Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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M-M-CH-1 Cargo Hauler
Type: Blueprint
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2.462 MB
27 Jun, 2022 @ 12:21pm
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M-M-CH-1 Cargo Hauler

capable of going to every plannet fully loaded. Capable of doing some nice fighting because of the powerfull hydro s and desent amount of gyroscopes its agile and some what fast even fully loaded.


Ion thrusters ( minimal for space movement )
Hydro thrusters
2 large containers
6 Gatling guns
4 Auto cannons
1 Auto canon Turret
2 jump drives
6 battery s
1 large reactor
2 hydro engines
4 O2/H2 generators

so you can go get you ores pretty much every where in the universe and will always have power to move.

( sorter program is set to fixed cargo because it worked for me. feel free to change at own will.)