeyProjectionIntegrityForRepairs>true</ObeyProjectionIntegrityForRepairs> <DisableCharacterCollisionOnBotDeath>false</DisableCharacterCollisionOnBotDeath> <MaxBotProjectileDistance>75</MaxBotProjectileDistance> <MaxBotHuntingDistanceEnemy>75</MaxBotHuntingDistanceEnemy> <MaxBotHuntingDistanceFriendly>75</MaxBotHuntingDistanceFriendly> <MaxPathfindingTimeInSeconds>30</MaxPathfindingTimeInSeconds> <PlayerWeaponDamageModifier>1.5</PlayerWeaponDamageModifier> <BotWeaponDamageModifier>1</BotWeaponDamageModifier> <AllowBotMusic>false</AllowBotMusic> <AllowNeutralsToFly>false</AllowNeutralsToFly> <AllowEnemiesToFly>true</AllowEnemiesToFly> <AllowHelpersToFly>true</AllowHelpersToFly> <AllowNeutralTargets>false</AllowNeutralTargets> <AllowIdleMovement>true</AllowIdleMovement> <AllowIdleMapTransitions>false</AllowIdleMapTransitions> <AllowHelmetVisorChanges>true</AllowHelmetVisorChanges> <EnforceWalkingOnPatrol>true</EnforceWalkingOnPatrol> <EnforceGroundPathingFirst>false</EnforceGroundPathingFirst> <IgnoreArmorDeformation>false</IgnoreArmorDeformation> <AllowHelperTokenBuilding>true</AllowHelperTokenBuilding> <AllowedHelperSubtypes /> <AllowedBotSubtypes /> <AllowedBotRoles /> <PlayerHelperData />

    • MaxBotsInWorld - how many bots can be in the world at one time
    • MaxHelpersPerPlayer - how many active helpers a player can have at one time
    • Allow**Bot - toggles ability to build the given bot type
    • ObeyProjectionIntegrityForRepairs - attempts to maintain build ratio as it's projected (experimental)
    • DisableCharacterCollisionOnBotDeath - toggles physics disabling when bots die
    • MaxBotProjectileDistance - how far in meters bot projectiles are allowed to travel
    • MaxBotHuntingDistance** - how far away bots will attempt to find a target. Note that large distances can affect performance!
    • MaxPathfindingTimeInSeconds - how long the pathfinding algorithm will run before giving up. The larger the grid, the higher this should be set!
    • **WeaponDamageModifier - will multiply the given weapon damage by this amount. This is damage inflicted, not damage received.
    • AllowBotMusic - if true, bots will occasionally sing a short song verse.
    • Allow**ToFly - toggles the ability for the given type to fly. Only affects new spawns!
    • AllowIdleMovement - toggles the ability for bots to wander around when they don't have a target. Disabling this can improve performance.
    • AllowIdleMapTransitions - toggles the ability for bots to wander outside of their starting map area.
    • AllowHelmetVisorChanges - if true, bots will raise and lower their helmet visor depending on the oxygen level.
    • EnforceWalkingOnPatrol - if true, bots will be forced to walk when they are traversing patrol points.
    • IgnoreArmorDeformation - if true, Repair Bots will not attempt to repair blocks that only contain deformation damage.
    • AllowHelperTokenBuilding - toggles the ability for players to build bot materials in assemblers.
    • AllowedHelperSubtypes - [Config item only] changes the allowed character models that will be shown in the RoboFactory terminal window.
    • AllowedBotSubtypes - [Config item only] changes the allowed character models that are allowed to be spawned globally.
    • AllowedBotRoles - [Config item only] changes the allowed bot roles that are allowed to be spawned globally.

