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Winds of Magic Overhaul
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1 Jun, 2022 @ 1:27am
26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:30pm
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Winds of Magic Overhaul


When I went through the Warhammer 3 blog posts before the game released, one thing that concerned me considerably was the cap of 100 Winds of Magic. Since the game released, the 100 magic personally did feel too low, and I think it has at least 2 problems. The first is that it is often not enough magic for battles with more than 2 armies clashing and perhaps also some settlement battles(walled or not). The second reason, 100 turns out to be too easy to reach that an army can acquire 100 in a few turns thanks to Channeling Stance; once an army reaches 100, it leaves wanting for more that they cannot get throughout the rest of the campaign, especially for Legendary Lords(Teclis, Mazdammundi, Balthasar Gelt, Morathi, Kairos Fateweaver, etc.) whose thing is being super powerful wizards in Warhammer Fantasy, and then they rely on the infinite Winds bug/exploit during battle to get more magic that way, which I don't find to be very fun. I decided to learn how to mod in order to make this one.

Update: A lot has changed since I started developing this mod. Increasing the magic cap used to not be a thing, but CA started to and has implemented more and more methods to increase that over time. Still, I think this mod applies some unique additions to the mechanics already implemented.

What This Mod Does:

First off, the base magic cap is increased from 100 to **225. However, there is a caveat. After 100 Winds of Magic, the magic will reduce and decay starting at -3 per turn. This decay will increase even more as an army acquires more magic. This mod used to have a flat decay increase when reaching higher decay tiers, but it has been updated to now have the decay ramp up more at higher tiers. Reaching 225+ magic is intended to be a challenge and rewarding, but there are options to increase that capacity that will be mentioned later.

**CA has made increasing the magic cap much more common in patch 4.1.1, so I decided to reduce it from 250 to 225.

**Converting Magic Percentage Increases:
I have converted all percentage increase when magic is increasing effects to flat magic increasing values as I don't think they will be compatible for this mod. Typically, every 5% is converted to +1 increase/decrease to WoM for each effect. Applies to all skills, buildings, technologies, traits, etc. It also applies to WoM percentage reduction effects. This is primarily to overcome the new magic decay at higher magic pools in order to reach said higher magic pools.
-Ex: Magical Reserves is changed from giving 20% additional magic when increasing per turn to giving +4 Magic per turn. (Update: The vanilla effect has been changed to give +5 magic capacity instead. I decided to keep that effect while also adding the +4 magic per turn.)
-Also, Greater Arcane Conduits now also give +5 Magic per turn

**CA has done away with increasing magic % when increasing in patch 4.1.1, so much of this is irrelevant now

Winds of Magic Items:
Winds of Magic items and abilities have also been modified. They now give triple the amount of magic they used to in battle to accommodate for the increased magic cap. Magic recharge rates are unchanged.
-Chromatic Tome, for instance, now gives +0.3 WoM per second when active instead of +0.1
--I also modified Prismatic Amplifier increasing the magic recharge rate from 16% to 160% because I am 99% sure that it's a bug/typo and no way a blue tier item should give so little like that.
-Update: To utilize the increased magic pool better in battle, I decided to increase the magic recharge rates of Arcane Conduit and Greater Arcane Conduit by 50% (so 40% to 60% for Arcane Conduit for instance)

Increased Winds of Magic Capacity:
There are also more methods to further increase the magic capacity for your armies, albeit in a limited fashion. These effects are primarily applied to certain landmarks(ex: Black Pyramid of Nagash), traits, and magic buildings from certain factions(ex: Empire's wizard building gives +2 magic capacity). However, not all factions can increase the capacity via the 3rd method. (I don't think the Greenskins, for instance, are attuned to the Winds of Magic as much as the Empire or the High Elves)

Expanded Daemon Buffs

If you don't want these effects, this mod here will implement the increased magic pools without them. These mods are standalone, so do not run them together.

One more major thing, the Chaos daemon factions are now meaner with additional buffs at higher magic pools. More magic, so more demon buffs.

