Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Game Mode: Classic, Custom
Tags: Map
File Size
2.626 MB
11 Jun, 2022 @ 2:18pm
25 Jul, 2022 @ 9:52am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Terrorists are planning to blow up some really important pipes in the sewerage system. Don't ask.
LuHuLu  [author] 17 Jul, 2022 @ 6:20am 
Thank you! I am aware of the size issue, and working on it. Thanks for the feedback
kalinoŭski112 17 Jul, 2022 @ 3:53am 
4) The feature of the map after which it was named - the sewers - are an area with unrealized potential. The staircase down the sewerage and the way to the vent stand out positively as a way of T's to quickly rotate. Definitely needs refinement but it's a good direction overall. Also, inaccessible area should be sealed off by a prop and not a technical texture: it's weird to see and breaks immersion. I hope this review doesn't look demolishing to the author, as I merely want to address some issues, solving which would help the playability. The map looks promising, will try and check out later. Best of luck to the author!
kalinoŭski112 17 Jul, 2022 @ 3:53am 
3) Elevations on the map, situated in both CT and T spawns, offer an interesting gameplay perspective and good timings for both sides, however they lack balance: while CTs can utilize 2 elevations (booth and some staircase) to guard the site AND skirmish with whoever is in T Spawn's window, Ts only can use one, which makes it incredibly vulnerable. And a one-way route to is doesn't make it better: if a player is pinned from both sides, he can't escape. He either has make a run to spawn or jump out into what I assumed to be Long. In both instances player exposes himself to players in said elevations and can be easily gunned down. Needs fixing. (cont. in next comm.)
kalinoŭski112 17 Jul, 2022 @ 3:53am 
I like the premise of the map, however there some issues that I found: 1) The size of the map is a little too small, the bombsite fells especially cramped and claustrophobic. Increasing the site's area would positively impact the experience, make it lengthier and more enjoyable. 2) I like the 'high risk - high reward' element the developer put in the map while designing the vent. However, in my opinion at least, the risk is too high and reward is too small. To reach bombsite via the vent, Ts require 5 sec., while CTs only need 3 sec. In this situation the vent can be easily prefired. I'd suggest raising the vent's ceiling to make it similar to Nuke's. (continuing in the next comment)