    Player Config
    The AiEnabled player config can be found in the local storage folder
    • Location: SpaceEngineers(Dedicated)\Storage
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <PlayerData xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <ShowHealthBars>true</ShowHealthBars> <ShowHealthWhenFull>true</ShowHealthWhenFull> <ShowHelperGPS>true</ShowHelperGPS> <HighlightHelpersOnMouseOver>false</HighlightHelpersOnMouseOver> <MouseSensitivityModifier>1</MouseSensitivityModifier> <RepairBotSearchRadius>0</RepairBotSearchRadius> <RepairBotIgnoreColorHSV xsi:nil="true" /> <RepairBotGrindColorHSV x="330" y="100" z="100" /> <HelperGpsColorRGB x="125" y="50" z="200" /> <Keybinds> <SerializableKeybind> <Key>R</Key> <Shift>true</Shift> <Ctrl>true</Ctrl> <Alt>false</Alt> <Action>RecallBots_Used</Action> </SerializableKeybind> </Keybinds> <PatrolRoutes> <Route World="AiEnabled Test World" Name="Route for CombatBot8052 [2 Waypoints]"> <GridEntityId xsi:nil="true" /> <VoxelWaypoint x="52920.502398177567" y="-27433.29197173081" z="12233.166631412951" /> <VoxelWaypoint x="52925.968563831724" y="-27426.317724192893" z="12225.130826458824" /> </Route> </PatrolRoutes> </PlayerData>

    • ShowHealthBars - toggles showing of health bars above bots
    • ShowHealthWhenFull - toggles showing of health bars for helpers when they are at full HP
    • ShowHelperGPS - toggles showing helper GPS waypoints
    • HighlightHelpersOnMouseOver - toggles highlighting helpers when aiming at them
    • MouseSensitivityModifier - adjusts the mouse sensitivity when navigating in game bot menus
    • RepairBotSearchRadius - adjusts how far your Repair helpers will search for targets, in meters
    • RepairBotIgnoreColorHSV - adjusts the Ignore Color for your Repair helpers to use, in HSV
    • RepairBotGrindColorHSV - adjusts the Grind Color for your Repair helpers to use, in HSV
    • HelperGpsColorRGB - adjusts the color of your helpers' GPS waypoints, in RGB
    • Keybinds - Do not edit. Use the Mod Menu instead!
    • PatrolRoutes - Do not edit! This is used by the Patrol Menu in game.
    TSS Helper Status (LCD Script)
    Want to know what your bots are up to? Take a look at the Helper Status LCD script! If you aren't familiar, LCD scripts are client-side only scripts so only the local player can see what's written. Other players would see *their* version of it :)

    What you'll see:
    • A separate section for each of your active helper bots
    • Contextual information based on the type of helper
    • Cockpit LCDs will have less data shown as the screens are too small to fit most of it

    All you need to do is set any LCD's content type to Script and then select [AiEnabled] Helper Status from the list.

    Feel free to adjust the background and foreground colors to your liking as well :)

    You may also adjust the font scale and type by adding these tags to the Custom Data of the block

    For scale:
    [AiE Font Scale]=1.25 (takes any number, default = 0.5)

    For type:
    [AiE Font Type]=Debug (see below for valid fonts, default = Debug)

    Valid fonts when testing (subject to change):
    • Debug
    • Red
    • Green
    • Blue
    • White
    • DarkBlue
    • UrlNormal
    • UrlHighlight
    • ErrorMessageBoxCaption
    • ErrorMessageBoxText
    • InfoMessageBoxCaption
    • InfoMessageBoxText
    • ScreenCaption
    • GameCredits
    • LoadingScreen
    • BuildInfo
    • BuildInfoHighlight
    • Monospace
    • BI_SEOutlined
    • BI_Monospace
    • BI_Green
    • BI_SkyBlue
    • BI_Yellow
    • BI_Gray
    Random Encounters
    There are a number of mods that make use of the API I have written, and these are what you'll need in order to gain random encounters.

    Most of them make use of Modular Encounters Systems. MES is not required, but strongly recommended!

    In addition to MES, there are a number of content-addons and other encounter mods that you can find on the AiEnabled Discord[]. Come check it out and look for the #mod-addons channel :)
    Using the mod as a framework
    Want to harness the power of AiEnabled in your own mod? Fear not! There are two ways you can accomplish this:
    1. You can utilize MES as a framework and simply create a Bot Profile and Encounter ruleset that MES will ingest and automatically generate encounters with. Check out the MES Documentation[] for help making an MES Bot Spawn Profile.
    2. You can grab the API and write your own encounter logic. In the downloaded mod files, you'll just need to copy the file RemoteBotAPI.cs from the API folder into your own mod, and then instantiate an instance of the class in LoadData(). Beyond that, explore, enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions or need something exposed or added!

