Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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10 juin 2022 à 22h29
24 aout 2023 à 20h39
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Dans 2 collections faites par m4gic
183 objets
39 objets
From the West-March through the Gap of Rohan all the way to Great Anduin, and from the ancient fecund shade of Fangorn to the towering, snowcapped White Mountains - The Riddermark stretches tall and wide; open as a palm whose callouses are tufts of chalk and whose weathered lines are rivers snaking through the grass.

The mighty tower Orthanc stands guard next to the River Isen in the West; the Entwash flows through the steppe's heart where its wide mouth joins the Great River; and to the south stand the battered walls of Helm’s Deep: asleep...hopefully never to be pressed into service again...

* * * * * * *

Freeways underground, make your own connections at start. No ship, plane or rail, Horse Lord.

Inspired by J R R Tolkien / LOTR
1 commentaires
m4gic  [créateur] 25 aout 2023 à 8h42 
Just refined and updated!