

38 ratings
Kingfisher Expedition/cargo vessel
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25 Jul, 2022 @ 2:20pm
27 Jul, 2022 @ 12:31am
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Kingfisher Expedition/cargo vessel

Whether your moving heavy or dangerous cargo on long voyages throughout those frigid waters, looking for an adventure to scoop up some alien artifacts, or just wanna go out and blast some sealife silly, look no further than:


This one-of-a-kind multipurpose vessel, manufactured as the first sub designed straight from the minds of Osco ind.'s very own shipyards comes with a variety of features and amenities in order to cater to the needs of many crews.

Additionally, we here at Osco shipyards believe you should get every ounce of bang for your buck, so included is the almighty 'GREMLIN' our second homebrew design, which is included with every Kingfisher purchase for only half price!

General info

Top speed:
Top vert. speed:
Cargo capacity:
64 crates (+4 spare)


The Kingfisher offers a small number of modules and design quirks to allow for a more secure and efficient voyage.


Thanks to our generous and ever so kind benefactors over in EK dockyards, the kingfisher comes with a computer adjusted system that keeps the reactor efficiency high and power fluctuations low!

Before being sent into the grid, Reactor power is fed straight into an array of batteries, the charge rate of which is automatic and proportional to their charge%. Meanwhile the reactor will take into account fuel as well as load requirement and adjust accordingly to reduce fuel usage, increasing efficiency tremendously.

The reactor's auto control can be turned off via a lever in the reactor room, the reactor trim can also be adjusted here from the thingie under the catwalk.

Be aware: the batteries will start fully charged but will drain and stabilise at around 75%
(Many thanks to 'Videogames' for making that lovely little system.)


Tired of only having one viewpoint out of your submarine as a captain? Wish you had more funny spotlights to swivel around? WELL WISH NO MORE!
Thanks to a wonderful thing called wi-fi (pronounced: why fy) you can look in any direction and scan every inch of your sub. Simply pull the trigger while using the command periscope to cycle between a total of 6 lights, it's that easy!

Additionally, to switch off both weapon and navigation spotlights, there are buttons right beside the periscope.


This nifty little shuttle gives you everything you need to get yourself out to a remote location in a hurry. With a variety of pre-packed on-board storage compartments, a top speed of over 80km/h and its own personal chaingun, this blighter was designed to go the extra distance.

Battery life and power drain is no issue either, with 3 batteries and a purpose-installed power-toggle switch (located on the batteries) you can leave the gremlin in park if you have to and keep it from making unnecessary noise aboard your vessel. It even comes with its own diving suits, an "auto-cycling" airlock and automatic bilge pumps.

Here's some honourable mentions:
  • Redundant system batteries
  • Reactor shutdown lever (also locks blast door)
  • Automatic reactor flood lock
  • Disable ballast drain levers...lever
  • Secondary engine shutdown (for power saving)
  • Bridge door lock
  • Onboard grow room
  • Auto-closing doors
  • Luxurious captains quarters

1xHeavy rotary coilgun (+1 for standard shuttle)
1xPulse laser
1xRailgun turret
2xDischarge coils
1xVacant hardpoint

Vanilla and campaign ready!
...whatever that means...uhhh, management has asked me to include the fact that this submarine should be fine for...campaigns and uses no mods?
The included hardpoint also allows for a small yet important upgrade and they would like to recommend you add a chaingun or coilgun, but the choice is ultimately yours...

Additionally most of the onboard storage is auto-filled and only the supplies cabinets and prep room are manually supplied...

huh, well there you go, if that's important to you, then i suppose it sounds good.

Management would also like to state that any and all feedback or technical mishaps and reports are to be posted in the comments of this advertisement and will be read and hopefully amended within due time and please remember to like and whatever else, thank you!

Hardsight 27 Jul, 2023 @ 1:37am 
Wonderful ship and great design. I just got problems with controlling the shuttle and also had to unwired doors to allow water flow to the pumps. But great ship!
Antinomy 16 Jan, 2023 @ 10:14pm 
Will it be updated? Supercapacitor in the shuttle is non-interactive rendering the gun useless, bots cannot move on ladders, preview image non existent, and it should be T3 not T1. :)
Dakota 17 Dec, 2022 @ 4:40pm 
Medical in the middle of the ship is a bit too much foot traffic, nearly no way to pump out water, and the exploration shuttle's electrical is impossible to repair so it just burns out from a little water damage and breaks forever.
PALLE 11 Sep, 2022 @ 6:08am 
nice ship : )
[FUMO] Snoru 10 Sep, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
Why medical in the middle of the ship. Kinda doesnt fit. imo, specialized rooms shouldn't be a hallway as well
MIRROR 7 Sep, 2022 @ 2:57am 
god i suck at everything
𝓦𝓲𝔃𝔃 3 Sep, 2022 @ 8:46pm 
Maybe link deconstructors and fabricators to the storage lockers?
dictator putski  [author] 27 Jul, 2022 @ 11:44pm 
also they're probably unable to repair some stuff cus the bridge is only ID'd to the captain and security (i find it annoying when people just barge in and start steering the thing wherever they want). you can just hold the door open for them i think
dictator putski  [author] 27 Jul, 2022 @ 11:42pm 
yeah it is, if a bot is stuck in the reactor then you gotta use the lever to open the door, it *might* lock due to water but i could implement an override if that happens to be the problem
abyssal_ 27 Jul, 2022 @ 8:16pm 
excellent sub design that looks great for multiplayer, but when i brought it into testing from the editor it looked like the bots were unable to repair some components, and the engineer got locked in the reactor room somehow and suffocated. im not v familiar with sub building so idk what is causing these issues, aside from reactor having no oxygen vent, which i assume is to deprive fires of oxygen