    Default Behaviors
    While you can just pass in null for the behavior and the API will use the default, below are the default behaviors listed out just in case you want to know. Note that using the API, you can use any character subtype to spawn a bot. This means that you can use other modded characters as NPCs, or the default astronaut.

    Enemy Roles
    GRINDER (defaults to Space_Skeleton model)
    ZOMBIE (defaults to Space_Zombie model)
    SOLDIER (defaults to Police_Bot model)
    GHOST (defaults to Ghost_Bot model)
    BRUISER (defaults to Boss_Bot model)
    CREATURE (defaults to Space_Wolf and Space_spider models)

    Friendly Roles
    REPAIR (defaults to Drone_Bot model)
    COMBAT (defaults to Target_Dummy model)
    SCAVENGER (Defaults to RoboDog model)
    CREW (defaults to Default_Astronaut and Default_Astronaut_Female models)

    Neutral Roles
    NOMAD (defaults to Default_Astronaut and Default_Astronaut_Female models)
    ENFORCER (defaults to Default_Astronaut and Default_Astronaut_Female models)

    There's also more info on the AiEnabled Wiki[]
    Issues / Bug Reports / Feedback
    There are likely to be bugs that weren't caught in testing. If you find one, please let me know so I can fix it! You can reach me on here or on Discord (jTurp#7926).

    Come join me on the AIEnabled Discord server[], the best place for bug reports and other feedback!

    AiEnabled log and admin config files can be found in the world storage folder
    • Location: SpaceEngineers(Dedicated)\Saves\####\World_Name\Storage
    AiEnabled player config can be found in the local storage folder
    • Location: SpaceEngineers(Dedicated)\Storage
    Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How do I increase the number of helpers I can have?

      A: by using the Admin Mod Menu, found by pressing Alt+F10. The mod menu can be found in the top left corner of the screen. Full details can be found in the Mod Menu section of this guide.

    2. Why are my bots just standing around with a map icon above their heads?

      A: the map icon is shown while bots are waiting for the area to be mapped out for pathfinding. The larger the area (ie grid volume), the longer it takes for the mapping process to complete. This can range from a few seconds to a few hours for extremely large grids

    3. What can I do to speed up the mapping process?

      A: the best way to speed up the mapping process is to create square grid sections, separated by connectors. These should have as little overlap as possible (ie and L-shaped section could overlap a smaller square and cause issues). Each square / grid will receive its own map, and bots will switch between them as needed. Check the pictures below for an example.

    4. I keep getting "Capacitors recharging" when trying to build bots, what is going on?

      A: This happens (generally) when one of a few things occurs:
      1. Your sandbox.sbc file needs to be cleaned (Keen didn't remove old identities properly)
        • I wrote an app that will take care of this for you, which is pinned in #general on the discord server. Instructions on how to use it are in the app. The GitHub link to the project is here[]

      2. You don't have the Bot Spawner mod loaded, or it was loaded incorrectly, etc
        • Try adding the Bot Spawner dependency manually to your mod list and try again

      3. You have something running cleanup on characters inside planets - this is required for AiE
        • Disable cleanup for Characters

      If none of the options works, please let me know and I'll take a closer look at your situation :)

    5. I have repair bots that are just standing around when there are things to be welded / repaired, why is that?

      A: This can be caused by one of a handful of things...
      1. Is the area done being mapped? The bot should no longer have a map icon showing if true

      2. Is the grid to be welded friendly to you? They will not weld neutral / enemy grids

      3. Can they get to the places that need to be welded? Pathfinding issue?
        • Might be something in the log pertaining to pathing timeout, which is adjustable

      4. Do they have enough materials to weld inside the map area where the weld project is?
        • Bots only know about their "current" map, they have no concept of other maps, or where "home base" is. They need materials readily available nearby
        • Connectors separate map areas, so assuming they will pull components across connectors will fail - you need to use a sorter to get components onto this grid
        • If the thing to be welded is a large grid, it will get its own map area, and thus will will need materials inside *that* grid for them to find

      5. Place an LCD and set it to the Helper Status script. What does it say they are doing?
        • If it shows they are missing a component, be sure to create some!