  • +8% Weapon Strength
  • +20% Spell Resistance

1st Tier (80-159)
  • Melee Defence changed from +5% to +4
2nd Tier (160-250+)
  • +7 Melee Defence
  • +7% Replenishment for Nurgle Units

  • +10% Speed
  • +6% Armor Piercing Weapon Strength
  • +6 Charge Bonus

  • +12% Barrier Replenishment Rate
  • +9% Barrier Hit Points
  • -9% Barrier Recharge Delay

Daemons of Chaos(151-250+):
  • +8 Leadership
  • +10% Physical Resistance

Vilitch the Curseling(151-250+):
  • +2 Tzeentch Authority
  • +30% Experience gain for Tzeentch units
  • +9% Souls gained from battle

To give the Dwarfs some love as the content above doesn't give them anything, I eventually gave them further spell resistance for their melee infantry and gave their rune characters further reduced cooldowns to runes. As with the above content, the player has to progress to earn the buffed traits.
  • Unit Rank 7 skill nodes for lords grant or give more spell resistance for melee infantry
  • Runesmiths' and Rune Lords' skills give further rune cooldowns reductions
  • Rune Lords drain more magic from enemy armies per turn, and it's province-wide


-None at this time

The magic threshold bars visually do not reflect the new Winds of Magic pool on the army panel UI. Every magic threshold effect starting at 100 or above will appear in the wrong place. Typically, the thresholds will take the difference between the max number and the min number and start from 0 up to that number height on the army panel's magic bar.
This visual issue should not impact the functionality of the mod. I have scoured every game file I could find to try and fix this, but I flat out could not do so.
-Update: I incredibly managed to figure out how to fix this visual issue and I couldn't be happier that I finally did. This issue was a thorn in my side for so long.

No promises, but this should work with most other mods. Also, it's likely safe to add mid-campaign, but I recommend you start a new campaign for this mod. To be safe, any other mod that affects Winds of Magic will likely come into conflict with this.
-Any mod that adds their own %-increase-when-magic-is-increasing effects will lose those effects when installed together with this mod.
-Any effects from other mods that are also dependent on the Winds of Magic bar (mousing over the WoM bar to see them) on the army tab will get messy with this mod.
Legiaseth 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:57pm 
Think it was just a save issue with skrag having the skill at level 3 before it was reverted back to 1 level, since the slaughtermaster I had next to him works just fine! I'll just use pj's console to revert him and that should fix it!
StealthT0u  [author] 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
Sorry to hear that, but it's working on my end just fine. I'm afraid it's likely some issue on your end. Perhaps try redownloading the mod.
Legiaseth 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:45pm 
okay new issue, think you also may have deleted the whole effects of the walking larder skill now, it is now back to 1 level but I don't see any effects on it
Legiaseth 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
Thanks! I'll delete the pack I made for the temporary patch now!
StealthT0u  [author] 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:35pm 
Thanks for helping me find it. Forgot it's a Skrag-only skill. Walking Larder now has only 1 level. I've moved a portion of the magic reserves increase from it to his Great Maw Devours.
Legiaseth 26 Dec, 2024 @ 2:01pm 
Found a bug in the Walking Larder skill of Skrag: that skill only has one level in vanilla, but you added WOM regen on 3 levels in that skill, meaning it has its meat and casualty capture effect on the first level, but its upgrades convert it into a generic WOM regen trait with no effect on meat gain and capture, I made a quick .pack fix for myself that is on the workshop, but it will be deleted as soon as the issue is ficed on your side!
darowhouse 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:36am 
thank u 4 this mod. :)
can u fix the walking larder skill for ogre (level 2+3, income postbattle+flesh).
fredhoover 14 Dec, 2024 @ 12:48am 
Thanks for the great mod.
StealthT0u  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 6:06pm 
I believe items that affect WoM gain or increase the army magic cap on the campaign may become conflicted. Also in battle item effects that increase magic in battle.
The conflicts won't CTD, but some effects may be added or overridden.
Tig_Basty_Boi 12 Oct, 2024 @ 5:37am 
does this have any conflicts with the items and followers rebalance mod do you know?