      6. Are there any errors showing in the mod log? Location in the pins in general
        • If this is the case, please proceed to the Bug Report Forum on the discord and give me the details :)

    6. I have repair / grinder bots that refuse to weld / grind the grid that is a short ways from my main base, what's wrong?

      A: When grinding or welding different Large Grids then your "main" grid (where your cargo resides), you'll want to make a patrol route between the two grids so the bots know to travel between them. When you do this, you want to force the bot to have to interact with the grid (path across it at least a little) so it's forced to switch map areas each time.

      Consider the image below:
      • The black square represents your main grid, where your components and cargo reside.
      • The red square is the other large grid your bot is trying to weld or grind.
      • The purple point doesn't force the bot to interact with the red grid (path across it) so it could potentially get to that world position without switching maps, which means no welding or grinding
      • The green point forces it to path around / through the target grid, so it will switch maps and do its job

    7. Can this be used on XBox or PlayStation?

      A: Unfortunately, no. Consoles do not allow client-side scripts, and AiEnabled uses both server- and client-side scripts.
    A HUGE shoutout to Chipstix213 for creating all of the bots that this mod uses, as well as the spawn blocks; to enenra, Klime, and Meridius_IX / Lucas as well for all of the input and assistance with getting things ready; to DraygoKorvan for the amazing Text Hud API; and to Digi and Draygo for putting up with all of my blonde moments and the very helpful folks in the modding channel. Thank you <3

    Some sound effects obtained from
    jTurp  [author] 3 Feb @ 3:13pm 

    You can add [AiExclude] to the name of containers they have trouble with, and they will exclude them from their search for materials.
    jTurp  [author] 3 Feb @ 3:12pm 

    Yep, as Abisius mentioned, AiE doesn't spawn *anything* by itself. You likely have Populated Worlds, or MES running to trigger the waves, which should be configurable on their end
    Abisius 13 Jan @ 10:17pm 
    what kind of waves?
    if you mean with waves that multiple enemys spawn in and go after you than to my knowledge at this poin that isnt handled by aie itself and you need to look for the mod you use that handles it.
    lordfadooboo 13 Jan @ 8:05pm 
    any way to change time between waves? id like to keep the mod active but i get a massive multi-second lag every time a wave spawns. or to just turn off the waves but keep ai in npc ships
    jayt8lor 4 Jan @ 2:42pm 
    Are you able to tell the repair bots which container to pull resources from? Mine regularly try to get stuff from containers they are just unable to reach
    jTurp  [author] 16 Nov, 2024 @ 5:25pm 

    Someone mentioned that leaving / joining the faction again fixed it on their end. Can try that.

    But, to see what the *mod* is telling you is wrong - click on the Build button in the factory terminal, then click on the RoboFactory in the terminal list immediately thereafter. Then, you can scroll down and see the message I post regarding the attempt to spawn.
    KILLFUCC SOULSHIEITTER 29 Oct, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
    You should add that (Enter+F2) opens the menu to set grind color, was looking on how to set this up for a long time, but really good!
    CHOO CHOO 23 Oct, 2024 @ 9:47pm 
    Same problem here. It worked for many hours, then all my bots disappeared and I could no longer build new ones. Enough cash in inventory, bot materials in the robofactory, factioned up as always, but it simply does not do anything.
    jTurp  [author] 18 Oct, 2024 @ 5:47pm 

    Not broken, but Keen messed up the ability to display messages in the terminal window.

    The likely reason for your issue is you are not in a faction, you don't have enough credits, or you don't have the correct bot material
    LiL_Pit_40 18 Oct, 2024 @ 3:57pm 
    I cant build any of the bots. Is this broken?